Official Match Thread Season 38, Round 4: Ophidian Old Boys v Coney Island Warriors @ Spotswood Oval

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Oh Limerick was known back in the 80's and 90's as stab city. It's calmed down a bit since then but it's kind of Ireland's version of Alice Springs.
Alice Springs is fine if you don't go out after dark.

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Yay it's the weekend. Gym done, beers in the fridge. Now to somehow put the family on mute...
So did you go to the gym to ease the guilt of those beers which will probably undo every good thing you just did…

Yep! I’m that person! You just wasted your time 😂
You could say the same about most places nowadays mate.
Umm hello! I had feral fish mongers going at each other last week or the week before so yeah! It’s everywhere alright lol
Would you need to pass Limerick to go from Galway to Cork or vice versa bc I can’t remember if I went there 😂
Not anymore you can bypass it now. It quickens the journey from Cork to Galway a nice bit as well!
So I'm watching this show on Netflix and it got me thinking. Suppose you went back in time and spoke to your younger self at say 14. How do you think your younger self would respond?
**** off you weird old prick

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kenneyswarriors myblueroan Over The Post

A blue horse, a camel, and a chimpanzee walk into a bar. The bartender says, "Is this a joke?"

The camel nods and says, "No, we're just here to grab a drink. But be careful, the chimp always goes bananas after a few!"
chimp party.jpg

Hey did I win Stupid Hat Friday? I can't remember much of last night after the sesh at Robertio's.
Limerick didya say?

There once was a Q team called OOB

Who won the last flag like they shood

And when they play WAZZAS

Who're usually Sozzled,

They'll beat them and cook them for food.

Will i post another Carlton AI camel? Yeah why not let's do it!

WTAF is going on with your feet??? Shocked not to see camel toe! Shocked, I say!
Wait, you don't know? I couldn't figure it out either so I thought I'd ask the resident jokester.

OH, that makes sense... kind of... not really, but I really should've tagged you first. Thanks, Rob.
Did you wake up on the wrong side of bed this morning FootyGuy13?


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Official Match Thread Season 38, Round 4: Ophidian Old Boys v Coney Island Warriors @ Spotswood Oval

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