Club Legend
Going to put my grounded reality hat on for a moment and looking at the fixture through to the bye (round 14)
vs Freo away - Freo playing worse than us, even with injuries we should win, 1-2
vs North away - we should win even with injuries though won't be the percentage booster we would want, 2-2
vs Collingwood at Adelaide - Hard to tell given they have either been smashed or smashed a side so would want a better form guide but with our injuries and it being away (yes neutral ground) will say loss - 2-3
vs Port home - should win this on current form and hopefully some injured players back. We broke the Port voodoo - 3-3
vs Suns away - pre-season form suggests we'd win but they are a different prospect at home vs away, depending on injuries I see this as a lost but we'd win at home, 3-4
vs GWS home - they will be top 4 can see us losing this, 3-5
vs Bombers away - Want more form but suspect will lose but a 50/50, 3-6
vs Carlton home - will lose this, 3-7
vs Melbourne away - 50/50 game, losing due to venue - 3-8
vs Adelaide home - should win this with injured players back - 4-8
vs Richmond away - if serious should win this, 5-8
5-8 with about 3 50/50s which could flip and put us 8-5
Even with an injury list, I don't see us losing to Essendon or Carlton. Bombers and Blues both don't like running defensively. If the Blues are not playing well, like now, they shut up shop and try to keep everything at a contested level. Lots of ball ups and throw ins. All teams know contested footy is our Achilles Heel. If we can get that sorted out we will be much better. But we need Papley fit and running defensively, not just leaving his player to run off. We also need to convince Chad that running both ways increases his chance of getting the footy, he gets plenty but if he ran both ways I think he would get 20% more or cause turnovers and help get the ball running our way. Because when he does chase, he turns them over.