Sam Newman- people have had enough of this shameless racist.

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Hey folks, just a friendly reminder that this thread is about Sam Newman. All discussion on the upcoming referendum - please continue ON THE SRP BOARD
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What concerns me about our society is that free speech is a right, but also cancelling someone for offending you seems to take precedence.

His opinion is attention seeking and controversial at best, racism at worst but gee whiz, when did we become a country of pussies that can't have a conversation without turning it into a personal vilification of a human being.

If you pull back the media reporting, what he's saying is this,

"acknowledgement of country is divisive, wants to promote unity, would rather sing, I am, you are, we are Australia'.

Personally, I love the acknowledgement of country. I think it's meaningful to be reflective and acknowledge the past as we create the future together. But I see his point of view and I find it beyond laughable at grown adults shaming him for having an opinion. Hahahaha
please give it a rest. arguing that the high rate of indigenous deaths in custody is a myth is actually stomach turning

Per population vs raw data sets is where this argument comes from.

Raw data has more white people dying in custody. Same as the USA.

Per population then yes indigenous but there is also a high percentage of them that is due to self harm and police car chases (yes they go down as stats for in custody).

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An elder wants to offer a welcome? Great. I'll listen.

Sam Newman criticising indigenous people? Stuck up private school flog bully, what a worthless scum he is. Fair dinkum these media scumbags will jabber anything for a scrap of publicity. He put on blackace and showed his dick for ratings. What a clown.

We claimed most of Australia under the doctrine of Terra Nullius "There's no one here" [bang]. We annexed the Tiwi Islands because they had visible land ownership in the form of garden plots and settled villages "Sign here".

Batman tried to get some signature in Melbourne but it was disallowed in part as it opened cans of worms for the other bits of NSW (Port Phillip District was in NSW back then).

It was self evidently false that the territories settled by the United Kingdom were not in use. read the newspapers of the day, when Melbourne was settled there was pretty much an open conversation about how to remove the indigenous people, the options being camps or graves.
I always find these threads disturbing. Mercifully they usually get shut down. What is hard to digest is that some people who I feel a strong connection to through my footy team, can also have such repulsive views on our first nation citizens. Does my head in.
What concerns me about our society is that free speech is a right, but also cancelling someone for offending you seems to take precedence.

His opinion is attention seeking and controversial at best, racism at worst but gee whiz, when did we become a country of pussies that can't have a conversation without turning it into a personal vilification of a human being.

If you pull back the media reporting, what he's saying is this,

"acknowledgement of country is divisive, wants to promote unity, would rather sing, I am, you are, we are Australia'.
Yeah Newman wants to cancel black people speaking...
I always find these threads disturbing. Mercifully they usually get shut down. What is hard to digest is that some people who I feel a strong connection to through my footy team, can also have such repulsive views on our first nation citizens. Does my head in.

And this is why we as society make no progress, the second you start bringing out uncomfortable facts people back down and change subject and start throwing out labels.

2021-2022. Of the total deaths in custody, 23% were Indigenous, however 30% of the people in custody were Indigenous.

Indigenous had a higher chance to be in custody, but once in custody they had a lower chance to die than non-indigenous, these are official facts.

Either admit you're wrong or provide some facts that show I'm wrong, don't start throwing around labels.
Yep, this is the same bloke who bailed out Polly Farmer years ago and he was not only his idol, but also an Aboriginal, Newman said of Farmer "he was my great inspiration in my football life — and almost my life — if you look back at where he came from, what he achieved, how he achieved it and why he was the person he was, he had a great love of the game and what he brought to it from his indigenous background was absolutely amazing". This doesn't sound like the words of a racist to me. I think people just love to hate Sam and the hysteria on here is extraordinary. I've already posted this one on another thread, but it rings true yet again "No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth" - Plato.
Perhaps you should tell Nicky Winmar and Adam Goodes that Sam Newman isn't a racist.
WTF are you talking about? I'm posting official stats, which of those stats is wrong ?
there is no crisis of white prisoners dying in custody - there is certainly one re Indigenous people. Jam your meaningless raw data. When one group has 2% of the population why would you use raw data? unless youre deliberately trying to cloud a critical issue?
Suicide and death whilst in a car chase (count towards death in custody) are a large part of your stats.
"Death whilst in a car chase". OK.

Suicide: Yes. When a person is in custody, the state has a duty of care towards that person. That includes monitoring and mental health care.

But in any case we are getting off topic.

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there is no crisis of white prisoners dying in custody - there is certainly one re Indigenous people. Jam your meaningless raw data. When one group has 2% of the population why would you use raw data? unless youre deliberately trying to cloud a critical issue?

I understand indigenous people make up only 2% of the population, that's WHY I SAID the FOLLOWING

Indigenous people make up 30% OF THE PEOPLE IN CUSTODY.

Indigenous people make up 23% OF THE DEATHS IN CUSTODY.

Which part EXACTLY do you not understand?
You know that's called the false consensus effect? It can come from a desire to increase self esteem.

"Everybody thinks like this but I'm brave enough to say it!"

Narrator: Relatively few people thought like that.
Now my turn for armchair psychology. Your need to be validated and increase self-esteem is evident by your mod status, and 120000 likes on a niche website called Your internal locus in lost, you only exist to win internet argument votes.
Why not go back 50 years, when we'd steal the kids of the people doing the WTC?
False equivalency, not supporting the voice is not the same as supporting the stolen generation. Rabid and senseless.
No see you use % of population, instead of raw data sets, the facts are MORE white people were taken! That's how come they have numbers on 250k plus vs estimated 60k plus.
So yes I DO KNOW some what know what I am speaking of because it is facts that can be researched and looked up.
My partners uncle was a stolen indigenous/caucasion baby had out of wedlock who died in his 50s to heart disease.
This also happened to white women and babies.
It's not I'm saying it didn't happen rather not EVERY case was race based like you and others claim it to be. A lot of it was a product of the government and social norm at the time for ALL races.

Tell me how many 1 and 6 year olds remember the exact details of why they were taken?
Hell even a 10-12 year old can view the world through a different lens then an adult.

You are also saying every person had the same reason and illegitimate reasons for separation. This is false.

It also needs to be stated that you are using it to stop discussions and throw it out there as some sort of counter argument to that original poster which was irrelevant and so needs to be discussed in equal and fair measure.

This bullshit argument you always spout about are you Aboriginal and have you spoken to a heap of stolen generations doesn't mean that ;
a) their memory is correct.
b) they don't have an ulterior motive (reperations).
c) have been told a lie (family has guilt and regrets).
d) have bought in to explain the pain of it.
e) have genuine claims.

Again you are casting a wide net on only 1 part of the country's population that was effected by the then governments policies.

The whole case for it being racially motivated was actually over a 16 year old female who was removed 150km from her family given a traineeship and parents given money, bus tickets to see her each weekend. She was married at 17yo to another indigenous man.
The document stated in the area for reason was simply: Aboriginal.
All the other documents spoke nothing about race and gave was given up due to x reason, was taken because x reason.
Now I'm sure there was a good undocumented percentage of those numbers that racial profiling, lack of cultural understanding and plain racism also played a part but it wasn't 100% of the numbers reported.

I have never forgotten one second of how I was taken. Not one. I can still smell the sweat of the coward who pinned me to the ground whilst my mother was beaten and r*ped repeatedly by several men. I still have nightmares about it. You can hide from it during the day but you can’t hide from it at night. I still remember every beating in captivity, being locked in hot tin boxes for hours on end for not complying. Having my arm shattered, seeing other kids abused so badly that they died, kids beaten to death to their skulls were crushed, having to be told your name no longer exists, your family are evil, having your past wiped. Listening to the girls scream at night whilst they were r*ped. Every time I take off my shirt the mirror reminds me of the scars from the whippings and fern hook beatings. Finding out your mother suicided because she couldn’t live without her kids, your brothers and sisters dead or broken. That was the Stolen generation. Tens of thousands I have spoken to over the years will share these stories. You don’t forget it for one second. You carry it to your grave. There are stories I could tell you that you would not be able to hear. That is the Stolen Ones.
Don’t try and lecture me on the Stolen Generation.
And this is why we as society make no progress, the second you start bringing out uncomfortable facts people back down and change subject and start throwing out labels.

2021-2022. Of the total deaths in custody, 23% were Indigenous, however 30% of the people in custody were Indigenous.

Indigenous had a higher chance to be in custody, but once in custody they had a lower chance to die than non-indigenous, these are official facts.

Either admit you're wrong or provide some facts that show I'm wrong, don't start throwing around labels.
You're a mathematical moron.
I have never forgotten one second of how I was taken. Not one. I can still smell the sweat of the coward who pinned me to the ground whilst my mother was beaten and r*ped repeatedly by several men. I still have nightmares about it. You can hide from it during the day but you can’t hide from it at night. I still remember every beating in captivity, being locked in hot tin boxes for hours on end for not complying. Having my arm shattered, seeing other kids abused so badly that they died, kids beaten to death to their skulls were crushed, having to be told your name no longer exists, your family are evil, having your past wiped. Listening to the girls scream at night whilst they were r*ped. Every time I take off my shirt the mirror reminds me of the scars from the shillings and fern hook beatings. Finding out your mother suicided because she couldn’t live without her kids, your brothers and sisters dead or broken. That was the Stolen generation. Tens of thousands I have spoken to over the years will share these stories. You don’t forget it for one second. You carry it to your grave. There are stories I could tell you that you would not be able to hear. That is the Stolen Ones.
I have never forgotten one second of how I was taken. Not one. I can still smell the sweat of the coward who pinned me to the ground whilst my mother was beaten and r*ped repeatedly by several men. I still have nightmares about it. You can hide from it during the day but you can’t hide from it at night. I still remember every beating in captivity, being locked in hot tin boxes for hours on end for not complying. Having my arm shattered, seeing other kids abused so badly that they died, kids beaten to death to their skulls were crushed, having to be told your name no longer exists, your family are evil, having your past wiped. Listening to the girls scream at night whilst they were r*ped. Every time I take off my shirt the mirror reminds me of the scars from the shillings and fern hook beatings. Finding out your mother suicided because she couldn’t live without her kids, your brothers and sisters dead or broken. That was the Stolen generation. Tens of thousands I have spoken to over the years will share these stories. You don’t forget it for one second. You carry it to your grave. There are stories I could tell you that you would not be able to hear. That is the Stolen Ones.
Your courage to participate in this thread and others like it with the offensive garbage that's posted and the blatant bigotry is astounding. Take care SotY and Go Pies.
Yep, this is the same bloke who bailed out Polly Farmer years ago and he was not only his idol, but also an Aboriginal, Newman said of Farmer "he was my great inspiration in my football life — and almost my life — if you look back at where he came from, what he achieved, how he achieved it and why he was the person he was, he had a great love of the game and what he brought to it from his indigenous background was absolutely amazing". This doesn't sound like the words of a racist to me. I think people just love to hate Sam and the hysteria on here is extraordinary. I've already posted this one on another thread, but it rings true yet again "No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth" - Plato.

It's quite the 'internet debate-bro' parlour trick you just pulled their to quote someone saying something decades ago in defence of them not being racist, while completely ignoring the extremely racist and vile thing they said a couple of days ago.

'How can I be racist, I have a black friend?!'

Seriously people still using that defence in 2023 :rolleyes:
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