Certified Legendary Thread Patrick Cripps and Ah Chee

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Once that decision is made, safety for the opposing player is mitigated is left to chance and the outcome of the action


People are so classy. Using social media to racially abuse the guy that did nothing wrong and got knocked out...
Absolutely pathetic. These degenerates need to be held accountable.

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Who was the Adelaide who used his shoulder? Knee? To concuss Matt Kennedy late in last quarter?
We need his name so we can apply a 2 week suspension on him.
It may have been an accident, but that’s not the point.
If you cause concussion- you should face a penalty.
That Adelaide player “chose to stand in the way” of Kennedy as he was trying to pick up the ball.
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Absolutely pathetic. These degenerates need to be held accountable.

Should have their memberships revoked and banned from going to games. Absolute scumbags.

So sorry Ah Chee had to put up with it.
Lions Club Statement

The Brisbane Lions strongly condemn racist comments made about one of our players on social media.

It's disgusting behaviour and we must, and we will, continue to call it out.

There is no place for racism in sport, or in society full stop.

We have reported the incidences to the AFL Integrity Unit.

The Brisbane Lions celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and the incredible contribution Indigenous players have made to our club and to our great game.

It's disappointing to have to do so, but in moments like this we take the approach as a footy club to urge people to educate themselves about the harmful impacts of racially motivated comments and online abuse.

We would encourage you to visit itstopswithme.humanrights.gov.au to learn about the various forms of racism and the impact they can have on an individual, their family and those around them.

At the Lions we are a family, and when one hurts, we all hurt.

If you know anyone who behaves in this way, call it out as completely unacceptable.

Racism. It Stops With Me.
I feel it would be useful for Carlton to also come out in support of Ah Chee. In danger of inflaming this thread further I'd be surprised if it wasn't at least some Blues supporters who had a crack at Ah Chee. I'm as petty and tribal as they come when it comes to footy but this is just stupid that people had a crack at Ah Chee and clubs have the ability to stand up to this.
I feel it would be useful for Carlton to also come out in support of Ah Chee. In danger of inflaming this thread further I'd be surprised if it wasn't at least some Blues supporters who had a crack at Ah Chee. I'm as petty and tribal as they come when it comes to footy but this is just stupid that people had a crack at Ah Chee and clubs have the ability to stand up to this.

I didn't once blame Ah Chee for Cripps getting rubbed out, in fact i was really sorry he suffered concussion and will miss a vital game for the Lions tonight.

Absolutely disgusted and disappointed to read about the racist abuse directed at Ah Chee.

No room at our club or footy in general for mouth breathing bigots like that.
Very convenient for you to make the utterly unscientific statement that the concussion only occurred because Ah Chee hit his head on the ground, merely because it suits you.

The injury sustained by Ah Chee, in terms of a concussion, could have occurred from the bump, the ground, or Cripps landing on him afterwards. We will never know which, we only know that until this week, all three were considered part of Cripps’ liability.

Yeah, I'm the one being convenient in comparison to the post I quoted. You might want to apply some context huh?
Who was the Adelaide who used his shoulder? Knee? To concuss Matt Kennedy late in last quarter?
We need his name so we can apply a 2 week suspension on him.
It may have been an accident, but that’s not the point.
If you cause concussion- you should face a penalty.

It was actually Patrick Cripps. Friendly fire.
It ultimately doesn't matter what I think, so good luck to Carlton, but
A) why else would he jump that high, if there was no other player to contest with?
B) why would he turn his body, if he wasn't trying to body Ah Chee away from the ball?
If you show every other situation where a player approaches the contest with no other player in the contest, not a single one would show the action Cripps took. Hence Cripps' actions were not reasonable to any unbiased person.

And if you argue that they were, the response would then be that the circumstances were not out of Cripps' control due to events that could not be foreseen. As the contact is precisely and completely as a result of Cripps' actions.

Carlton got Cripps off because of a technicality of what the charge was based on (a bump) and what Cripps actually did, which was everything that a bump was, except the intent to bump.

It's a farce really. It's a sporting tribunal that on occasion becomes a plaything for lawyers, without all the rigor of a proper legal system. Farce.

Of course Cripps knew players were around the ball. His contention is that he didn't know that Ah Chee was also jumping for the ball. When Cripps goes for a high ball, he usually turns his body to protect the ball from other players. A lot of players do this in marking contests. Cripps will do this at stoppages. He secures the ball, stands in tackles and distributes. It's his 1 wood.

There was no technicality. The appeals tribunal said that Cripps was entitled to contest the ball as he did. The fact that a bump occurred due to the nature of the aerial contest, does not make it avoidable in any logical way as to how the game is played, and does not make it deserving of a suspension.

If that was a marking contest and Cripps marked the ball, would you find it worth of suspension? Is that the direction you want the game to take?

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He knocked him out with his forearm and elbow and pretended to go for the ball.

No he didn't, and the appeals tribunal agreed. Not even the original tribunal suggested that. You're adding nothing except ignorance in fact.
I feel it would be useful for Carlton to also come out in support of Ah Chee. In danger of inflaming this thread further I'd be surprised if it wasn't at least some Blues supporters who had a crack at Ah Chee. I'm as petty and tribal as they come when it comes to footy but this is just stupid that people had a crack at Ah Chee and clubs have the ability to stand up to this.

It is understood the racial comments towards Ah Chee were not posted by a Carlton member.
Sad that the consequence of Cripps trying to ‘inspire his team’ is that Cal received a concussion, will miss at least one game and has been receiving racist abuse from Carlton fans on social media.

If Carlton supporters have done that, hopefully they are stupid enough to use their real names and we track them down and drum them out of the game. Like all clubs, we have our fair share of idiots and racists and it's not on. You'll never see me defending this behaviour simply because someone supports the same club as me. Stamp it out wherever we see it. These dinosaurs need to die off.
Sad that the consequence of Cripps trying to ‘inspire his team’ is that Cal received a concussion, will miss at least one game and has been receiving racist abuse from Carlton fans on social media.

It is understood the racial comments towards Ah Chee were not posted by a Carlton member.
Does that imply it could still be a Carlton supporter than isn't a member?

Possibly. They may have established that the name wasn't in our membership database.

Does it matter who he supports though? Just expose the idiot.

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