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cc: Hate

Round 20 LDRBD321Total
pantskyle (CIW)44222
Millky95 (LVB)42319
GreyCrow (GCR)33318
ShueyGod (FUR)23416
Cubs2Lions (WON)33015
Moginie (MBD)32215
Tandy (LVB)23315
Greenery (DRA)32114
crazywildhorse (FUR)14314
damicky (SCS)31213
Pugsley (BOM)23113
thewizardmelon (OOB)22313
BloodySwan (SCS)31112
royboy2 (ROY)22212
dogs105 (WON)21412
SpecialBruce (ROY)31011
MP_ (ESH)30211
Cadsky (GCR)22111
manangatang (MBD)22111
NaturalDisaster (FUR)22111
Rankine2Rachele (ESH)22111
SarahSmiles (GCR)22111
Strigoi (ESH)05111
HARPSichord (WON)30110
Harvey Manfrenjensenden (OOB)22010
ossie_21 (GUM)22010
Scythe94 (MBD)21210
Tigerturbulance (OOB)13110
Tonga Bob (CIW)13110
Pie 4 Life (DRA)12310
Test Tickle (LVB)12310
GWS Goose (GUM)2119
Ligma (DRA)2119
norway blue (BOM)1229
philreich (SCS)1229
Bfew (WON)2108
cats_09 (GUM)0328
Cap (LVB)2006
krakouers (GCR)2006
King Tenz (OOB)1116
MayTheNorthBeWithU (BOM)1116
Brenton Davy (GCR)1105
ShaunDuggan (FUR)1105
Tarkyn_24 (ESH)1025
ant555 (SCS)0215
Sausageroll (MBD)0215
Bonz (DRA)1014
Chief (DRA)1014
Loonerty (ESH)1014
myblueroan (OOB)1014
Bovo (BOM)1003
Chat Pile (GUM)1003
Frederico_WA (FUR)1003
Grav (BOM)1003
HotPiesWithSauce (GUM)1003
jackenny (ESH)1003
Mooch (ROY)1003
MrsEddieBetts (ROY)1003
Ocha095 (CIW)1003
rye (GUM)1003
tigs2010 (ROY)1003
toxic (SCS)1003
vanders (ESH)1003
DenieD (WON)0113
Mobbs (ROY)0113
okeydoke7 (SCS)0113
Mike (ROY)0102
akkaps (ESH)0102
Ant Bear (SCS)0102
AnUltimateRessie (WON)0102
Art Vandelay_ (LVB)0102
Brick Loosener (GUM)0102
Chezzalenko Reborn (ROY)0102
Edmund Hunt (FUR)0102
grumbleguts (GCR)0102
hotchilli (GCR)0102
Jackster83 (SCS)0102
Ljp86 (DRA)0102
NinjaSwan (WON)0102
nobbyiscool (GUM)0102
PhenomenalV1 (DRA)0102
TheGoatBaron (ROY)0102
Ocha905 (CIW)0022
Piggy Smalls (CIW)0022
Pure Grant (ROY)0022
3KZ is Football (ROY)0011
Barrybran (GUM)0011
beez (GUM)0011
big_icky (DRA)0011
BlueE (GUM)0011
cartwright (MBD)0011
Cooney (MBD)0011
Croweater 41 (WON)0011
DERO (MBD)0011
Dory_77 (GUM)0011
FootyGuy13 (CIW)0011
freo84 (DRA)0011
JT_The_Man (WON)0011
JustaBattler (BOM)0011
Matera92 (LVB)0011
Nothing (GCR)0011
Phar Ace (ROY)0011
Proper Gander (MBD)0011
Reginald Perrin (CIW)0011
SaintsSeptember (BOM)0011
Spookism (SCS)0011
tigerland_1720 (OOB)0011
zackah (CIW)0011
Thanks ClarkeM for putting tonight together, to TheInjuryFactory for the sweet graphics, and to Mooch Falconista thewizardmelon MWPP DenieD PhenomenalV1 & tony for the wordsmithery. Champagne effort all.

Mazel tov to Brenton Davy myblueroan Falconista & JoshWoodenSpoon on your gongs, awesome reward for a season well spent.

An almost mazel tov to you Millky95 GreyCrow & all who finished on the leaderboard. You did well, I'm proud of you and your mum's proud of you too.

But the mazelest of tovs goes out my boy pantskyle for taking out your second Mobbs Medal despite my efforts to nobble you! Thoroughly deserved brother, and I don't even care that we won't hear the end of it!!

Thanks ClarkeM for putting tonight together, to TheInjuryFactory for the sweet graphics, and to Mooch Falconista thewizardmelon MWPP DenieD PhenomenalV1 & tony for the wordsmithery. Champagne effort all.

Mazel tov to Brenton Davy myblueroan Falconista & JoshWoodenSpoon on your gongs, awesome reward for a season well spent.

An almost mazel tov to you Millky95 GreyCrow & all who finished on the leaderboard. You did well, I'm proud of you and your mum's proud of you too.

But the mazelest of tovs goes out my boy pantskyle for taking out your second Mobbs Medal despite my efforts to nobble you! Thoroughly deserved brother, and I don't even care that we won't hear the end of it!!

View attachment 2022920

Will do.
Unlucky Millky95 - always the pantsmaid, never the pants. Great season old bean. :hearts:

Falconista - legend! Maybe the most esteemed accolade going, IMO. Thanks for your assistance all season.

pantskyle I will tell my grandchildren about you. Only fair to warn then.

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We have the Beez and the All-SFA (among some other smaller awards) still to take place this week, I am aiming for Wednesday or Thursday TBC. Sorry I can't give an exact date - am glad I was able to get this one confirmed tonight.

Speak soon team!
An elite group has joined me.
Well done my child pet monkey for winning the prestigious Mobbs medal tonight 🤗

Me and your mum are so proud of you every day for what you have become and remember to thank your fellow family, friends and teammates in your speech tonight, here is a golden ripe banana for all your hard work Panty :banana:

Morgan Freeman Applause GIF by The Academy Awards
Good count ClarkeM I really enjoyed how much you dragged out the final round.

That's what millky gets for stealing my burger.
Confirmed my favourite robot ape hybrid.
Well done my child pet monkey for winning the prestigious Mobbs medal tonight 🤗

Me and your mum are so proud of you every day for what you have become and remember to thank your fellow family, friends and teammates in your speech tonight, here is a golden ripe banana for all your hard work Panty :banana:

Morgan Freeman Applause GIF by The Academy Awards

Thanks mum.
We have the Beez and the All-SFA (among some other smaller awards) still to take place this week, I am aiming for Wednesday or Thursday TBC. Sorry I can't give an exact date - am glad I was able to get this one confirmed tonight.

Speak soon team!
Well done on putting together a great night and thanks once again for stepping up this season. Much appreciated.

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