Peter Faulks Injury

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Don't want to be rough on the kid but it simply showed a lack of awareness rather than extraordinary courage. Nevertheless, hope the kid is fine, especially given he's a former Swannie!

Basically what I thought while watching it... total lack of awareness, he runs back (showing courage) but just loses it then isn't aware/quick enough to realise he is about to be crunched.

He had "plenty" of time to turn/move out of the way, just seemed to turn, realise contact was going to be made and was going to try affect the Collingwoods player ability to mark but was a bit slow. Probably didn't expect the knee to be so high and thought he could attempt to spoil etc.

I would say though that I disagree where you say there is no courage, a lot of players would of simply side stepped from the contact, he was fully prepared for contact, just not so high, which that IS courage.
Was at the game a felt the same sickness to the stomach i did when Mick Barlow broke his leg. Proud of my boys tonight, still had a dip and i pray Faulksy makes a full recovery and can have a full, healthy pre season...
Courage is the act of knowing you most likely are going to get hurt and then going in anyway.

Obviously whenever you run back with the flight to mark you are have a degree of courage, regardless of whether you are in the clear on in Tony Lockett's hot spot. But over all I'm sorry but I don't think this is courageous or to be lauded, I think this is deer in headlights. He was never going to get anywhere near the ball, nor did he attack the contest hard enough to impact it. He's turned (possibly to get front and centre) and with a complete lack of awareness he's been cleaned up.

Harsh words I know, especially from behind a keyboard, but that's my 2 cents.

Jono Brown went back in a legitimate attempt to mark, and if Mitch Clark and 2 guys on him weren't there then he would have marked it. However, this Faulks incident and the earlier Toovey incident are not clever and predominantly the coaches and fellow players should wear some responsibility for this.

The players themselves also need to put their safety first at times before we get to a serious injury. The Lower hit on Thomas is a perfect example of a guy fumbling and not protecting himself and therefore getting cleaned up. If Thomas stands over that ball and uses his body to shield it he doesn't get knocked for six.
No reason for Wood lifting the knees whatsoever. This was avoidable.

Watching the replay Woods started to lift the knee as Faulks was backing into him and was already in the process of lifting it when Faulks turned around and by then it was too late. Woods was probably expecting to go the speccie and ended up cleaning up poor Faulks instead.

Courageous bit of play, wishing the kid a speedy recovery
not courageous, he thought the ball was well clear over his head and his reflexes showed that he didn't think he was getting near the ball or have players on top of him. Just saying, when you think you're going to be a spectator and then get cleaned up that's bad luck, courage or chicken peas ain't a part of this.
Some really classy posts here [/sarcasm] :thumbsdown:

Running with the flight of the ball, whether you misjudge it or not, is always courageous in my book. He could've squibbed, but didn't. I hope he makes a good recovery.
Some really classy posts here [/sarcasm] :thumbsdown:

Running with the flight of the ball, whether you misjudge it or not, is always courageous in my book. He could've squibbed, but didn't. I hope he makes a good recovery.

Yep mainly from your fellow supporters:eek:
Some really classy posts here [/sarcasm] :thumbsdown:

Running with the flight of the ball, whether you misjudge it or not, is always courageous in my book. He could've squibbed, but didn't. I hope he makes a good recovery.

Unfortunately, threads like this, always seem to degenerate on club lines, and club hatred lines.
Sad sign of how it is nowdays.
Hope Faulks is okay.
Basically what I thought while watching it... total lack of awareness, he runs back (showing courage) but just loses it then isn't aware/quick enough to realise he is about to be crunched.

He had "plenty" of time to turn/move out of the way, just seemed to turn, realise contact was going to be made and was going to try affect the Collingwoods player ability to mark but was a bit slow. Probably didn't expect the knee to be so high and thought he could attempt to spoil etc.

Nah. Its easy to say he could have moved out the way etc. on a youtube video at half real time but he took 1 step and it would have happened within about half a second.

I think he was just caught 'ball watching' and didnt have a clue that the player coming the other way was so close - hence why he turned. But theres no way he could have ever moved out of the way of that. He didnt have time to get his hands up to protect his face let alone go through the thought process of sidestepping out the way.

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Courageous to go back with the flight to begin with. Obviously he lacked a bit of awareness, so if he'd been quicker he could have escaped unscathed, but the fact he put himself in that position is evidence enough of his courage.

As for Wood's knee, please. Ignore the fact that Faulks is there and it's a textbook leap for a mark out in front. Wood is totally blameless.
No reason for Wood lifting the knees whatsoever. This was avoidable.

HAHAHAHA are you joking? That's funny. Have you ever been near a football?
That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!!

It's like saying "There was no reason for McPharlin to be running at Jono Brown like that. This was avoidable" or "Faulks put Wood in danger for being there and possible hurting Wood's knee with his face."

Every single time you go for a mark you put ur knee up. 1. to gain momentum in the air and 2. to protect your legs being taken from underneath you.
If he didn't go there'd be a thread questioning his courage.

Unfortunate but true. No doubting the courage, but we as a football community need to take some responsibility for these kind of incidents. There was nothing to gain from doing t going he courageous thing in this instance. The game was lost, the season over, but still we all encourage this kind of play and ridicule those that opt out. The poor guy could've killed himself!

At some point, the risk/reward analysis needs to be considered. There are many forms of courage. One might be the courage to take on the ridicule that you will inevitably receive by not going back with the flight in circumstances where it would likely do more harm than good for you/your team/your loved ones, such as this.

I sure wish Faulk a speedy recovery.
that is a serious collision, gotta give the guy credit, although you can tell he didnt expect any collision the way he was going back. Totally unlucky.

Reminds me of the Fevola/Slattery collision a few years back. Although slattery probably expected contact as he was trying to spoil.

They never look good but would be the first thing showed by the coaches monday morning to his teammates.
HAHAHAHA are you joking? That's funny. Have you ever been near a football?
That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!!

It's like saying "There was no reason for McPharlin to be running at Jono Brown like that. This was avoidable" or "Faulks put Wood in danger for being there and possible hurting Wood's knee with his face."

Every single time you go for a mark you put ur knee up. 1. to gain momentum in the air and 2. to protect your legs being taken from underneath you.

Of course I've been near a football, you fruitcake. This sounds ridiculous to you because of your Magpie boganness.

Wood could see what was about to unfold, he wasn't rising any higher, therefore there was no need for his knee to stay up. You and your type won't get it.
Some really classy posts here [/sarcasm] :thumbsdown:

Running with the flight of the ball, whether you misjudge it or not, is always courageous in my book. He could've squibbed, but didn't. I hope he makes a good recovery.

Thing is, there was one Collingwood 'tough guy' that actually did squib on a contest last night, commentators were making excuses for him, too. Pathetic.
Hope the kid is OK
Reminded me of Toovey colliding with Hawkins knee earlier this year.

If he didn't go the internet warriors would be calling him a coward.

Wood is as blameless as Hawkins both went for the ball.
Of course I've been near a football, you fruitcake. This sounds ridiculous to you because of your Magpie boganness.

Wood could see what was about to unfold, he wasn't rising any higher, therefore there was no need for his knee to stay up. You and your type won't get it.

Ok Sebastian.

Lol at "You and your type". What is my type? I don't know and I don't think you would know... Is your type one of those stereotypical Perth snobs?

And you clearly have not gone near a football if you think that.

A real question and this is not a troll, I actually want to know... How was Wood, after he has led for a mark, jumped with his knee for momentum and protection, whilst eyes square only on the ball, meant to then - mid-jump - look down at Faulks, think "my knee is about to hit his face", then straighten his knee? All within the space of 0.1 second.

My second is, if Wood was able to do this, would his knee hyper extend in the opposite direction due to the force of the impact?

Thirdly, if Wood was quick enough to do this, why was Faulks not quick enough to get out of the way himself?

I feel sorry for him and all players go in with alot of courage, I just don't see how you are blaming Wood...Extremely unfair.

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Peter Faulks Injury

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