Player Watch Scott Pendlebury

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I do not care what Nick Riewoldt thinks.

Maybe because his follow-up to "I want to be a one-club player" had nothing to do with playing, from his perspective?

Not redundant at all. He was asked about his contract negotiations. He said he wants to remain at Collingwood for his playing days. You're very desperate to bite on what the media are trying to drum up - have you listened to the audio?
Just heard it and it does cast his words in a different light. Still clumsy at best.
I think its's very strange coming from the club's captain. Again, what do the kids make of it. They look up to him as a champion and leader and he is letting it be known he would be open to offers and if the right one came along walk out of our club and play for someone else. If he was 27 and had not experienced any success I would be angry if he thought about moving like Tom Lynch did, but at least I'd understand. But he is 33 and the club is crying out for some leadership and hope. The captain is supposed to provide both. Surely he could have said, "I am very keen to be a one club player and I am considering an offer at the moment." I really don't understand why he mentioned the possibility of leaving. He is an adept media performer. When they ask he could simply deflect and say I'm sure I will come to an agreement with the club.

What do the kids make of it? That he’s honest with them. Doesn’t tell them 1 thing to their faces, do something different behind their backs.

Ultimately, it’s a business decision. We’re happy for posters here to treat these guys like a piece of meat yet take umbrage when a player dares offer some honesty back the other way. According to many here he should be happy to pay us to play out another year. The irony is beautiful.

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Agreed. I interpreted it the way he has since clarified, I couldn't believe the way it was being blown up.

Hardly worth the bs reporting. As I said last night, its clickbait rubbish. Oooo something Collingwood related? *sound of w*nking into a hanky*
As to pay he's earned it, as for captaincy I'm on record has having reservations on that since the moment it was reported.

His service stands second to none

6 AA's
5 Copeland
2 Norm smith medal
300+ games with the same club

He played the entire 2017 season with a back injury that would end the careers of some.

This entire thread has been turned into a witch hunt that stinks to high heaven of a lynch mob.

I've always hated hyenas.

He's a legend of the club. No question.

That doesn't necessarily mean he is the best leader onfield. Too often when the game swung the other way he was missing. He was death by a thousand cuts rather than a make statement type captain.
Wouldn’t have thought Pendlebury would be worth anywhere near even that? He won’t be captain and it’s a good idea for the captain to step out of the leadership group altogether. What’s his onfield role going to be in 2022? Perhaps similar to Mayne’s role?

There’s a lot of sentimentality around Pendlebury, for sure, but without his leadership position he would surely be behind a bunch of players in the salary pecking order?
Hopefully he takes a big hit to stay with the club, but can't see how he goes from $800k-$1m if reported figures are correct to below $500k if he doesn't volunteer it. Would further help our cap yes, but even a 300k drop should help.

And you raise a good pt with leadership, if he steps down shouldn't be in that group but we have a vacuum there also. Not even sure I prefer Adams as a leader. Heart n soul player but skills and decision making were horrible on Sunday. Would almost rather he be left to focus on his game, but Sidey and Howe shouldn't be either IMO.
I find this all a rather hyperbolic reaction, from the audio it sounds to me:
  • I want to coach at another club >after< I finish my one club career.
Even though the 'after' bit wasn't mentioned (kinda a pertinent bit of info), what is odd is the timing, what prompted him to publicly state this? My tip is a journo at mmm asked him, and the audio we've got is just the answer to a question that has been beaten up to sound like Pendles wants out (but the important bit is the when). It's made out to sound he's not %100 happy at the Pies and then that speculation starts.

I doubt Pendles is shopping himself for the now

Reckon he's already had a slap himself on the forehead Homer Simpson Doh moment.
Incredible, people loved the Graham Wright appointment and all that he brings, as soon as he brings a philosophy of his across (over 30's 1 Year Deals + not being played on market worth) some supporters go crazy.

It's critically important that since we have removed the decision makers that handed out horrible deals (Guy, Walsh, Buckley and ticked off by Eddie) that we make most of the clean slate.

Players can't come to us and say well you handed out this deal last year or the year before as we will say well we are under different management now.

Set the standard early like GW is doing and no better way to start then the skipper.
Buckle up Maynard, Moore and De Goey. If you want your deal at the pies it'll be on our terms.
Not one player or person is ever bigger than this club.


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He clearly said if clubs want to throw coaching package offers he'd listen. Seemed pretty clear it was playing for a year or 2 and coaching after that given he's not retiring. And it was in context of things not moving quickly with the club, so was trying to drive up his value. Seeme clear cut and now has back-pedalled.
He didn't make a mistake. He meant what he said. It wasn't a matter of one wrong word. He stated clearly and concisely that he was open to offers while still playing.He has lost my respect. I thought he was a loyal Collingwood man who we could forever hold up as one of the true greats both on and off the field but his decision to shop around has damaged his reputation even if he remains at the club.
What the hell was he thinking?
He's only human mate. It was an ill-considered tweet which he regrets now. He realises he has made a mistake and he has now sought to set things right. I'm happy to move on.

I've done some dumb things in my life too, but I've clarified/apologised where I needed to, and I hope that my friends and loved ones are open to reconciliation and that my "reputation hasn't been permanently damaged".
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He's only human mate. It was an ill-considered tweet which regrets now. He realises he has made a mistake and he has now sought to set things right. I'm happy to move on.

I've done some dumb things in my life too, but I've clarified/apologised where I needed to, and I hope that my friends and loved ones are open to reconciliation and that my "reputation hasn't been permanently damaged".

You're not factoring in the enormous pain and impact Pendles has inflicted on Domus' life.

I don't know about you, but I, like Domus, will take this mostly-harmless 24 hour news cycle and keep that as my overriding memory of a 15+year AFL career.
You're not factoring in the enormous pain and impact Pendles has inflicted on Domus' life.

I don't know about you, but I, like Domus, will take this mostly-harmless 24 hour news cycle and keep that as my overriding memory of a 15+year AFL career.
Happy to have Nick Reiwoldt comments align with mine. It wasn't inconsequential but as I've written, hearing the audio definitely casts a different light on the words.
The fact that Pendlebury saw the need for clarification underlines how poor his choice of words were.
Happy to have Nick Reiwoldt comments align with mine. It wasn't inconsequential but as I've written, hearing the audio definitely casts a different light on the words.
The fact that Pendlebury saw the need for clarification underlines how poor his choice of words were.

He made a mistake mate and he's corrected it. Watch some Pendlebury highlights and move on.

Haha, straight from the copybook of Ed McGuire, “What I really meant to say was …”

Well he's been educated by the king of foot in mouth moments for his entire career
He clearly said if clubs want to throw coaching package offers he'd listen. Seemed pretty clear it was playing for a year or 2 and coaching after that given he's not retiring. And it was in context of things not moving quickly with the club, so was trying to drive up his value. Seeme clear cut and now has back-pedalled.
It was so clear that everyone has a different interpretation of it.
As I thought, can we all cease this discussion now?

Not until he either signs a contract with us, or signs a nice player-coach package contract with another team.

That’s reasonable isn’t it?

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Player Watch Scott Pendlebury

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