Rudest/Nicest player you've met?

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My sister-in-law is mad Pies supporter and her favourite player was Darcy Moore. He was at NBL game sitting in front of her and my brother near courtside. At the end of a quarter, she said "hello" to him. He said to her "go on, take your selfie and then f*ck off!" She didn't want a selfie and was disgusted. Just said to him "I'm good, thank you!" Her favourite player is now Charlie Curnow.
Funny thing is, everyone thinks he's a "good bloke" because he speaks well into the microphone. As the saying goes "don't judge a book by it's cover"
Tom Campbell. Chatted to him a few times over the years, across 3 lists, and he's been great every time.
I'm convinced his career has been extended by about 5 years because he's just a fantastic person to have around a football club.

Weirdly, did some promo work with JB & Billy. Billy was as genuine as you see in public, fantastic bloke.

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Tom Campbell. Chatted to him a few times over the years, across 3 lists, and he's been great every time.
I'm convinced his career has been extended by about 5 years because he's just a fantastic person to have around a football club.

Weirdly, did some promo work with JB & Billy. Billy was as genuine as you see in public, fantastic bloke.
Tom used to be a regular at my favourite cafe. Came across as a very nice guy.

I noticed you covered Billy but not JB…
When I was 19 I was working in a servo and one day Tony Lockett came in to buy the paper.

I told him I was a massive Swans fan and that he was one of my heroes growing up and asked if I could grab his autograph. The only word he said to me was "no" before paying for the paper, turning around and leaving.

Somehow it made me like him even more.
Hahaha. Man, that's gold.
Tom used to be a regular at my favourite cafe. Came across as a very nice guy.

I noticed you covered Billy but not JB…
Very much deliberately...
Played cricket against Stephen Milne years ago and came across as a flog.
FWIW, almost very guy I played cricket against came across as a flog.

Was a weird sport to play in that regard.

Slightly off topic...A guy I used to be mates with played district for Northcote or something years ago. He played against Dean Jones one day and reckons he was hilarious. He said from the moment he came out to bat he just started sledging every one of them. He was smacking them around all over the place, and telling them all about it after every shot.
He said he pulled one for 6, then walked down the wicket and announced to them all that if they wanted to learn how to bat like that, his book was coming out soon..."and for those of you that can't read, there's a DVD coming out too".
Had an arvo with Dean Jones on the piss. Was easy to listen to though it was all about him. That said he had the charm to get away with it. From memory when the bar shut he stood up, excused himself in the third person and walked off. Cracker.
One of my mates met him at the casino and said he was a complete dick.
Man Gary freaking Lyon annoys me so much. I’ve met him also a couple of times and is a complete dick 100%.

Not only that but he hooks up with his best mates ex wife and if that isn’t bad enough, marries her.

Than he puts on the fakest persona on TV anyone could ever do. Acts as if he cares about everyone and everything and gushes over the mic’d up Errol Gulden connecting with everyone as if he loves it so much.
The fakeness makes me sick.
Had an arvo with Dean Jones on the piss. Was easy to listen to though it was all about him. That said he had the charm to get away with it. From memory when the bar shut he stood up, excused himself in the third person and walked off. Cracker.
Dean Jones was at a mate's cricket club 7-a-side social day back in the 90's as a sort of celebrity guest - maybe it was his junior club once upon a time, not sure. The sort of day where players field with a beer in their hand and there's lots of banter and fold-up chair critics up near the pavilion.

There was great interest in the star attraction of the day when he went out to bat, with everyone except maybe the bowler hoping he'd launch into a few big sixes and maybe whip up a quickfire half century in a couple of overs.

So when he miscued early on and skied the ball, and the keeper tried halfheartedly to take the catch with one glove (he had a VB in the other hand), everyone was relieved when the ball hit the ground.

But Jones was not impressed, instead choosing to walk straight to his car, pads still on and bat and gloves under his arm, got in and drove away. Everyone watching was shellshocked and was left wondering what they had just witnessed.

Needless to say, the petulance of the former Aussie great was seen off with a fair barrage of boos and insults from those in attendance.

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My sister-in-law is mad Pies supporter and her favourite player was Darcy Moore. He was at NBL game sitting in front of her and my brother near courtside. At the end of a quarter, she said "hello" to him. He said to her "go on, take your selfie and then f*ck off!" She didn't want a selfie and was disgusted. Just said to him "I'm good, thank you!" Her favourite player is now Charlie Curnow.
Have to admit that doesn't surprise me.
This will sound like a normal biased, sycophantic comment but all the Pies boys laugh at the image he has to the outside world as off field hes the most caring bloke at the club. I admit id hate the campaigner if he was in other colours though because thats what we do
In interviews etc I have to admit he doesn't seem too bad.
big Jim Jess was a ripper to meet and have a chat with, guy had some ripper storys from his playing days and was very welcoming.
B.Gale is also a great bloke to chat with (little bit guarded with what he says) but still a great talker
Went to an in store meet and greet for Essendon players 15 years ago or so. Adam McPhee was a complete flog and you got the distinct impression his family were being held hostage in exchange for his attendance. Sam Lonergan on the other hand was a really genuine and sincere guy who made a bit of chit chat about footy and humoured me asking dumb questions for a minute or two.
people might have there own opinions of him but..
Tex Walker is also a fantastic player to meet,down to earth and very friendly
very generous with his time to supporters
It's a shame he will mostly be remembered for that one thing he said, outside of football. Like I don't condone racism or his actions, and I don't know how racist he really is, but with the media coverage if you're famous you're often defined by one bad thing you did.
big Jim Jess was a ripper to meet and have a chat with, guy had some ripper storys from his playing days and was very welcoming.
B.Gale is also a great bloke to chat with (little bit guarded with what he says) but still a great talker
I met Jim a few times during his playing career and once after he had finished. Was terrific everytime.

Dale Weightman was doing a sporty at a footy club I was playing at. When it finished a few of us jumped in a taxi to go to the pub. A mate stuck his head in and asked us if we had room for one more. We did, and Flea got in, came to the pub with us and was in a shout with us for a couple of hours. I was like a dog with two dicks.
Before the 2017 GF was at a bar in Richmond when my mate points out Tony Modra. You could tell he was there to get free drinks from Adelaide fans, but I called him "Mr Modra" (as you would) and he gave me a nod, as he did with everyone who said hello. On his way out, he made a point of giving a quick goodbye to every single person who had said hello to him, and not just the Adelaide fans as he came back by our table, too. Utter class act.
big Jim Jess was a ripper to meet and have a chat with, guy had some ripper storys from his playing days and was very welcoming.
B.Gale is also a great bloke to chat with (little bit guarded with what he says) but still a great talker

I used to work with Gale in his brief time as a lawyer. Nice guy, always had time for everyone.
FWIW, almost very guy I played cricket against came across as a flog.

Was a weird sport to play in that regard.

Slightly off topic...A guy I used to be mates with played district for Northcote or something years ago. He played against Dean Jones one day and reckons he was hilarious. He said from the moment he came out to bat he just started sledging every one of them. He was smacking them around all over the place, and telling them all about it after every shot.
He said he pulled one for 6, then walked down the wicket and announced to them all that if they wanted to learn how to bat like that, his book was coming out soon..."and for those of you that can't read, there's a DVD coming out too".
Yeah that's him .

Last time I played against him we had them 3/10 . He stopped play in the middle of an over and announced to everyone he was 'going to make 150 because our keeper was annoying him '

True to his word he made 150 and spent the whole innings sledging everyone , us , umps , a few spectators and even his team mates.

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