Norm Smith Medallist
Less than two hours to the game that STOPS THE NATION!
Q-CLASH - originally dreamt up by a work experience kid who was spending a week in the AFL’s marketing and publicity department, this game has quickly become the greatest talking point on the football calendar.
There can be no doubt that in years to come, long after they have retired, each player on our list will measure their achievements in terms of how many Q-CLASH games they have won.
Leppa - Without us you'd be nothing
Leigh - yeah just player of the century
Jared Brennan - shows his inaugural Marcus Ashcroft Medal
Leppa and Leigh - bow their heads in shame and kneel before the great Jared
And gentlemen in Australia now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Q-Clash day.