Salary Cap for Football Departments.

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Originally posted by understudy

The flip side to what u said is that the Swans members (if there are any true ones) for instance have to put with "dipshi.t" Colless as president and have no say about it and can do nothing about it.

No wonder the club is a mess.

We get Voting rights this year, so that mean jack now. I don't like how Colless is running the club. To him its a business first before a sporting club and it this reason why we won't win a flag for a few years. Anyway its unlikely Colless would be voted out after all who else could do the job.
no way

The AFL should butt out. Clubs must have a way of acheiving and if that means they have more or better coaches then so be it. In the business world some companies spend big and get no where and vice versa so why should AFL be any different.

If the AFL goes down this path they should just take the next step and allocate set $ of funds to all clubs and they collect all the revenue. Would not work off course but if clubs can't spend extra dollars on players or coaches where does it go? They don't have zones to develop, grounds to maintain etc.

Probably into poker machine ventures or property development.
As I've posted on other threads, I'm a staunch defender of the salary cap... but only as it relates directly to on field activities.

If a club wants to get by with a shoestring football department, or wants to blow all their money on 22 assistants, that's their problem.

The AFL should regulate how the game is played, but not how the clubs are run.

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The idea of everything being "members money" is flawed to begin with!

Some people like Malthouse can draw their own sponsorship and pay their own way.

On the positive side, last year we may have been able to trade Laidley to Norf for something, due to him putting pressure on our football department salary cap. I think the number 2 draft pick would have been sufficient!! ;)

Complete bollocks. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by FIGJAM

On the positive side, last year we may have been able to trade Laidley to Norf for something, due to him putting pressure on our football department salary cap. I think the number 2 draft pick would have been sufficient!! ;)

Or we could be contributing to Richmond, part of Frawley's salary!!!
Originally posted by understudy
If you dont like it stop ur whinning and stop paying ur membership.

It is ur decision after all.

Ps I would be happy forward u an application form to join the greatest club of all - the collingwood football club.


Ahh how little you know. Ever heard of the Freo MOB?? I wouldn't have thought so.

I support everything they stood for in regards to electing the board. Thats called taking positive action to change a situation rather than taking ones ball and going home.

As for COllingwood membership I'll decline thanks I'd rather donate to the "Save Saddam Fund" :D
Originally posted by knuckles
Next will be a statistic cap. Players are only allowed 20 touches per game, then off. Bucks should play until he is 45 as he will only be able to play approx 2 quarters per game;)

Don't laugh.

Dan 26's argument about a 30 week season is heading down this path.

Originally posted by DaveW
I'm quite happy supporting a club that doesn't allow members a vote if it avoids the messy and disruptive political situations seen at clubs like Carlton and Melbourne in recent times.

I can understand your attitude now - for the most part Adelaide seem to be a very well run club. But have a look at the Fremantle supporters forced to suffer the complete incompetance of its board over the last few years without any democratic say? I fully support the Freo MOB and their ideas.

Would you be so supportive if you found out Bob Hammond had been systematically rorting the salary cap, or even worse, taking profits from the club for personal use? At least at Carlton they got a say - you guys would be stuck with it.

Without the members getting a say Hawthorn wouldn't exist. Supporters, not administrators make a club what it is.
Originally posted by Balip
Ahh how little you know. Ever heard of the Freo MOB?? I wouldn't have thought so.

I support everything they stood for in regards to electing the board. Thats called taking positive action to change a situation rather than taking ones ball and going home.

As for COllingwood membership I'll decline thanks I'd rather donate to the "Save Saddam Fund" :D

Fair enough - i pity u for following this club. Why?

But good on u for trying to change things.

But I ask again why support such an organisation.
Originally posted by GOALden Hawk
I can understand your attitude now - for the most part Adelaide seem to be a very well run club. But have a look at the Fremantle supporters forced to suffer the complete incompetance of its board over the last few years without any democratic say? I fully support the Freo MOB and their ideas.

Would you be so supportive if you found out Bob Hammond had been systematically rorting the salary cap, or even worse, taking profits from the club for personal use? At least at Carlton they got a say - you guys would be stuck with it.

Without the members getting a say Hawthorn wouldn't exist. Supporters, not administrators make a club what it is.

Thats the great thing about membership based clubs - its our club and we run it.

That sense of ownership is very empowering and is what drives our passion as supporters.

Something these interstaters should aspire to. They have a lot to learn

U will never get respect and be taken seriously by the football community in Melbourne until you achieve this.
My mate just brought a brand new Ferrari, now because he has one and even though I cant afford it, I'll still go and get one. Teams like the roos or bulldogs or saints dont have to have 5 assistant coaches on their books just because other clubs have. This is rubbish now, if these clubs above cant afford it, then dont punish other clubs who know who to manage and market their club to make money. Go away Jackson, your 60th cant come sooner!

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It's a good idea to keep the struggling clubs accountable and create a level playing field but for the clubs with the money to spend it would be only holding back the sport in terms of innovation and technological and training advancements.
I think player payments should be capped, the draft should be abolished, and everything else including ALL the friggin rules of the game should be left alone.

See, a bloke like Sheedy is talking alien every 3 days about how this rule should be looked at and that rule should be looked at, all these rule changes are part of what is driving me away from AFL in general. Personally I prefer Pagan's view that the rules people should be sent to Cuba and told to take their woolies.
I am for the salary cap on coaches and coaching staff. The main idea is to save money and not have the coach on a $1,000,000 contract for 5 years.
It would be better if the coach was on a $200,000 contract for 2 years.
Originally posted by goaldrush
I am for the salary cap on coaches and coaching staff. The main idea is to save money and not have the coach on a $1,000,000 contract for 5 years.
It would be better if the coach was on a $200,000 contract for 2 years.
As I read this I was really scared you were going to end with 1 year.
Originally posted by goaldrush
I am for the salary cap on coaches and coaching staff. The main idea is to save money ...

So why do you need a salary cap for football departments?
If you restrict one aspect of where the poorer clubs can overspend their budgets, they'll overspend on some other area!
You only need look at history to see that.
If clubs could control themselves to their budgets then we wouldn't have needed the salary cap on players in the first place!

Stupid idea.
You really are losing the plot Jacko if you go anywhere with this.

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Salary Cap for Football Departments.

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