QAFA (A) 2016 Season

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The issue is compounded by the fact there is simply not enough umpires around. No point whinging about it, the whinging is half the reason people dont want to do what is largely a thankless job. Until you have tried it yourself, you should really just pull ya head in.
Everyone should take a leaf out of Coorparoos book, they have their president doing the umpiring. Fair bloke too. Never heard a team so quiet after dubious decisions paid against them haha.

As for saying the umpireing matches the standard. I have played QAFA A, QAFA B and QFA and at senior levels of these three comps share the same umpires. In fact believe i've had Moro at all three levels

So what you must be saying is .... it doesn't matter what level you play you can still end up with a sh!+ umpire like Moro :) Most umpires will float across all the different division and that can be seen by the fact I have been able to ruin games this year at QAFL Reserves, QFA Nth & Sth seniors QAFA A & QAFA B levels.

As umpires we often have observers come to games and appraise umpire performances. Unfortunately there are not enough umpire observers to cover all the games but I can assure you it does happen, for what it is worth. I assume all clubs are filling out their Umpire Feedback forms and sending into AFLQ?? each week with both positive feedback and areas where umpire's can improve

As I've said before finding consistency with the other umpire you are with on the day can be harder than it sounds. Yes laws are laws but they are open to interpretation. In the end we all try to be consistent to both teams as well as being consistent with the other umpire but like footballers we can have bad days as well

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Agree with Blocker. This bullshit where the umpire can tell a club official/umpires escort to have a word to the spectators orherwise they will pay free kicks is absolute rubbish amd needs to be addressed at the league level. Some people go to the footy to cheer, support and throw a bit of banter at players and umpires, thats football.
Typical QLD becoming a nanny state with its politics, laws and footy now.
You wouldnt read about some of this umpiring behaviour down south.
The old whinging of the umpires topic again give it a rest or put the lime on yourself

Agree, and i do.

But you would think there is a minimum standard and knowledge of the rules.

We had a funny one on Friday, i was doing the scoreboard and it all happened right in front of me.

Opposition got a free kick, correct call for high tackle. Then one of their guys was a bit over the top in a shove, so the umpire decided he would ball it up. His explanation was that he didn't think it warranted a free kick reversal, but he wanted to take the free kick off the opposition!

Obviously we benefited, as a ball up is better than an opposition free kick (though the margin was close to 100 points at the time) bit I'm pretty sure it's eirher a reversal or it isn't! You can't just 'half reverse it'!

It was quite amusing at the time, but could have been a big blunder in a closer more serious game.
That's like saying all artwork would generally match it's price tag.
Whilst artwork is subjective, the rules to be umpired are not. There is a window for interpretation, however there are actual rules...laws.

Serious?? I think anyone who has watched enough footy knows that the rules of AFL footy are extremely subjective - the reason why 2 people can both watch the same incident and think their team is entitled to the free kick..
Highly doubt that statement, I would buy you a carton if you could find 1 senior player who couldnt run a lap in under 90 seconds.

Bloody hell mate - there would be blokes at QAFL level that would potentially struggle with this. You are seriously misguided if you think over 20% of blokes in this comp could run this time. Yep its not that fast (nor that slow mind you) but neither are a lot of QAFA players...
Serious?? I think anyone who has watched enough footy knows that the rules of AFL footy are extremely subjective - the reason why 2 people can both watch the same incident and think their team is entitled to the free kick..
I get what you're saying but that just highlights inconsistent enforcement of the laws. The laws aren't subjective, they are not guidelines they actually state what constitutes a free kick etc. The new deliberate rule is the one to springs to mind as subjective due to the umpire having to decide 'intent'. If 2 people call the same incident as being polar opposites the reason is because one of them is wrong.
Agree with Blocker. This bullshit where the umpire can tell a club official/umpires escort to have a word to the spectators orherwise they will pay free kicks is absolute rubbish amd needs to be addressed at the league level. Some people go to the footy to cheer, support and throw a bit of banter at players and umpires, thats football.
Typical QLD becoming a nanny state with its politics, laws and footy now.
You wouldnt read about some of this umpiring behaviour down south.
Sounds like some one needs a box of tissues .
Sounds like park ridge are the only ones who had a rough week on the track with the umpires. Anyone decided who top 4 will be?

Sounds like you were not reading earlier posts or just decided to try to Park Ridge bash, to in their defense I was the one who raised this topic as we had a shocker. So no it was not 'just' Park Ridge!!
Usually good to check the history before you decide to show your bias sport.
Bloody hell mate - there would be blokes at QAFL level that would potentially struggle with this. You are seriously misguided if you think over 20% of blokes in this comp could run this time. Yep its not that fast (nor that slow mind you) but neither are a lot of QAFA players...
Shows how far you are away from the game. Do you even attend games anymore?
Are you trying to start an argument or are you really that stupid that you believe your statement?

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A high of 23 degrees, 16km/h winds and rain!!! the Victorians will feel like they are back at home!!
Us true born Queenslanders will freeze our butts off!!
Love playing in the wet, just not the cold and wet!! Not enough meat on my bones to provide good insulation!!
Oh no!! The old wet weather!! Gawd help us!! Compared to previous years I would say the 2s umpiring has been better this year. A couple interesting ones and it's funny when our AFL Academy umpire helps out how much he cops because he is actually too good for this comp... No happy medium! I think Rob has been doing a super job too... Again quite good with the rules which some 2s blokes don't like!!
Are you serious??? the Suns won by plenty and the Pirates umpire was disgraceful, Definitely was not the AFL Academy umpire Saturday, have a think about the free kick count, yet the Suns were first to the ball as the score board showed.

Ok champ, Logan were the better team on the day, we admit it.

Does that make you feel better about yourself now?
Are you serious??? the Suns won by plenty and the Pirates umpire was disgraceful, Definitely was not the AFL Academy umpire Saturday, have a think about the free kick count, yet the Suns were first to the ball as the score board showed.

The Suns got the Win, yet you're still banging on about the umps two days later.

Find a new hobby mate.
I get what you're saying but that just highlights inconsistent enforcement of the laws. The laws aren't subjective, they are not guidelines they actually state what constitutes a free kick etc. The new deliberate rule is the one to springs to mind as subjective due to the umpire having to decide 'intent'. If 2 people call the same incident as being polar opposites the reason is because one of them is wrong.

The laws are not exactly b&w when it comes to many aspects Footy 1st - such as the head high rule. If a player gets hit int he head then he/she will get a free kick EXCEPT if they have ducked, brought the contact upon themselves such as running into a player with their head down. Umpire has to decide this. You think there isnt a decision that needs to be made re prior opportunity and holding the ball?

Mate - you are simplyfying a game that is incredibly complex to adjudicate on (probably as hard as any game). Personally have always held the belief that less frees is better, let the game flow a bit, only frees paid nearly every person on the ground should be able to see. But to be super critical of club umpires or those umpiring at the 5th tier of Qld footy is just ridiculous.
Shows how far you are away from the game. Do you even attend games anymore?
Are you trying to start an argument or are you really that stupid that you believe your statement?

Nah havent been to one for 30 years....

I watched a practise game that our 3rds played vs Jimboomba early in the year - now there would be 5 blokes in our 3rds who couldnt run 400m (they are lucky to train more than 1x per week) in 90s let alone 5 blokes in the jimboomba side... back to you Mr Olympic.
Nah havent been to one for 30 years....

I watched a practise game that our 3rds played vs Jimboomba early in the year - now there would be 5 blokes in our 3rds who couldnt run 400m (they are lucky to train more than 1x per week) in 90s let alone 5 blokes in the jimboomba side... back to you Mr Olympic.
The olympic athletes do it in something like 48 seconds. You mean to stand there and tell me the average bloke couldnt do it in 90 seconds. Put the bong away mate! 65-75 for midfielders, 75-90 for key backs or forwards. I will reiterrate I said 400m i.e one lap of an oval.


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QAFA (A) 2016 Season

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