Review Rd 15 Review - Freo Get Back on Track Over the Dons

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Is he though?

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Thanks Danster.
That is hilarious.

Sure, he had a slow start to the year, which is not unreasonable tbf but 78,000 per mark. I think he's lowered that number substantially. Even at that price, he would still be heaps better value than Natanui. Don't recall seeing those sorts of headlines about a bloke getting paid a motza when you could just about his marks per season one hand.

I love when the west takes a cheap shot and f***s up big time.
Amiss 25 goals so far this year. Luke Jackson 16 goals.

Rory Lobb.... 13 goals.

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Amiss 25 goals so far this year. Luke Jackson 16 goals.

Rory Lobb.... 13 goals.
Funny you'd point that out.

Watching the game last night, at one stage the thought popped into my mind that we were doing better that we would be with Lobb in the side. There were a number of very, very good set shots from wide angles. It's not hard to enjoy that.
One thing I've noticed this season, and again stood out last night, is that Cox doesn't really like to take the intercept mark anymore? A couple times last night when he opted for a double fisted spoil instead of taking what should have been an easy grab. Last year he was a mark > spoil which was a big part of why he was so good, but this year he's reverted to spoil > mark much like his 2021 season, and has regressed because of it. 2 more intercept marks a game would make him look so much better.
It's all good. As soon as Chappys shaken the rust off and ripped it up for a week or 2 in the WAFL, I'm confident the MC will find a reason to slot him back into the lineup, even if only as a sub for 1-2 weeks.
A fit Chapman is in our top 16, he's not a bottom 6 player, he's an automatic selection if fit.

Will definitely need a WAFL game or two to get match fit though.
There is literally no comparison between Lobb and Jackson and never has been.
The net output of Jackson is light years ahead of Lobb.

I was absolutely thrilled to get rid of Lobb last season. There is no doubt in my mind it takes us closer to a flag.
I Dont profess to know a huge amount about footy but I know that any team relying on Rory Lobb as their number one KPF is winning Jack shit when it comes to Flags. Ever.

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There is literally no comparison between Lobb and Jackson and never has been.
The net output of Jackson is light years ahead of Lobb.

I was absolutely thrilled to get rid of Lobb last season. There is no doubt in my mind it takes us closer to a flag.
I Dont profess to know a huge amount about footy but I know that any team relying on Rory Lobb as their number one KPF is winning Jack s**t when it comes to Flags. Ever.
Yeah I was very wrong about that one. Thought Lobb in would help Amiss/Treacy develop for another year without having to take the best defenders in each team, and that their development would stagnate because of it. And Luke Jackson really had not shown much up forward when he played for Melbourne so I really doubted he would have a big impact up there. Instead it turns out that Melbourne just didn't use him well in the forward line, and Amiss is a genuine star, and the forward line chemistry is the best we've seen in a long time.
Instead it turns out that Melbourne just didn't use him well in the forward line
Turns out Peter Bell was right. I remember Belly saying something about how Melbourne weren't using him right in the forward line. I thought it was bullshit when he said it but nah, dude was on the money.
One thing I've noticed this season, and again stood out last night, is that Cox doesn't really like to take the intercept mark anymore? A couple times last night when he opted for a double fisted spoil instead of taking what should have been an easy grab. Last year he was a mark > spoil which was a big part of why he was so good, but this year he's reverted to spoil > mark much like his 2021 season, and has regressed because of it. 2 more intercept marks a game would make him look so much better.
Yes, this has become very very obvious - particularly during these last two home games. For someone who has such a beautiful set of bucket hands, Cox's sudden determination to turn into Zac Dawson is a bit of a puzzler. I guess if nothing else he is double punching to ensure the ball goes over the boundary rather than flying in a random direction; and Ryan looked much more like his Doig Medal winning self with the intercepts last night anyway.

I also agree with whoever said that we started the game playing in exactly the same way that we did throughout the GWS match, and it was difficult to see what exactly flipped the switch. And then we played the first 20 minutes of the last quarter in a very similar fashion to the last quarter of the Richmond match, except we were defending the lead so ran the clock down a bit better. All rather strange.

Certainly everyone around me seemed to bag Henry out every time he got the ball, which I thought was unwarranted. Yes he did cause a bad turnover which led to a Bombers goal, but everyone seemed to forget that he created a goal with a kick inside 50 just minutes later, which squared the ledger in my eyes. Probably what doesn't help Liam's cause is that he still gets visibly very down on himself when he makes an error, and loses concentration; this problem isn't as bad as it was in his earliest games, but it's still there.

In that regard, people really should be turning the blowtorch on Hayden Young. When his inside kicks on 45 degree angles come off, they set us up brilliantly and that's why he has some licence to do it - but how many of them has he stuffed up in recent weeks? Not that he hasn't been contributing in other ways, but for a supposed strength it's not much of one at the moment.

One day Amiss, Jackson and Treacy will all have their kicking boots on in the same match, and it will be glorious. JT does have these games where his usual accuracy deserts him totally, so I am hoping this was just one of them.
Kind of an odd point to make considering Chapman has played three games...

And Hughes was mediocre at best until he moved back to a more suitable role in defence. I think Chappy will get 1-2 games at Peel and then come back in for Ethan, it's an obvious area we can upgrade for our last-ditch finals push.
i think the Chapman vs Hughes thing is a bit of expectation bias. Hughes has played a role down back, hasn’t dominated or stood out but done his job. People are happy with that, Chappy is expected to be a star so anything short of that and people aren’t happy.

Personally, I’ll be pretty peeved if he plays more than two games at Peel to build match fitness
i think the Chapman vs Hughes thing is a bit of expectation bias. Hughes has played a role down back, hasn’t dominated or stood out but done his job. People are happy with that, Chappy is expected to be a star so anything short of that and people aren’t happy.

Personally, I’ll be pretty peeved if he plays more than two games at Peel to build match fitness
Chapman has had some games where he's shown a lot, but he's also been very average for a lot of the games he's played. If he's not standing out at Peel then I hope he spents time there building fitness. Don't want another NOD situation where we get a young guy in way too early and he's nowhere near where he needs to be.
Bloody good to watch. Serong, Swaggy & Brayshaw were unbelievable at times. There was one center clearance in the last that was as good as I’ve seen. Darcy knocks it straight to Serong who has less than a second of breathing space during which in one movement he takes the ball as clean as a whistle & dishes off to Andy who gets a kick away to Fred who goes back & drills it. Game over. Incredible.

We defended beautifully, moved the ball nicely (Henry involved in some lovely transition kicking) & did some nice work around goal.

Only downside was Treacy having the yips again & some terrible umpiring & commentary all going Essendons way.

In the last Sturt kicked a beautiful ball in to Fyfe who was taken front on & had his arms chopped & nothing. Thought Fyfe started to look like Fyfe again at times.

Johnson was terrific. Jackson is a God & Amiss is the real deal. I still don’t know how he took that mark from the bullet Treacy kicked to him.

Freddy is our new iceman with set shots.

Great game.

Amiss 25 goals so far this year. Luke Jackson 16 goals.

Rory Lobb.... 13 goals.
Rory Lobb is now playing as the lowest possession winning wingman in AFL history. He's been so bad as a forward that the Bulldogs coaches have deemed the forward line better when he's out of the play. Meanwhile I agree completely with you E Shed regarding your comments about Jackson, Amiss and Johnson's games. Geez their skills and athleticism are unique for players their size.

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