So... what is the situation with Buddy? ***Warning*** Hollow Earth Proponents within

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Getting a bit nervous about the 'rumours' now. Noticed today that Wooden spoon betting is listed as 'Suspended' for Hawks, but just doesn't have a listing at all for all the other teams that obviously can't finish bottom. Any ideas why ?

I think that "suspended" status at unitab is basically a blanket cover for all the sides that can't win the spoon and are still flag contenders, from Hawthorn down to Essendon, no matter what happens from here.
I certainly hope there is no truth to this rumour. Not going to say much I will say that I hope the AFL takes marijuana off the banned list...
Surely if there was any truth to this rumor another journalist would be running with it this morning. I haven't seen anything so far.

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The 3 strike rumour is a coward's rumour.

The whole thing is explained by saying the AFL is trying not to declare it to the public because he's a high profile player. It's like Freudian theory - completely without scientific fact but followed by millions.

The story goes like this "Buddy is on 3 strikes but the AFL and Hawthorn are conspiring together to call it a mystery hamstring injury".

Here are the facts:
Buddy hasn't played for 5 weeks
The explanation for his absence seems a bit odd.

That's all we, or Aker, or Doug Hawkins knows for sure.

For the drug rumours to be true, the following would have to happen:
-someone at the AFL is leaking details of who has strikes
-the AFL has found buddy to have 3 strikes and has told Aker and Dougy's contacts, but not the media.
-the AFL has spoken to Hawthorn and agreed to terms on a cover up
-Buddy cleverly engineered a speeding fine, but was unsuccessful in it being a diversionary tactic
-Buddy, who has missed 5 games, will miss another 7 according to the drug policy. I'd suggest a broken leg would be a more effective explanation than a slight hammy strain

Basically it's just a bunch of cowards spreading rumours to make themselves feel like big men. And nobody will call them on it and it pisses me off.
There is nothing in the rumour. There is more substance in The Shire. More journalistic craft at The Hun. More snowflakes in hell.

It's definitive then

Leather Poisoning - you forgot to add the bribe he gave to the police that found gear in his car when they stopped him
There is nothing in the rumour. There is more substance in The Shire. More journalistic craft at The Hun. More snowflakes in hell.
More quality TV in Big Brother.

God there are a lot of nervous nellies doing a chicken little here. Don't worry, Buddy will be named in the side tomorrow, and kick around 10 goals against the Sunnies. If anyone is nervous go and have a bex and lay down.
More quality TV in Big Brother.

God there are a lot of nervous nellies doing a chicken little here. Don't worry, Buddy will be named in the side tomorrow, and kick around 10 goals against the Sunnies. If anyone is nervous go and have a bex and lay down.

Don't forget the counter from the tin foil brigade: Buddy playing is definitive proof of a cover-up by the AFL.
Yes if there was a cover up, why still make him do the 7 weeks? just brush it under a carpet.
Also like the logic of: No statement from the AFL or Hawks about 3 strikes therefore = Buddy on 3 strikes, but just a cover up.
So whilst it's fresh in our minds and at the forefront of our emotions, lets collectively make an attempt to not get suckered into this sort of talk/banter with regards to other players, such as a recent Brownlow Medalist.

It's clear here that non of us like this chatter and innuendo against one of our own, so lets try and keep some common sense and discretion if such talk happens to any other player in the league.
Don't forget the counter from the tin foil brigade: Buddy playing is definitive proof of a cover-up by the AFL.

No doubt.

If Buddy plays = evidence of 3 strikes
If he doesn't play = evidence of 3 strikes

If the club doesn't mention the rumours = DEFINITE COVER UP
If the AFL doesn't mention the rumours = OMG ITS A FULL BLOWN COVER UP COVER UP

If Aker and Dougy Hawkins say Buddy is on 3 strikes = fact.

Holy shit. Mind blown.

Our club is very secretive about injuries and how they're managed. I've been scratching my head about what the REAL story is, but Buddy missing five weeks for a minor hammy is true to form from our club. Hodge was only supposed to be out for a few weeks with a calf. Ellis has been one week away for 12 weeks, etc etc.

But BUDDY is out longer than reported = 3 strikes.

Could you imagine the rush of reporters if Buddy actually was on 3 strikes? They'd be falling over themselves to write about it. Yet not a single article? Yet somehow Aker and Dougy are right across and presenting it as fact. Oh I get it - the media is on the cover up.
If my recollection is correct there have been a number of games over the season that Buddy has pulled up sore after a run or marking contest indicating a problem in the groin or hip area. Add to this the hammy and I think the conclusion is that Buddy is important to Hawthorn in the finals so all conditions need to be fixed for an intense finals program. A fit Buddy after being out for 5 or more weeks is much better than him carrying injuries into the finals.

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Do the police remove the number plates from a car of an AFL player who has 3 strikes or one that has lost his license for speeding?

Car is parked outside his house with no plates ...FACT
Do the police remove the number plates from a car of an AFL player who has 3 strikes or one that has lost his license for speeding?

Car is parked outside his house with no plates ...FACT

the only conclusion I can make is that you are stalking him and stole the plates off his car. Now thats as wild a story as some of the others in this thread.

Grizz, close it tomorrow with an appropriate piccy, like the rumours were:

No doubt.

If Buddy plays = evidence of 3 strikes
If he doesn't play = evidence of 3 strikes

If the club doesn't mention the rumours = DEFINITE COVER UP
If the AFL doesn't mention the rumours = OMG ITS A FULL BLOWN COVER UP COVER UP

If Aker and Dougy Hawkins say Buddy is on 3 strikes = fact.

Holy shit. Mind blown.

Our club is very secretive about injuries and how they're managed. I've been scratching my head about what the REAL story is, but Buddy missing five weeks for a minor hammy is true to form from our club. Hodge was only supposed to be out for a few weeks with a calf. Ellis has been one week away for 12 weeks, etc etc.

But BUDDY is out longer than reported = 3 strikes.

Could you imagine the rush of reporters if Buddy actually was on 3 strikes? They'd be falling over themselves to write about it. Yet not a single article? Yet somehow Aker and Dougy are right across and presenting it as fact. Oh I get it - the media is on the cover up.

Last year 'Cyril Hamstrings Chronic' was a similar type thread....and they seem to have got them right this year (unfortunate about the shoulder) I love that the club has been patient in getting players back on the park....and with Buddy they should be; he is the best player in the competition.
When Buddy is named, we'll close the thread with the simple post: 'The situation with Buddy: Named in team.'

Whatya all think?

I don't think being named in the team is sufficient these days.

Ain't that the truth. Won't believe it until I see him running out on the ground on Sunday afternoon, though that goes with just about any player named these days.
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