Rumour put to bed

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I specifically meant the three strike cover up thing

I am however a realist.

Yes, and so do I. I've been hearing it for years, and I'm sick of hearing it ... okay????

You say you're a realist, then try to get real and stop coming in here trying to give us the shits.

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Maybe we are getting a little sensitive, but most guests have not been as genuine as you seem to be. Perhaps, you may have not appreciated how annoying the rumours have continually been for us here

If you want the ínside word' from Hawks who might "know a little more'', here it is...


I trust this settles the matter...

and P155 off commando
reubski, I don't know which station it was, but a twitter by a girl this morning said she heard them saying that Buddy was on 3 strikes.She was very annoyed about it. Now who in the hell would be that stupid! But one of the stations said it, and Evans heard it too, he was right.Evans is too much of a gentleman..Robinson & Healy would be two of the worse for gossip, Sheahan is no better..another 3 stooges..whooppee:D Believe me, Brayshaw would love Buddy to be found guilty.
He has always disliked the hawks,like so many other journalists and commentators..We sure don't have much love from them do we?

I hear what your saying mate but disagree about Brayshaw- I think you will find that Buddy and Brayshaw are actually quite good mates I very much doubt that he would want one of his mates to be found guilt of having a drug dependency. I think a lot of people on this board (including myself at times) have this everyone is against sort of attitude which of course there is some but there is some in the media who like us even love us. This story as much as I hate it is very sexy you have the biggest name in football from one of the biggest clubs the media are always going to show some interest, I don't think we can draw the bow of saying that interest in this story is directly correlated to the media having it in for the club.

In a way I am glad that this rumour gained that much momentum in the last 36 hours that club had to come out and say there was nothing to it. It is not good for members with children and secondly our corporates if this rumour had kept bubbling @ the surface.
Sad that any rumors can do this much damage, to the point where the media started bringing it up. Anyone else see Triple M start to give this stupid story wings on facebook?

That station has lost what little respect I had for it.
Who is that twitty female this morning along with that idiot from Before the Game? That's the station that accused Buddy of having three strikes!.How stupid can they be!:mad: Hehe Healy is pissed, because they wanted Evans on their station tonight, and he refused..Healy said he can get Well done Evans we know how much Healy likes the Hawks..I wouldn't give them a minute. Russell & Taylor have said they want the HFC to come online and tell them what the supposed illness is, they don't believe he was ill, they state they have truth about the problem with Buddy,but they can't substantiate it, but they claim they know the rumour about Buddy is a fact.We don't get it here, I just came across it online, once I heard it I turned it off.Now we get.Barrett,Wallis, another gossip on tonight, I am not listening to any radio any more at night..They give me the @#$%6. If they accused Buddy about this,.why don't we sue them for such rot? It just needs one station to bring them to court for defammation, and I doubt other stations would be so stupid. But then, we know what happened to Dylan don't we...

Im a firm believer Healy is a nob and love a good moan about him and BT, but you're wrong here. I listened to Sports today yesterday. They were obviously diappointed Evans didnt come on, but never pursued it or told him to 'get stuffed'.

All BT and Dwayne said was yes, they had heard all the rumours however they weren't willing to give them airtime and quickly dismissed them. Lloyd said he took Evans on face value and they agreed.

There was concern that it may be more health related than a hamstring tear but it wasnt malicious.

Seriously, the persucution complex some have on this site is becoming laughable.
Russell & Taylor have said they want the HFC to come online and tell them what the supposed illness is, they don't believe he was ill, they state they have truth about the problem with Buddy,but they can't substantiate it, but they claim they know the rumour about Buddy is a fact.

First of all, the Hawthorn FC is not accountable to a radio station. I love the statement they KNOW the rumour is correct, but CANNOT substantiate it. To me, this means they've been in the media too long. A good journalist (sadly there are very few of them) knows before you can splash accusations all over the media, you have to be able to back it up. Obviously they cannot.

You know what I'd love to see happen? Get a contigent of Hawthorn people together, maybe Dunstall, Kennett, Newbold, Buddy and his lawyer, arrange an interview, and demand they make the accusation in public and on air. Then they have to prove how they know they rumours are true.

Then, having made the statement, Buddy's lawyer informs them they are being sued. I'm fed up with media types pushing out their chests, throwing crap at anyone they like, and getting away with it. Time to set an example of those cretins. If Mick Molloy can be sued for an off the cuff remark about Cornes' misses and Stuart Dew, imagine how well Buddy would do out of it.
Forget the media - I am sick and tired of most peaople spouting crap wherever I go about Buddy. Seems that people who have never even attended an afl match are now experts in the AFL drug testing policy and have very reliable sources that Buddy has definitely received a third drug strike.

So I have a few things to say -
1. To all of those people who say they have a reliable source you must have a great life because that means you actually are in the inner circle of friends of an absolute legend! Seriously people half of you can't even spell reliable.
2. To those who tell me that he is not playing because he would test positive and therfore be rubbed out - get a grip. I know we bag the AFL but it is not that backwater that players not currently playing due to injury are not tested. Seriously people - the guys get tested in the off season for goodness sake!
and 3. Two word for all those people who don't barrack for Hawthorn ....... JEALOUS MUCH?

I am sure all will pan out and I hope that he comes back and kicks an absolute bucket load and shuts them all up. Go Bud! and Go Hawks!
Chunky, you obviously didn't hear d...head Healy AS he was leaving for Foxtel.He certainly said it,Maybe he thought we wouldn't hear it,it was soft but you must have missed it..Healy, like many other journalists and commentators like sticking their beak in others business.
I was very pleased that Demetriou spoke up for Buddy, interesting article and tv item. Well done Demetriou

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Chunky, you obviously didn't hear d...head Healy AS he was leaving for Foxtel.He certainly said it,Maybe he thought we wouldn't hear it,it was soft but you must have missed it..Healy, like many other journalists and commentators like sticking their beak in others business.

I guess I didnt. I stand corrected if you are right, but yeah Healy is a nob.

However, at no point in that show did any of them - Healy included - claim any rumours were fact and that Buddy missed for any reasons other than his health.
I guess I didnt. I stand corrected if you are right, but yeah Healy is a nob.

However, at no point in that show did any of them - Healy included - claim any rumours were fact and that Buddy missed for any reasons other than his health.
Your avatar is freaking me the **** out!!! Get rid of it or i'll have to sleep with the light on and that means looking at the missus...:(
Your avatar is freaking me the **** out!!! Get rid of it or i'll have to sleep with the light on and that means looking at the missus...:(

Toughen up're missus must have passed the day test wjen you met her
Who is that twitty female this morning along with that idiot from Before the Game? That's the station that accused Buddy of having three strikes!.How stupid can they be!:mad: Hehe Healy is pissed, because they wanted Evans on their station tonight, and he refused..Healy said he can get Well done Evans we know how much Healy likes the Hawks..I wouldn't give them a minute. Russell & Taylor have said they want the HFC to come online and tell them what the supposed illness is, they don't believe he was ill, they state they have truth about the problem with Buddy,but they can't substantiate it, but they claim they know the rumour about Buddy is a fact.We don't get it here, I just came across it online, once I heard it I turned it off.Now we get.Barrett,Wallis, another gossip on tonight, I am not listening to any radio any more at night..They give me the @#$%6. If they accused Buddy about this,.why don't we sue them for such rot? It just needs one station to bring them to court for defammation, and I doubt other stations would be so stupid. But then, we know what happened to Dylan don't we...
sen had enough of texts about it and said to stop smsing them about some rubbish rumour i heard that on the weekend
Chunky, we must listen to a country and a city version. I don't make up stories. It was definitely said last night.Not worth a disagreement anyway..We don't get 3aw in evenings, thank goodness, but had just turned it online, after Healy left I turned it off. I very seldom ever listen to 3aw,(in mornings) they have some beauties on that station...AS IF!!The ABC commentators are the best on media for football. I listen to ABC and mute the tv.If at all possible, I will mute TV..some shocking commentators on tv
Buddy and Demitriou's statements today won't stop the d..kheads on here still circulating this scandalous BS.

Good to hear straight from the big fella that he'll be back this week. Looking forward to him making a statement!
fair enough too you got banned for saying rubbish ! you're lucky to be posting back in here after saying such rubbish

Totally agree.

You can't just go around making up utter nonsense on other team's boards and expect to be welcomed with open arms. What do you think the response would be if I chose to go to the Collingwood board and ask if it were true if Dane Swan had 3 strikes but the AFL chose to cover it up? I heard that so it must have some truth..

You can be curious, but when it is about something that seems like utter BS, just google it. If nothing comes up why would anyone here know more?

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