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When did you start getting drunk?

  • When I was around 14

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  • When I was around 17

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  • When I was around 21

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  • I've never been drunk!

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I started going to parties when I was about 16 or 17 and only had one, maybe two drinks maximum. Once I turned 18 and started going out, I had the occasional big night but I have never been a big drinker. I could count on one hand the number of times I have drank to excess - something which in hindsight, I didn't enjoy.

Now, I rarely drink. It's a waste of money, brain cells and isn't worth the trouble it can cause. People nearly fall over when I tell them I don't drink, which is a reflection of the drinking culture amongst the youth of today.

I love being able to walk out of a pub or club, knowing exactly what I said and did that night, knowing my wallet still has the money in it I started with at the beginning of the night and being able to jump into my car and drive everyone home. Fortunately, I have a great group of friends who always offer money for the service, although I rarely accept.

Working behind the bar at a pub also helps. Even though I'm working, I still get to see everyone, I don't wake up the next morning with a throbbing headache and my wallet has more money in it than when I started. :thumbsu:
I guess you could say drinking is in my genes. Started sipping shandies at 10. When I was in England with my extended family I started having a couple 'halves' of larger at 12. First got smashed at a lock-in at a pub that sat next to a camp site, off four or five pints if I recall- that was at 13.

Came back to Oz and hit the party scene up with my school mates, at 14- Getting shitfaced off, shudder, Real McCoy and Coke. At 15- Smoking buckets and drinking vodka and juice. At 16 I started hitting up all age raves which where awesome because there was no booze so you'd just drop an 'e' and dance for hours while intermittently getting your mack on.

Alternated raves with house parties from 17 to 18, then incorporated clubs and pubs. All this time I generally drank only on the weekends but it was always to excess.

Lost my will to keep raving when the scene was 'Pendulumized' and confined my drinking to clubs, pubs and house gatherings. Drinking during the week became more prevalent. My drinking hit its peak when I moved in with a Samoan buddy of mine at around 23. For about nine months I was basically continually smashed then we both went on a health binge... Until the Eagles won the Premiership...

***Scene Missing***

I'm turning 26 soon and my drinking has cut down dramatically. I still tend to drink to excess on the weekends but not nearly as much as I used to (Think 8 beers a night down from 28). I rarely drink anything during the week and if I do its usually just for taste (I love all types of alcohol... If you couldn't tell).
Don't consider myself a teetotaler but I can live without drinking the stuff for the rest of my life if necessary. I don't get what anyone sees in it really, it tastes like shit and feel like a fool if I pay for it. lol

It's mostly used as a social lubricant to those that lack the required social skills to mingle successfully in social settings and/or to behave like a dill on a night out and then blame it all on the grog afterwards. lol :thumbsdown:

The expectation to drink (and binge) stems from peer pressure (i.e. "Aussie" culture passed on from generation to generation) that forces many not to swim against tide (out of fear of sticking out) and drink like most other sheeple zombies out there.

Or maybe people other than you enjoy alcohol?

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I started drinking when I was about 16, have drank nearly every weekend since then (nearly 21).

I don't drink as much as some of my friends, who are basically alcoholics, though I have had my moments. I used to use drinking as a tool to have more confidence but I've realised there's not too much point to that. I know my limits now and don't get completely smashed anymore, so I drink to the stage where I can have a good night but still remember everything and not do too much shit that I will regret the next day.
I cant understand when people say they dont like the taste of alcohol. It's not like it's a generic flavour or anything.

You'll probably find it's the same myopic teetotallers who tried alcohol once when they were younger, hated it and now see it as some sort of generic demon firewater.

It's like any beverage really. Some people are big coffee drinkers, others prefer tea, others don't drink hot drinks at all but may gulp down fizzy drinks (caffeinated or non-caffeinated, just to avoid opening that can of worms), fruit juice or cordial by the litre.

Massive differences, same as how a beer tastes different to a spirit tastes different to a wine with all the intracacies in between.

But no, "alcohol tastes like shit lol", apparently.
There is no specific flavour of alcohol, as has been mentioned, there are so many different types you can get. I highly doubt there would be very many people who could honestly not find a type of alcohol that they at least don't mind the taste of.

It's sounds ridiculous really: "yuck, I HATE the taste of beer, so therefore, I obviously despise the taste of every other type of alcohol".
I only really drink to get drunk. I walked 40 mins into town on Saturday swigging from a half-bottle of Coleraine Irish whiskey. I drank most of it in the last 10 mins of the trip. I was steamboats. I can remember having a couple of drinks in the first pub I hit and the one after that but everything else is pretty much a blackout. Don't think I did anything too bad. I must have got one of those pizzas with kebab meat on them & a taxi home. I found the pizza box beside my bed and could taste kebab meat when I burped. Didn't have a penny in my pocket.

Not a great night, and Sunday was a wipeout. Stayed in bed all day.
Im not a huge drinker by any means, (had my fair share of nights in year 11-12 and through undergraduate) but I do occassionally get the need to have a beer. Have always enjoyed beer ever since I started drinking and now have started to love the taste of it, so now I just drink when I feel the need to.

Have only had about 12 beers this year and the last one I had was two weeks ago at a Saturday lunch.
I don't not drink, but 99 times out of 100 theres a non-alchohlic drink I like the taste of better on offer, and i'll almost always go for that >_>

Plus, i dislike drunk people in general. /shrug.
Geez, I'd hate to be friends with you, you'd probably charge people for every square of toilet paper they use, count out how many grains of rice you give out, and probably want people to chip in fopr the electricity for when they watch the t.v (not n\to mention the batteries they use for they remote)

I know for a fact if you tired to do that with my mates, we'd just chuck that $10 each and get a taxi aqnd leave you stingy ass in the car to count the money you'll save by not driving

Yep. Nothing pisses me off more than someone giving you a lift then asking you to pay the price of petrol - even though the driver will be driving past your house anyway. :thumbsdown:

And no, I don't drink.
Don't consider myself a teetotaler but I can live without drinking the stuff for the rest of my life if necessary. I don't get what anyone sees in it really, it tastes like shit and feel like a fool if I pay for it. lol

It's mostly used as a social lubricant to those that lack the required social skills to mingle successfully in social settings and/or to behave like a dill on a night out and then blame it all on the grog afterwards. lol :thumbsdown:

The expectation to drink (and binge) stems from peer pressure (i.e. "Aussie" culture passed on from generation to generation) that forces many not to swim against tide (out of fear of sticking out) and drink like most other sheeple zombies out there.

This is true. For me, my social skills deteriorated when I was drinking a lot. At one stage I was drinking at the very minimum 6 drinks a day for quite a few months. Add intermittent drug use on top of that, and I became used to socialising under the influence. Anxiety, patience & general affability started to worsen when I was sober.
Was in the same boat as you. Diden't have my first drink until leavers and even then all drank was 8 Hahn's Premium Light for the week, was funny being one of the only sober people out of 1000's.

Things may change when/if you begin clubbing.

Don't plan to. Not my thing.
Started getting drunk when I was 14 (Year 9) and will drink probably twice a month, get drunk probably once a month and get really messy probably once every 3 months.
In saying this I have never touched drugs, not even a cigarette.

Agree with what others have said about people not liking the taste of alcohol, for me the difference between beer, bourban and vodka is huge.

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I also enjoy my alcohol, mainly beer. I will drink 5-6+ minimum at parties and social gatherings, etc. but I have only really got trashed two or three times. These times have always included bottles of vodka that mysteriously disappear and are then found empty...
I haven't had an alcoholic drink since i was 19, i'm now 38, only ever drank alcohol as a youngster because everyone else did ( peer pressure i suppose), just decided one day i didn't enjoy it or get anything out of it so i stopped.

All my friends and family were pissed :D, when i moved from WA to Melbourne 3 years ago due to their loss of a skipper.

I've never done drugs either.
Geez, I'd hate to be friends with you, you'd probably charge people for every square of toilet paper they use, count out how many grains of rice you give out, and probably want people to chip in fopr the electricity for when they watch the t.v (not n\to mention the batteries they use for they remote)

I know for a fact if you tired to do that with my mates, we'd just chuck that $10 each and get a taxi aqnd leave you stingy ass in the car to count the money you'll save by not driving

At the same time its courtesy to offer to pay for parking if your mate drove in, or to shout him a non-alcoholic drink as a thanks.

Me and my mates always had a rotating designated driver policy, and the driver always had his night paid for by the other blokes (in terms of soft drinks. If the focker is hungry its his own problem). It was a way of compensating the guy who couldn't drink, and because it was a rotating policy it was a zero sum game in terms of $$
Now that I am back at school I generally only go out Saturday nights. Where as when I was on holidays 3-4 nights a week was done easily. I live in Canberra and I that probably speaks for itself. I haven't got a misses but I love to socialise, so going out to a pub/club is a good way of doing it. I am not like some of my mates who get smashed every weekend and cannot remember what happens. I remember most of the night and still have had some awesome times. I am generally a bit of a stinge when it comes to spending money out in town so it really works well for me.
I have never been a drinker and don't think I ever will. I don't mind others drinking as long as they do not negatively impact on others. I also do not drink coffee, which makes me a rare individual indeed.

I don't drink coffee either,so there's two of us in the world at least.

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