Roos pull 'sick' video off the Net

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I haven't seen the video, so I've only got the clearly hysterical musings of the media to comment on, but even without the hysteria, as a woman I can't help but find the basic premise of the video a little disturbing (the end at least).

However it's a fairly long bow to take it as some sort of sign that our club or players hate women and encourage domestic violence etc.

I do think the club needs to make a strong stand against those involved if only to quell the media and the related reaction.
Couldn't agree more.

I'm no prude, but I didn't find it funny. In fact, my heart sank because you could tell it was only a matter of time before it got out. And in this sort of business, the perception is often more important than the reality.

It appeared to me to be a Jackass-style thing, where each scene was trying to be more outrageous than the one before it. And I bet the blokes doing it weren't trying to be offensive, but were just trying to make each other laugh. But surely you could see that it would be taken the wrong way.

And whether the media is engaging in mock outrage or not is irrelevant. The fact is that this is already playing very, very badly in the media, and the effect of all the great stories we've seen in the past few weeks has just been wiped out.

This sums it up absolutely perfectly for me. Thanks big e.

And could I just urge some of you to think of Eugene and JB (and Boomer, Wellsy, Simmo, Drew, Brady, Spud, Pratty etc - our media performers). They're trying to build our club's image in a positive way and, rightly or wrongly, incidents like this are very negative.

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Okay, aside from the content of the video - lets just put that to one side - any player who reckons they can put something like that online and not cop a beat down just isn't smart.

I know they're young kids, and I think some of the stuff in the article is just rediculous, but do they not have this shit drilled into them repeatedly about how actions viewed through the prism of the media are dramatically different to how they might have intended.

Regardless of what you think of the actual content of the video, the polayer who posted it online isn't sharp, and I'd imagine has, and will be continuing to cop an immense bollocking from the likes of Eugene.
Its frigging Facebook.

Seriously, no-one who is any way a public figure, and anyone on an AFL list is, sad to say, should have a Facebook/bebo etc in their real name.

I have a got a few stories of politicains Facebooks in my time.

And there's plenty of pics I've saved in case I ever need them.

People forget that so many people can access this shit.
Mate I've said for a while now that players with open Facebook profiles, and a lax attitude to accepting friend requests, were a ticking time bomb.
Clearly a stupid prank that went too far. I can't blame the media for jumping on this - especially in the current climate.

A big tick to Eugene for the way he has acted thus far.

I hope the perpetrators are disciplined quickly and the rest of the playing group have it rammed home to them why the video and this type of behaviour is unacceptable.
Even if you don't find it offensive (and clearly some of you don't) it is incredibly astoundingly stupid. Just breathtaking.

And would someone like to explain how the age knew before the club did?? You can't tell me something like this was made and posted and not common knowledge. Something is rotten in that football department.

KL -

I have always been a big supporter of chick's rights, so take that into consideration when I say this.

Is it offensive? Yes, it is.

Is it a sex crime, as Lane and The Age are trying to make out? No, its not.

Is it the kind of imbelic crap that 18 year olds full of testosterone do? Yes.

Does that excuse it? No.

Should the club have known about it? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhmmmm ....

As I've said above in this thread, I've pulled stuff people shouldnt have said/photographed themselves doing off sites like Facebook and printed it.

What worries me is the use of a club officials desk.

That takes it beyond 'lockerroom banter'.

Either the boys have misused in a serious way, a senior officials property, or, more likely sadly, a club official has been involved in something that anybody could see is just plain bad news.

Hopefully we have learnt the lesson now and the good Mr O'Loughlin is personally editing every player's site and applying the relevant privacy controls, if not just banning them outright.

For mine, in trhe greater scheme of things, it could have been worse.

Lane's completely unprofessional and inacurate lead par gives and indication of how bad it could have been.
KL -

I have always been a big supporter of chick's rights, so take that into consideration when I say this.

Is it offensive? Yes, it is.

Is it a sex crime, as Lane and The Age are trying to make out? No, its not.

Is it the kind of imbelic crap that 18 year olds full of testosterone do? Yes.

Does that excuse it? No.

Should the club have known about it? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhmmmm ....

As I've said above in this thread, I've pulled stuff people shouldnt have said/photographed themselves doing off sites like Facebook and printed it.

What worries me is the use of a club officials desk.

That takes it beyond 'lockerroom banter'.

Either the boys have misused in a serious way, a senior officials property, or, more likely sadly, a club official has been involved in something that anybody could see is just plain bad news.

Hopefully we have learnt the lesson now and the good Mr O'Loughlin is personally editing every player's site and applying the relevant privacy controls, if not just banning them outright.

For mine, in trhe greater scheme of things, it could have been worse.

Lane's completely unprofessional and inacurate lead par gives and indication of how bad it could have been.
KL makes a good point though, you'd think someone in the footy department would have to have known.
1 step forward, 5 steps back.

Nah. This is a perfect opportunity for us to do the right thing and come out looking pro-active and professional.

Everything Euge has said so far indicates we're on the right track for that.

As long as we handle this right - and that means those involved are honest and those in charge are careful and proportionate - we'll be fine.

Always, always, always, what stuffs you in these things is if you try and cover it up. We're not.

Imagine how much worse the Carey thing would have been if we'd tried to huh it up and it had come out (so to speak) a few days later ...
KL -

I have always been a big supporter of chick's rights, so take that into consideration when I say this.

Is it offensive? Yes, it is.

Is it a sex crime, as Lane and The Age are trying to make out? No, its not.

Is it the kind of imbelic crap that 18 year olds full of testosterone do? Yes.

Does that excuse it? No.

Should the club have known about it? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhmmmm ....

As I've said above in this thread, I've pulled stuff people shouldnt have said/photographed themselves doing off sites like Facebook and printed it.

What worries me is the use of a club officials desk.

That takes it beyond 'lockerroom banter'.

Either the boys have misused in a serious way, a senior officials property, or, more likely sadly, a club official has been involved in something that anybody could see is just plain bad news.

Hopefully we have learnt the lesson now and the good Mr O'Loughlin is personally editing every player's site and applying the relevant privacy controls, if not just banning them outright.

For mine, in trhe greater scheme of things, it could have been worse.

Lane's completely unprofessional and inacurate lead par gives and indication of how bad it could have been.

Sums it up for me. Well said.

Is this the same vid that was posted on bigfooty a couple of weeks ago?
Its just so disappointing to see the level of media scrutiny this has attracted. I am sure the club will act today to rebuke those responsible. Quick action is needed and hopefully its a 24 hour story.
Even if you don't find it offensive (and clearly some of you don't) it is incredibly astoundingly stupid. Just breathtaking.

And would someone like to explain how the age knew before the club did?? You can't tell me something like this was made and posted and not common knowledge. Something is rotten in that football department.

Don't use this stupid behaviour from the playing group to push that agenda.

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I was woken up by it on All Night Appetite.

Very very bad for the club. The club doesn't need this regardless if it was a joke or not, they filmed it inside North headquarters with sponsors name and all. Many North Melbourne players have Facebook and they have over 1000 friends and all fans adding them, as other people have said It is a ticking time bomb waiting to happen. The school holiday training coming up this Thursday what are the parents going to tell there kids, when they see it all over the news and front page? Bad reputation for the club and it won't help us having the family club status. There going to be a press conference midday I think. Very bad indeed.
Undoubtedly this is a stupid act, however we must remember that this story was broken by none-other than one Samantha Lane. Other than being a back-alley in Horsham for god-knows-what, Lane is partly responsible for the dumbing-down/emasculation of our game - and very soon to be out culture.

Lane believes Footy Classified is demeaning to women because executive producer, Tim Cleary makes the final calls. Despite Caroline Wilson regularly running rings around Hutchinson (which admittedly isn't hard), the show is heavily choreographed to favour both sexes - depending on whos turn it is that week.

Whilst Wilson has her faults, she has at least a semblance of credibility and doesn't use her upwardly-nubile position to parade her recently discovered feminism with the odd-flirtation with an adjacent footy player. Her credentials are about as limpid as Dave Hughe's blue-collar act.

Maybe some mud-wrestling with Camille Paglia will sort her out? Otherwise I recommend we all put Lane on official notice.

But the video - at least they had the forethought to mention their sponsors.
I honestly thought SLF had written a fake article and had to click the link to make sure it was legit. The first paragraph is truly a disgrace.

You know mate, take out the throwing of the chicken against the wall stuff - which is pretty shitful - and it almost would make a great piss take of footy players.

There's a few details though that take it from being ouerile hijinks into the realms of the truly distasteful though.
Apparently Brady Rawlings locker was filmed, I think I heard that on All Night Appetite, not too sure. Can anyone confirm or deny hearing this?
Yep, hence the frankly misleading and unprofessional lead paragraph and tease on the site which makes you think actual humans were involved.

If it was say Footscray, the line would just be: 'Hijinks get out of hand' and we'd all have a laugh and agree idiot 18 year boys are idiot 18 year old boys.

Wonder whose Facebook it was on?

(Please don't be Ziebell, please don't be Ziebell)

In the very least SLF I can tell you it is not Ziebell.

Sadly it is not 2 18yr old players either.

It would not make it excusable if it was, however, it is far less excusable when it is 2 very senior players (one of whom I know is married with kids).

Like everyone else "I have a very good source". This one rarely fails me.
Call me a troll or do what you like, but I would suggest you hold back and see if I am correct.

I do not like the Roos in any way shape or form, but I did like one of these players prior to having this knowledge.

Be a shame if u lose sponsorship out of this.:thumbsdown:
The Age is not the guilty party here.

Well no, they didn't make the video.

But they haven't reported it in an accurate or fair fashion.

That lead par portrays a very different situation than what has actually happened.

That par suggests what is a tasteless and offensive prank video could actually have involved genuine sexual assaults taking place in the rooms.
To call the video misogynistic is quite a stretch if you ask me.
The real issue is why did the video ever hit the public domain? It should not have been put on facebook, and it should certainly not have been posted here, where it no doubt gained visibility.
Mate I've said for a while now that players with open Facebook profiles, and a lax attitude to accepting friend requests, were a ticking time bomb.

I can't understand it. I wonder though if there isn't the argument that players are entitled to a private life etc etc.

That said, I'd be writing into everyone's contract now that ALL media must be done throughthe club and including the magic words 'social etworking sites and similar' in the definition of media.
KL -

I have always been a big supporter of chick's rights, so take that into consideration when I say this.

Is it offensive? Yes, it is.

Is it a sex crime, as Lane and The Age are trying to make out? No, its not.

Is it the kind of imbelic crap that 18 year olds full of testosterone do? Yes.

Does that excuse it? No.

Should the club have known about it? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhmmmm ....

As I've said above in this thread, I've pulled stuff people shouldnt have said/photographed themselves doing off sites like Facebook and printed it.

What worries me is the use of a club officials desk.

That takes it beyond 'lockerroom banter'.

Either the boys have misused in a serious way, a senior officials property, or, more likely sadly, a club official has been involved in something that anybody could see is just plain bad news.

Hopefully we have learnt the lesson now and the good Mr O'Loughlin is personally editing every player's site and applying the relevant privacy controls, if not just banning them outright.

For mine, in trhe greater scheme of things, it could have been worse.

Lane's completely unprofessional and inacurate lead par gives and indication of how bad it could have been.

Well said SWL:

We are now all going to hang out to find out, "Who did it?" Bid Deal.
Geez we are getting overly sensitive, but then again everyone has a camera and a story these days.
Silly kid did a silly thing.
His crime: Getting caught.
To call the video misogynistic is quite a stretch if you ask me.
The real issue is why did the video ever hit the public domain? It should not have been put on facebook, and it should certainly not have been posted here, where it no doubt gained visibility.
I guess we'd need to see the video before we can comment.

The shit trucks on the Triple M breakfast show have watched it.

I think we'll all be getting a look soon enough.
I guess we'd need to see the video before we can comment.

The shit trucks on the Triple M breakfast show have watched it.

I think we'll all be getting a look soon enough.

DR posted it here a few weeks ago. You didn't see it then?
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