Event Season 36 - All-SFA Presentation - Live 6:20pm AWST

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Ruck - Cap (Bears) - Being selected for the second time in the All-SFA is Cap, a dominant ruck who has led the Bears to many a victory on the Qooty field. In terms of his posting presence, I haven't too much of Cap, I do recall him doing a pretty rank name change to 'Western Sydney Wanderers' a few seasons back and just like the Western Sydney Wanderers, Cap has been notching up the wins in the ruck contest.

His avatar is absolutely elite and a blast from the past. Man I wish I selected this guy on the second interchange so I can post this song in the write-up which would SEAMLESSLY transition into the wrap up of the All-SFA presentation.

Congratulations on an elite season anyhoo Cap, and here is the 'goodbye song' by Bear in the big blue house.

Ruck Rover - Tonga Bob (Warriors) - Tonga Bob is selected once again in the All-SFA team for the fourth time. What a superstar that the entirety of Tonga would be proud of.

Right now it is 1:30 am in Tonga. But as this post is made, you can bet that 100,000 people none of them have gone to sleep as they are staying up to witness their own BOB claim yet another presitigous recognition, becoming a hero in the world of Qooty and an inspiration to all Tongans.

Rover - Senor M (Bears) - Selected at Rover for his first selection is Senor M. The thing that is undeniable about Senor M is that he is one of the best in the business when it comes to posting contributions. Nobody in the league is a more rational, nuanced conveyor of his thoughts than Senor M. This is a man who has never lost an argument on this forum, and some may not like him because he is so often right. Finally, Senor M has gotten the recognition he deserves with a selection amongst the elite of the SFA and it is time that all of you applaud a poster with conviction and never takes a step back.


Heck. Yes.

I'm lost my voice such is the excitement. Our fearless leader Bob getting the accolades he deserves is awesome to witness. Hope you're enjoying a more than deserving beer that I've never heard of.

Salute to you and the other followers on a wonderful achievement!
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Interchange - RonnieRaven (Bears) - RonnieRaven has been selected on the bench in the All-SFA team after a stellar season on the wing. He's a very humorous personality, firstly his username sounds a lot like Ronnie Reagan which always reminds me of this Simpsons scene.

So he's already an entertaining personality, add to the fact that Ravens are an incredibly intelligent species for bird.

As we can see Ravens can answer questions and communicate in a coherent manner which obviously puts RonnieRaven in the top 0.01% of most intelligent posters in the SFA so there's no way we can leave him out of the All-SFA team.

Interchange - norway blue (Bombers) - Another player who there is norway to leave out is norway blue who has had a fantastic season at rover. What a beautiful country Norway is! Second in the HDI rankings.


Check out this scenery. Truly incredible! Much like the incredible rise of Norway Blue who has taken the league by storm to get selected into the All-SFA for the first time!​


Heck. Yes.

I'm lost my voice such is the excitement. Our fearless leader Bob getting the accolades he deserves is awesome to witness. Hope your enjoying a more than deserving beer that I've never heard of.

Salute to you and the other followers on a wonderful achievement!

Time for a sandwich in true Matk Thompson style.

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Forward Pocket - MWPP (Bears) - Being selected in the All-SFA team forward pocket is MWPP. A quick google of the username shows that MWPP is related in some way to Harry Potter so I'm just going to quickly look into Harry Potter and hopefully that inspires something to write for this section.

Let's take a quick look at what Harry Potter is all about.

Well, that didn't ******* help. No useful information was derived from Harry Potter.

Fortunately, MWPP's avatar is Eagles forward Jack Darling! So let's take a look at Jack Darling's wikipedia page!
This guy must be elite to be chosen as MWPP's avatar..

View attachment 1867864

Wow he has kicked 510 goal! That's almost half of what okeydoke7 has kicked that's really solid. MWPP is also a forward so they are similar there.
He's also been selected in the All-Australian team once, MWPP has been selected in the All-SFA three times now so we can logically conclude that she is three times better than Jack Darling.

Anyone who is three times better than Jack Darling is obviously a lock for the All-SFA forward line, congratulations MWPP!

Full Forward - DenieD (Wonders) - The man who had completed the retirement to Fred Medal speedrun is who we have at the All-SFA full forward position. I think it's actually fitting that DenieD Ken is now a Fred because when you look closely... doesn't Ken kind of look like Fred from Scooby-Doo?


There's definitely a resemblance there. Anyway, we're not going to say too much about the SFA in this section because DenieD has previously stated in his retirement thread about how much we all suck, but he's back thanks to HOLLYWOOD, Ryan Gosling and the Barbie movie! So I think it's fitting that I just post the 'I'm Just Ken' song and move along, enjoy DenieD!

Forward Pocket - The Filth Wizard (Warriors) - See below for write-ups templates about The Filth Wizard being selected for the All-SFA - useful for Elton Johns Wig

Congratulations once again to The Filth Wizard, for being selected in the [insert season number] All-SFA team at [insert position] due to another stellar season playing in [FF/RR] for the [insert club]. This is truly a historic moment as we witness The Filth Wizard go into uncharted territory with a selection for the [number of selections + 1] time, showing that he is truly an all time great with longevity that is unmatched by any other at performing at the elite level. Congratulations The Filth Wizard on another All-SFA selection!​

The Filth Wizard !!! You bloody beauty!
Congratulations to all who made the team and just so good to see so many new names on the list, thanks for hosting Kennedy Parker , has been a great event once again.


Ruck - Cap (Bears) - Being selected for the second time in the All-SFA is Cap, a dominant ruck who has led the Bears to many a victory on the Qooty field. In terms of his posting presence, I haven't too much of Cap, I do recall him doing a pretty rank name change to 'Western Sydney Wanderers' a few seasons back and just like the Western Sydney Wanderers, Cap has been notching up the wins in the ruck contest.

His avatar is absolutely elite and a blast from the past. Man I wish I selected this guy on the second interchange so I can post this song in the write-up which would SEAMLESSLY transition into the wrap up of the All-SFA presentation.

Congratulations on an elite season anyhoo Cap, and here is the 'goodbye song' by Bear in the big blue house.

Ruck Rover - Tonga Bob (Warriors) - Tonga Bob is selected once again in the All-SFA team for the fourth time. What a superstar that the entirety of Tonga would be proud of.

Right now it is 1:30 am in Tonga. But as this post is made, you can bet that 100,000 people none of them have gone to sleep as they are staying up to witness their own BOB claim yet another presitigous recognition, becoming a hero in the world of Qooty and an inspiration to all Tongans.

Rover - Senor M (Bears) - Selected at Rover for his first selection is Senor M. The thing that is undeniable about Senor M is that he is one of the best in the business when it comes to posting contributions. Nobody in the league is a more rational, nuanced conveyor of his thoughts than Senor M. This is a man who has never lost an argument on this forum, and some may not like him because he is so often right. Finally, Senor M has gotten the recognition he deserves with a selection amongst the elite of the SFA and it is time that all of you applaud a poster with conviction and never takes a step back.


Tonga Bob congratulations to the Warriors steamed leader!!


Captain: Tonga Bob
Vice-Captain: T2B_

Imagine playing in a team led by these two! PHWOAARRRR
Congratulations to the selected team, would be a formidable squad to play against.

As usual, some unlucky omissions, hope to see as many new faces in next seasons team as this one. It is good for the competition.

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