Space to Rent
- Moderator
- #7,801
Just bouncing off this a bit, I reckon another way you could keep the status quo of a dwindling Republic (even though it is technically in power) and a growing First Order, and again, not contradict what has come before, particularly the end of TLJ, is going with the angle that systems in the republic actually do support the resistance, but the First Order is crushing them before they can help. (perhaps this is where you bring in the idea of the hidden Final Order fleet to explain how they are big enough to do this).
You could show the audience a couple of scenes of this happening - the characters that stay at the Resistance base (including Rose, because good forbid she gets a larger role in this movie) are contacting systems, but each time they do the FO intercepts them and overruns the planet. You could still have Poe believing that nobody wants to help during the mid point of the movie, so that later on you can still keep that big moment of all of the galaxy's ships showing up in the final battle. Hell, if you want to really push this angle, imagine that with the Kimiji scenes, when they land on the planet it is not involved in the war, but the FO realise a Resistance crew is on the planet and we see first hand the first order occupy it.
Again, not the movie I would create from scratch, but it might fix up a couple of issues.
As we know, instead, they opened with "this is How Snoke was created, this is the big bad, now we rally forces for fighting", as you went from "yay Starkiller-> oh shit run -> we dead" to searching for random not linked shit for Final Fight 2. As we know, sequels tend to suck most times.
As you say, regardless how it is done, you introduced the concept in Canto even if that was subverted by my little ponies and irrelevance, so build on it a bit to make all the things attached to it feel like they should exist as opposed to;
Here's a planet laser.
Here's a bigger ship.
Here's massive growth with no basis in reality.
Here's you having to accept all the things at face value.
And you just get "I hate this bit, I reject that bit, that bit doesn't fit here, this doesn't make sense based on these thigns that happened previously..." and people drop off.