Prospective coaches unhappy with "Richo" ultimatum

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Richo should have won the Brownlow last year and RT is proud he's been calling for his head for two years? Such awful judgement is something to brag about??


exactly - why anyone is in such a hurry to push Richo out the door while we have ass monkeys like Connors, Hughes, Pettifer, Schulz, McMahon, Thomson, Silvester, Simmonds, JON, Pattison, Graham, Raines & White remain on the list - while several other older players or injury riddled "write offs" such as Brown, Bowden, Cogs and Polak continue to clog up Coburg & Richmonds list - is beyond me.

17 player possibly turned over not enough for you? Richo last year earned more brownlow points than 86% of thes blokes collectively will / have earned in their careers..

u seriously think we need are that desperate to turnover the players that we will delist 17 players not up to it, PLUS Richo - cos he injured a hammy - to rebuild "properly"

just everyone trying to turn Richmond into "Home & Away" - Will the new coach sack summer bays heart throb? Who will Richmond chose???? The new "messiah" wunder coach?? Or Richo, the heart and soul of the club???

drama queens:rolleyes::thumbsdown:
If it is indeed Hardwick who's raising strong objections, he's gone way beyond bravery and deep into the land of fools. Not only would he not survive his first year of senior coaching, but if he does that OR misses a senior coaching role with us or North (where he's by no means a sure thing) this time around, he only further reinforces the perception that he's damaged goods nobody else wants.

He could very well harm his own career greatly by playing hardball on Richo's...all for the sake of giving a chance to one champion player for one season.

No doubt he would have felt the same about getting Cousins...and he would have been wrong about that too.

LMAO - why would it be hardwick??? Again - everyone just makes speculation to what or who it is IF it is true - all the IFS become so clouded idiots begin to believe it to be fact!!

Already everyone is saying its Hardwick - WHY??? why the **** would it be Hardwick??? no one has named a name - everyone just assumes it true, and assumes its Hardwick

It's not Hardwick

Its not even true

Speculation is great fun when its not in the hands on idiots and w***ers - unfortunately i have noticed several Richmond supporters are the worst of both worlds in that catergory
if you believe thats what stopped the Locket deal getting over the line youd believe stan alves book sacked coach, he admits the AFL donated the ailing sainters $$$$$$ to accept the swans offer....we were screwed albeit our offer of Maxfield/daffy et al was accepted....don't ever mentioned the propsal again it's blasphemous in here:thumbsdown::mad::thumbsdown:

exactly -again, if they heard someone say it in a pub - or read it on a internet forum ( not a book, these people NEVER read a book! ), they will believe anything.

This thread is living proof of that.

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So there is no possible way that some anonymous poster who has nothing to gain from posting what they may have heard is actually telling the truth?

Instead of rubbishing him, perhaps you should be thankful that they have taken the time to share some possible inside info regarding the process.

u are so full of shit RT - you let this bullshit, whisper "speculation" continue - but closed the Thread where it was said on SEN that Knights was speaking to Richmond re the coaching position.

Both stories have the same amount of fact behind them - but only one remains unclosed - clearly because of your quite open disliking of Richo:rolleyes:

Blokes like you are what stopped us winning a premiership with Lockett at FF because we were couldnt bare to trade Richo for him.
We would not have won a flag with Lockett. If such a trade was indeed mooted we would have had Plugger for five years, not won a flag (we didn't even make the finals after 95, so how we'd win a flag just by adding Plugger - and subtracting Richo - is beyond me) while Richo played another 12-15 years at another club. I thought I had heard the last of the 'you guys should trade Richo' bullshit I always countered with 'we need more good players, not less'.

u are so full of shit RT - you let this bullshit, whisper "speculation" continue - but closed the Thread where it was said on SEN that Knights was speaking to Richmond re the coaching position.

Both stories have the same amount of fact behind them - but only one remains unclosed
The man makes an excellent point.
u are so full of shit RT - you let this bullshit, whisper "speculation" continue - but closed the Thread where it was said on SEN that Knights was speaking to Richmond re the coaching position.

Both stories have the same amount of fact behind them - but only one remains unclosed - clearly because of your quite open disliking of Richo:rolleyes:

I let this thread go because, even though it might not be factual, like you I've got no proof as to whether it is or not, it is creating a fair bit of discussion. I closed the Knights rumour thread because in the first couple of replies it was reported that March had rang the station and said that we're not talking to Knights. Ends the speculation right there.

You might call it hatred, I call it being a realist. Richo can't go on forever and I would much prefer he went now, where he can be remembered as a legend of the game who knew when it was time to go.
Any Coach that doesn't think that Richo has something to offer next year isn't a Coach we should even be giving the time of day to. Show them the door.
If Richo plays 10 games next year, he will probably win 3 off his own boot or with his own efforts and inspiration.
Don’t remember who said it last week (either on SEN or AW) but it was pointed out how a lot of the younger (and not so young) Saints players have lifted and come into their own since Harvey left. It was pointed out although he was so respected and held in awe, it also held back the last few percent of their natural development.

I love Richo, but im hoping he doesn’t go on, as it’s a new era, newish Director, CEO and coach and a great crop of young talent. Time for a complete fresh start. Maybe the Post-Richo era can see the likes of Jack explode into a dynamic force. And at least we are 100% sure that the great man himself will do the “right” thing for the good of the club.
Go get John Northey's version of it. Same blokes that knifed him were the same blokes that blocked the Lockett deal

p180 "Sacked Coach, Stan Alves".....There can be little doubt that the collateral recieved from Pluggers departure had taken some of the financial heat off the club. It made the clubs leading creditors sleep a little easier at night............

Now if you have conflicting evidence to what was written in an autobiography...then report, if it's indeed straight from the clacker then FWIW leave it there...
Don’t remember who said it last week (either on SEN or AW) but it was pointed out how a lot of the younger (and not so young) Saints players have lifted and come into their own since Harvey left. It was pointed out although he was so respected and held in awe, it also held back the last few percent of their natural development.

a good point, but I reckon its bs
I reckon they got better as they got older, played more games etc
and are more commited from their time with their club legend.
I reckon most rookies would be thrilled just to to run around with him, and hopefully they will catch the passion,
5 newbies with Richo-love v 6 blank newbies?
several of whom may never get to put on the yellow and black anyway.
If he is good for a dozen games, we'd be INSANE not to keep him on the list - pencil in a few rest games / injuries for younger player development (ie the game v Syd where, with hindsight, he obviously shouldnt have played!) and all we are down is 1 rookie.

1/ richo takes up 1 spot out of 42 & he is on the vetrans list
2/ richo is still in the top 10 players on our list
3/ richo has more love for the club than anybody currently at punt road
4/richo is a freak & was playing like 1 untill our medics & wallace put him to the sword by playing him when he was clearly injured.
5/ richo is an inspiration to every player that dons the yellow & black

for the last 30 years of hardship that we have all lived through, the only highlight was RICHO.
so i dont give a flying F what any try hard coach or administrator or so called supporters think or say.

RICHO has earned the right to play 1 more year even if he is blind & with 1 leg.

this man/champion has given me and my kids more pleasure going to the football than any other person that has had anything to do with the RFC.



1/ True
2/ Probably. However his style of play has proven in the past to be detrimental to team development and individual development. The question is Do we want a team where Richo is a Top 10 player?
3/ Romantic, irrelevant nonsense. a) How do you know? b) If love for the club was important, we'd be playing the 80-year-olds sitting in the Grandstand.
4/ Richo has had a long history of injuries - particularly hammies - goes way back before Wallace. He has missed an average of more than 1 game in 4. I checked his stats prior to Wallace (and I left out 1993, his first year, and 1995 when he did his knee). He played 171 of 223 games in that period. He actually played more under Wallace than at any other time in his career.
5/ How inspirational is taking a mark 20 mtrs out and spraying the kick? How inspirational is spitting the dummy when your teammate doesn't hit you on the chest (Can you name any other player who has been dropped for 'poor body language' as Richo was a few years back? Maybe Fev, but that's it).

Rich made his debut in 1993 - in all the games he has played Richmond's winning % is 41.5%. In all the games since since 1993, Richmond's winning % is 41.5%. Without Richo, the winning % since 1993 is 41.5%. That's 77 games - not a small number. So how 'vital' is he?

Look, Richo is a cult - no problem with that. Every club has players that are admired by supporters over their actual ability because of passion, body language, endeavour, whatever . Richo has all those. The difference is Richo is also a far better player than most who get cultish admiration.

Richo has been the most important player for us in the last 15 years (not the best). It hasn't worked. Not all his fault. Time to move on.

Richo has been the most important player for us in the last 15 years (not the best). It hasn't worked. Not all his fault. Time to move on.

All the players finished well last year but this year we are close to another spoon.

Not their fault, time to move on. (Richo the only one to stay, as he missed most of this year's sh!te, out injured, therefore absolved)
Next year we can sign up a troop of dancing nuns to play with Richo.
I expect theyll make the finals.

But seriously- weve got a star - an imposing lead up and overhead forward, loose back and along the wing - a few proven roles- if he can go on thatd be better than not. Even if he fills in as a utility, plugging holes to give newcoach some flexibility in developing a largely young squad.

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(Richo the only one to stay, as he missed most of this year's sh!te, out injured, therefore absolved)

He played the first 6 games this year - we lost 5.

Since then we've won 4.5 and lost 8. Maybe if Richo had missed from the start we might be a rough chance for 9th again.

Look, don't get me wrong - like everyone else, Richo has been my favorite player over the last 15 years. But I have a greater affection for the club.
I believe it is time to move Richo on - plenty disagree - fair enough. But please come up with some decent reasons why to keep him - not romantic 'he loves the club' crap, or 'It's not his fault, because he's Richo!'. To be fair, there are some good, sensible pro-Richo posts. It's not an easy decision.

The new coach may decide to keep Richo - if so I will support him as much as I support every other Richmond player. I wouldn't keep him, but I'm not likely to be the new coach (my second interview was a bit poor:cool:).

What I don't want to see (like many others) is a bitter parting of player from club because the retirement/delisting is handled badly.
I let this thread go because, even though it might not be factual, like you I've got no proof as to whether it is or not, it is creating a fair bit of discussion. I closed the Knights rumour thread because in the first couple of replies it was reported that March had rang the station and said that we're not talking to Knights. Ends the speculation right there.

You might call it hatred, I call it being a realist. Richo can't go on forever and I would much prefer he went now, where he can be remembered as a legend of the game who knew when it was time to go.

So according to your moderator's handbook anything that is not 100% fact gets shut down. WTF are we here for then? 90% of what's in the media is speculation. Should we not buy those newspapers either?

People's opinions count even if its speculation.
I have kept away from this thread but I must admit I never read it properly, thought it said Prospective coaches unhappy with "Richo" trantrum.

Thought it was a bit harsh considering the big guy has been reasonably good the past few seasons. As for demanding he play next season, I think he has done all he can for our club, I personally feel its time to retire, if Richo plays next season its not going to make us a top 4 side, people are too wrapped up in the emotional side of things.

Sure we have the likes of Mcmahon and King playing on when we all know they shouldnt even be playing this weekend but thats Richmond, we always have duds on our list.

Time to let Richo go from the curse that is Richmond and let the bloke forge a great career in the media, who knows he might find a nice lady friend now that he is less stressed, settle down and start building our forward and backline for the year 2027 and onwards.

Hell I'll be 52 by then so there is still hope I'll see a premiership before I'm dead.
We would not have won a flag with Lockett. If such a trade was indeed mooted we would have had Plugger for five years, not won a flag (we didn't even make the finals after 95, so how we'd win a flag just by adding Plugger - and subtracting Richo - is beyond me) while Richo played another 12-15 years at another club. I thought I had heard the last of the 'you guys should trade Richo' bullshit I always countered with 'we need more good players, not less'.

The man makes an excellent point.

Yes its entirely a matter of opinion how far we would have gone with Plugger, but from memory he single handedly changed Sydney into a consistent finals performer for the first time in its history with a GF appearance almost immediately after his arrival. If there was one player running around the AFL in those days that could take a club from 9th to top 4, it was him.

What is not a matter of opinion is that the same thing hasnt happened to us by holding onto Richo. We still finished 9th last year (again) even though he nearly won the brownlow.
he might find a nice lady friend now that he is less stressed, settle down and start building our forward and backline for the year 2027 and onwards.

Hell I'll be 52 by then so there is still hope I'll see a premiership before I'm dead.

It is a disgrace that the club hasnt been pimping out other players' sisters to breed a super Richo- army of young-uns for the future - fair dinkum - cant they see past the next rebuild? Its about time we took the lead in player development and breeding and moved into the 21st Century. The old methods of using the draft and natural recruitment have not served us well for the last 30 years. I reckon we need about 5-6 Richo- lads per season, the daughters groomed for the future's future. And some freezer space in the sperm bank to ensure our long term success.

.....or perhaps things along this line have been progressing well, and they are just keeping it all under wraps?....
It is a disgrace that the club hasnt been pimping out other players' sisters to breed a super Richo- army of young-uns for the future - fair dinkum - cant they see past the next rebuild? Its about time we took the lead in player development and breeding and moved into the 21st Century. The old methods of using the draft and natural recruitment have not served us well for the last 30 years. I reckon we need about 5-6 Richo- lads per season, the daughters groomed for the future's future. And some freezer space in the sperm bank to ensure our long term success.

.....or perhaps things along this line have been progressing well, and they are just keeping it all under wraps?....

Thats the problem with our club no initative and forward planning....... :D If the supporters can see it why cant our administrators ?
I think the Sydney game showed more than ever that Richo is still needed at the club. Richo can be a lot of things, but he is not a selfish player. He is a team player.
I think the Sydney game showed more than ever that Richo is still needed at the club. Richo can be a lot of things, but he is not a selfish player. He is a team player.

We definitely miss his ability to take a contested mark, I'll give you that, but I have serious doubts now about how his aging body will hold up, particularly since he re-injured himself so quickly upon his return and is going under the knife yet again...before that he was the only player over 30 after Cousins I would've definitely kept....though I'd rather see him starting on the bench from now on.
Once again's all about the club and a prospective new coach shouldn't be hamstrung (no pun intended) by list management restrictions and ultimatums before they've even started.

And to whoever said "as if a new coach would turn down ten grand a week over this one issue" mean a coach whose primary motivation is on-field success...the kind of coach who'll do whatever it takes? Because that sounds to me exactly like the kind of coach that we need. Hell, if we want a coach whose primary motivation is money , the let's just get Wallace back.:eek:
For me, it's time for the old man to take a rest, but I can have it that he leaves because of injury. He has to play one more if only for us to say farewell.

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Prospective coaches unhappy with "Richo" ultimatum

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