Pat Vezpremi - Where is he at?

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Re: Veszpremi to the Gold Coast!

He is contracted to the Swans for next season. He can't decide who he plays for next year. So the only way he can play elsewhere next year is via a trade and even then we decide who to make a trade with not him. How many times does this have to be told?

Still doesnt reflect that he isnt leaving, as if a player is comfortable at his current club it's better to move him on then allow him to stay.

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I get the strong feeling here that Roos is refering to Veszpremi

AFL draftees have passion problem: Roos

"Where the frustration comes from, you know some of the boys if the game was amateur, you know there'd be some boys who'd walk out straight away," Roos told AAP.

"You know they haven't got the passion for the game, but they won't tell you that, because it's a good living, a good lifestyle, they never made the decision whether they want to play AFL footy and then they got drafted.

"Ultimately it comes down to the player and that's where it can become frustrating from the coaching point of view, you can tell them and tell them and tell them, but unless you've got a passion for the game it is very hard.

"Talent can only fool coaches for so long - you can get away with a certain amount of talent, and if you're enormously talented you can play for a certain amount of time, but at some point the game catches up."

I agree. Why do BF fans waste so much groaning and moaning for a kid who could play seniors any time he decided to pull his finger out ? All this crap about some kind of Roos conspiracy just doesn't cut it.
I must admit, for two years I've been wanting to see Veszpremi get an extended run in seniors so we could all see if he could live up the flashes of potential he has shown. Part of it was because he seemed to offer that flair and what seemed real quality we've generally lacked.

But as this season has unfolded, it's quite obvious we've got flair and genuine skill and class in spades, in the form of Jack, Hannebery, Jetta, Dennis-Lane, Rohan, McGlynn, Kennedy, Meredith and hopefully the likes of Lewis Johnston.

If Veszpremi hasn't earned a crack alongside those players it's his problem, and no longer Sydney's. We're going along just fine and it might be even more in our interests to trade him to Gold Coast for one of their ready-made youngsters or a high draft pick, or whatever.
The fact is that Vespremi got games in our 2008 & 2009 teams. It's fair to assume that we are a much better team in 2010 if we take in to account our tough draw this year & the amount of injuries we've had.

This is definitely a tougher team to break into & Roos created this new lease of good form by declaring that he wasn't just going to hand out games to guys that weren't doing what was asked of them in the two's.

Roos stuck with guys that may have been out of form in the seniors but were at least trying to stick to the team rules & trying to execute their roles in the team. The poorer coached teams of the comp would have 'punished' these players by dropping them & 'rewarded' a player from the twos that may have had some good form but not necessarily consistent with the team rules.

Roos' insistence on players doing what was asked of them by coaches, just a few weeks ago, has clearly been the catalyst for what has happened in the last 3 weeks. It didn't happen right away but the persistence has paid off..............................& very well too. We are sitting 5th after nearly facing an exit from the top 8! Of course we need to continue against the Lions tomorrow.

I am now very comfortable as a supporter to know that the player/s that get a game in our senior team have earned their spot & will be an adequate replacement for the player that goes out.

Ted Richards & Bevo are the two classic examples of this. Bevo especially.
He has been in & out in the last few years & now that he has been left in the team, he has produced some of the most honest efforts we've seen from anyone all year. He may make the odd mistake, but there will always be a place for someone that gives honest effort after honest effort.
Now we have a guy in our team that is chock full of confidence to do a job up forward or down back.

If Roos asked Bevo to stop Hodge for example, then I'm comfortable that Bevo would give his all for the coach. If he all of a sudden needed to go forward in the same match, then Bevo would jump at the opportunity.
He is a born again player for us.........................& the bonus is that he has played in a p'ship. Not a big role but the occasion of another final wouldn't freak him out. Bonus!

Perhaps some of the seconds players Roos' spoke of in that article are too full of their own importance & just aren't prepared to do the hard yards.
I say their time in the red & white may be up!

Do the job youngsters or move on!!
Just my thoughts!
Very well put Ted.

I'm sure a lot of supporters' of other clubs are scratching their heads at what is going on with Vez but they very well may be the same people who think we have no good younger players working hard and playing well.

Our future is very bright and i believe it will be bright with Vez here or with Vez at another club. If he wants to work his backside off and force his way into the side, great and bring it on. If he doesn't want to do what the coaches tell him to do, he can leave and i don't think it will have an effect on the club to be honest. If anything his inability to do what the coaches want and hence make the 22 (and potential departure from the club) will show all young players who come to our club that you gotta work bloody hard to crack this side.

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Well to be fair to Vespy, he IS young & he has a year to go on his contract....................he just may come around, should he in fact be one of the players Roos was aiming his comments at.

Draft season will be very interesting & many of our questions on who Roos is talking about will be answered during this period!

very interesting comments there! (yes, it's an unusually large number of posts from me today) Passion is important and often separates the good teams from the great ones. His comments about Dan Hannebery in particular go beyond football, I can't think of a single profession where this isn't the case:

"The thing that stands out about him, and it always does, is character, work ethic, desire to be successful, they're the common themes with guys who want to be successful," said Roos.
vezpremi is the real disappointment of the season, he has the talent but obviously not the attitude or workrate. Maybe trading him will make other young payers with the talent but not the workrate (lewis johnston) realise that if they dont work hard they will not make it!

If that's the case then why would you be named as an emergency? If the coach is going to send you a message, do you think he'd reward your poor effort with that? Apparently, Kennedy was killed from the grassy knoll!!!
Re: Veszpremi to the Gold Coast!

I don't think too many supporters of other clubs are wondering why Vez isn't playing. Vez is a good player but I'm not going to oversell him, or magnify his importance. If Vez was good enough he would be in the Team no doubt. He's not good enough at the moment. I think it's pretty simple. Our Team is different this year. And Vez ain't going anywhere next year unless we decide he is. I'll back the Coaching staff on this one.
Re: Veszpremi to the Gold Coast!

well he was on our emg and debutant Reid gets a game before him, so it seems there is something there why he isnt playing

Rohan came in because he played last week and Reid comes in with the thinking that we would need the extra tall with White having to split his playing time between the Forward line and the Ruck. I would of made the same moves.

People need to get over this idea that Veszpremi is in Roos' made books without them having any proof to back up such claims. If he is good enough to be in the senior team, he would be and clearly he isn't and that is HIS fault and not the coaches fault.

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Pat Vezpremi - Where is he at?

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