POLL - Do you support KNEELING?

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The response should be proportionate to the power conditions that led to the event to happen.

Police aren't an oppressed group of people. They have a lot of power, can legally use deadly force (albeit with red tape of course depending on where they are located). Police being killed is actually a big deal in Australia, it gets a lot of media attention, partly because it so rarely occurs. If police were being killed daily and were being oppressed by some other power, then your scenario would be analogous.

The same can be said for when black people kill black people, I assume you aren't referring to black police officers - there is also no power dynamic between the two groups.

This is why when people in power (police, the military) kill people that are not in power (all different colours of people, poor people), you see a more visceral reaction. It's much like if politicians were abusing their power, you see protests. It's the power dynamic that triggers it.

Why are police officers not killing Asians and Indians if they are so racist?
Lol, you just stated, "If kneeling offends you - get over it" which hardly come across as someone who wants conversation but more like telling me to accept your leftist views and shut the hell up!!

Seriously ????

I honestly believe if you are offended by someone kneeling yes you should get over it.

If that offends you I apologise, maybe you should see the irony with the call for not to take offence at racist calls such being called a monkey but when called out for then being offended by someone kneeling.

Why is it leftist to accept the right to protest?

This is the irony I refer to, there is the new political correctness in play.

Let me ask this why does kneeling offend you I am interested.

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Asians earning more than whites is an inconvenient truth and defeats their pathetic arguments, so they just ignore it.

This has largely been explained on account that many Asian folks migrated to Western countries in the 20th century. And if you've ever migrated to a different country before, you'll know that it's not exactly cheap. Ergo, only the wealthier folks can migrate which bears out in the statistics you're drawing false conclusions against.
I agree with you that corporations worked out the left. Remember Occupy Wall St? How quickly that died off once corporations worked out that could profit from these idiots with meaningless gestures to make them happy, like changing their Facebook profile picture to a rainbow flag.

I agree. It's also a thing every pride month or black history month.

I guess the difference between us is that where I see neoliberals cynically pandering to identity politics you see radical leftists.

Corporations can never be considered left wing. They exist to make money for few and exploit their workers.
How many Asian American's families were first brought into the US as slaves?

How is something that happened 200 years ago relevant to someone being a gang banger?

Vietnam had a devastating war 45 years ago. If anyone should be resentful of white Americans it should be the Vietnamese but they're not. Cambodia had a holocaust where nearly a third of the population was killed a mere 45 years ago.

Being brought over from Africa to work 200 years ago pales in comparison to those experiences I have mentioned.

A lot of white Australians have descendants that were slaves forcibly sent from England.

Slavery still exists in Africa today and has existed throughout history in Africa.
This has largely been explained on account that many Asian folks migrated to Western countries in the 20th century. And if you've ever migrated to a different country before, you'll know that it's not exactly cheap. Ergo, only the wealthier folks can migrate which bears out in the statistics you're drawing false conclusions against.

A lot of Asian migrants came here barely speaking English and would take any job or start something like a drycleaner or restaurant where the whole family worked long hours for very little. With a focus on education, hard work and sacrifice two generations later their children were the doctors and lawyers.

Rich people don't come to Australia to run drycleaners for 80 hours a week.
Seriously ????

I honestly believe if you are offended by someone kneeling yes you should get over it.

Easy for you to say as you agree with the kneeling thingy.

If that offends you I apologise, maybe you should see the irony with the call for not to take offence at racist calls such being called a monkey but when called out for then being offended by someone kneeling.

As we all know the whole kneeling thingy was about george floyd, your irony call is just you being a tossa - everyone agrees that racism should be stamped out.

Why is it leftist to accept the right to protest?

Protests have a time and place - sport is not the place

This is the irony I refer to, there is the new political correctness in play.

Let me ask this why does kneeling offend you I am interested.

as above

as above
Good post,although - this to me is quite defensive:

'but white blaming/shaming, cop bashing or screaming inequalities every time something in the world happens we dont like, i think has proven not to work only further divides us.'

I do not believe it is white blaming /shaming, cop bashing to acknowledge that pointing out that shooting someone in the back and believing that racial inequalities exist. I do not experience racism the same as others do and to say I do is just as destructive as denying it exists.

I believe in the police but I also believe they can improve.

Thats fair enough.

That was a general comment and not specific to the blake case. Im talking about the dozens of videos where white people are being forced to their knees o the
Good post,although - this to me is quite defensive:

'but white blaming/shaming, cop bashing or screaming inequalities every time something in the world happens we dont like, i think has proven not to work only further divides us.'

I do not believe it is white blaming /shaming, cop bashing to acknowledge that pointing out that shooting someone in the back and believing that racial inequalities exist. I do not experience racism the same as others do and to say I do is just as destructive as denying it exists.

I believe in the police but I also believe they can improve.

i can see why you'd say this. I was speaking more generally and not specifically about the blake incident. re the blake incident, ive seen 2 different videos and neither paint the police positively. Ive also heard different news reports of him having a knife, not having a knife, police calling for him to drop the knife and others. I try not to comment on individual cases because there are far too many extenuating circumstances which lead to the shooting.. Oh look there is a black man lets shot him dead isnt one of them in my view.

the white shaming i was referring to was due to his the dozens of videos ive seen of white people being forced to thier knees in the streets and forced to apologise for their whiteness, patrons in restaurants being surrounded and intimidated into raising a fist in support thru fear of being assaulted. Celebrities tweeting or posting videos apologising for nothing more than being white.

with respect to the police, they can 100% be better trained or equipped to deal with people. The difficulty exists when the suspect does not want to comply and forces them into split second decision making based solely on what they see and how they perceive the threat. I dont think it helps in US the cops appear to have a win at all costs attitude instead of a proper risk assessment being done and acting accordingly.
the white shaming i was referring to was due to his the dozens of videos ive seen of white people being forced to thier knees in the streets and forced to apologise for their whiteness, patrons in restaurants being surrounded and intimidated into raising a fist in support thru fear of being assaulted. Celebrities tweeting or posting videos apologising for nothing more than being white.

I've seen some video of what you're referring to here. It's cringeworthy, but I'm not sure it's a widespread thing?

with respect to the police, they can 100% be better trained or equipped to deal with people. The difficulty exists when the suspect does not want to comply and forces them into split second decision making based solely on what they see and how they perceive the threat. I dont think it helps in US the cops appear to have a win at all costs attitude instead of a proper risk assessment being done and acting accordingly.

This is why there have been many calls for police reform in the United States. Some local departments have full on military equipment. It's disproportionate and over the top and I think at times it is used as an intimidation tactic. Better training, particularly on the social side, would absolutely help them make better decisions but part of that means to take more of a good faith approach to the people you're dealing with. Police are supposed to be part of the community, and to get buy in from the community it helps if you assume people are decent and not that they're all criminals. This feeds certain biases which manifests in many of the events taking place across the US over the last few years.
Maybe you should sent a letter to Jacob Blake and tell him not to resist arrest the next time he has a warrant out if that is the result you want.
**** me you struggle don’t ya

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Stop living in fairy land

Why are you showing me different incidents to the one we are discussing? I mean, I'm happy to talk gun laws but I reckon you might trip over your own shoe laces.
I've seen some video of what you're referring to here. It's cringeworthy, but I'm not sure it's a widespread thing?

This is why there have been many calls for police reform in the United States. Some local departments have full on military equipment. It's disproportionate and over the top and I think at times it is used as an intimidation tactic. Better training, particularly on the social side, would absolutely help them make better decisions but part of that means to take more of a good faith approach to the people you're dealing with. Police are supposed to be part of the community, and to get buy in from the community it helps if you assume people are decent and not that they're all criminals. This feeds certain biases which manifests in many of the events taking place across the US over the last few years.

Cant comment how widespread it is as id only be guessing but ive seen enough of it in multiple locations to know its not just a one off here or there.

And i dont entirely agree with some of the police departments arsenal being disproportionate considering the arsenal the bad guys have access too. Black gangs, AB, drug cartels all regularly carry semi auto assault rifles and the like so i can understand why they have them. I do agree in principle they shouldnt but in the US in particular, thats not the world they live in. I spoke with a former texas police offier by chance when i was in the US years ago and asked him about their gun culture and amongst other things was a story about how people in Texas drive around with multiple different gun types on the rear parcel shelf, back seat and in their laps. And they are manic about their right to own and carry. couldnt pay me enough to be a cop over there.

The second part of your post is interesting to discuss and somewhat naive but i mean no offence by that. I like you felt the same way (still do in some way) until i asked a friend who is an experienced cop (hasnt shot anyone) told me the following:

imagine you get called to a violent domestic thats occurring, you get the ID of the bad guy and check his history:

pages and pages of priors including weapons and violence domestic abuse etc
warnings/alerts for carries weapons, hatred of police, history of significant violence etc
throw in some substance abuse ie drugs/alcohol or both or a history of mental illness and you have a powder keg just waiting to explode.

these people dont just do as they are told when the police turn up. they are not good or nice people generally and they certainly have no respect for their loved ones let alone the law. He then asked me - what do you want me to do? walk away so i and allow it to continue so i dont cause a confrontation? or manage that confrontation to the best of my ability and hope like hell he doesnt put me in a position where all other options have been exhausted.

He followed this up by saying that i am also walking into a completely strange and foreign house where i am a complete disadvantage and I have to manage my own fear, anxiety and physiological response to what may be a violent exchange.

I was a little taken aback hearing it this way. He then said do that half a dozen times a shift (exaggerating obviously but i got the point)

I 1000% better training in required, but the training only goes so far when 50% of the problem doesnt have any rules to abide by, can use any item as a weapon in any manner they want and whats worse, likely dont even know what they are going to do themselves so how can the police?

I know its a long response but i am passionate about not continually slandering(not saying you are) our police for a thankless, dangerous, polarising job which is absolutely essential. For every 1 bad police exposure in the community there are 100's of positive ones but we never seem to recognise those.
Seriously ????

I honestly believe if you are offended by someone kneeling yes you should get over it.

If that offends you I apologise, maybe you should see the irony with the call for not to take offence at racist calls such being called a monkey but when called out for then being offended by someone kneeling.

Why is it leftist to accept the right to protest?

This is the irony I refer to, there is the new political correctness in play.

Let me ask this why does kneeling offend you I am interested.
Who will kneel for 5yr old Cannon Hinnant just playing in the front yard?
The real Hate Crimes going unnoticed..

Black-on-white crime is astronomically high compared to white-on-black crime. Black-on-white hate crimes like the ones you posted are scarily common and literally never cause protests and riots.
A lot of Asian migrants came here barely speaking English and would take any job or start something like a drycleaner or restaurant where the whole family worked long hours for very little. With a focus on education, hard work and sacrifice two generations later their children were the doctors and lawyers.

Rich people don't come to Australia to run drycleaners for 80 hours a week.
Underrated post. Destroys a few narratives.

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POLL - Do you support KNEELING?
