Preview Round 6 v Melbourne MCG Monday April 24th 7.25pm - ANZAC Eve

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Ross needs a full game in the ressies, he hasn't played. So guess that was the correct call. The sub from either Sonz or Hugo
play a full game in the ones then. he'll have more impact than cotch has been having.

sonz is probably the right call for sub with hugo dropping out. (cotch should make way)
Any other player gets dropped for the s**t cotch put out last week

What’s your point? He’s a Brownlow medalist and three-time premiership captain. If he puts out the same performance he probably will get managed but absolutely no point dropping him now when no one else is setting the world on fire.

It’s a slippery slope gifting games to players.

Sonsie hasn’t been good enough so far and is still building his tank.

Ralphsmith has been shit.

Ross has been slow and is no spring chicken. He offers little to the team. Essendon beat Melbourne with fast ball movement, Ross is the last player for that.

Dow shit, Banks not setting the world on fire yet, Bauer learning a new position.

Rioli has probably be brought in to help our forward line pressure which was off against Sydney. With Samson dropping everything we need a mosquito fleet hanging around.

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play a full game in the ones then. he'll have more impact than cotch has been having.

sonz is probably the right call for sub with hugo dropping out

Different intensity to seniors, not match fit enough. I do think Ross gets the short end of the stick at the selection table but on this occasion, i believe the right call was made.
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ross will surely walk next year. you drop a kid called sonsie who can get the footy and use the footy. muarice someone tell me what he is giving this year? holds onto the ball too long and is not playing the role. cotch has to go, grow some balls and drop him, make a statement about our future.

Unfortunately with the folks in charge, there’s no way in hell that’ll happen

Club has a way too friendly sort of vibe about itself

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Puzzling the Sonsie omission we're making our young players scapegoats for our experience lads who are letting us down bigtime weekly that's the real problem.

Cotch is a premiership captain we love him , but he should be sub or not play at all simple as that remember no one is bigger then the club.
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Sonsie being dropped does make sense from a balance perspective, he only had 7% and 13% CBA attendance against the dogs and swans. MRJ offers better balance through his speed and pressure than sonsie in the forward line/ around the ground. Also probably means Shai spends more time on ball. I think if you want to play Sonsie you probably can't play cotchin/prestia
What about our senior players continually killing us weekly through let's not turn a blind eye premiership players or not.

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I knew this would happen to Cotch this year. Did anyone else just know he was going to miss that shot from 30m directly in front last week. I guess the goal is to get him to 300 as we did with Shedda. A young team but would prefer him to at least be playing in the guts in spurts if that's all his got. Just let him play the only position he can until it's time to hang em up.
Sonsie being omitted is insulting Ik he could still be sub but I don't like that...
I understand playing Cotch as he's a legend but I think Sonsie in that midfield position would maybe offer a bit more and be better for team balance as well. Meatball Taranto Hooper plus Bolton and Sonsie chipping in

Hope Cotchy plays a blinder so we don't have to read people tear into him after the game
Being its Grimes's last game this week, hope he plays well and we send him off in style for the champion he was.
Tom Cruise What GIF
Not the moves I would have gone with personally but probably the most structurally balanced team we have fielded this year on the assumption that we see Cumberland continue his forward pressure (three pressure forwards now) and Short does indeed play HBF (another good ball user and runner and an upgrade of Ralphsmith).

Will await to see whom is the sub (will hope for Sonsie but expect it to be Ralphsmith). Sonsie will be fine, I don’t mind him getting a few games as a rotating half forward then going back to the VFL every now and then to play pure inside mid (his best position at the next level).

I wonder if this is a bit of going back to what we know works and we see Cotch more in the midfield; Dusty more as a forward flank (as opposed to almost pure forward) with more midfield stints.
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