Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics/COVID Thread Part 3

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Mutineer is referring to Albo promoting the "yes" case for the referendum about a First Nations Voice to Parliament, not the TV show
Ok... until I see some detail on the 1st nations voice, can't really comment.

Will be interesting to see how the SA one goes...
Lol, I don't even participate in the BLM or Slippery's gender discussions... so as usual you are completely clueless!
Nah I have you pretty well summed up. Someone that consumes the CNN narrative hook line and sinker. I don't believe in conspiracy theories but there are no coincidences. Get out of that mainstream media safe space and learn what's going on in the world. It may hurt initially but it's better than living in the matrix.
Ok... until I see some detail on the 1st nations voice, can't really comment.

Will be interesting to see how the SA one goes...
Hahaha they are few and scant so you'll be waiting a long long time because that's not going to happen...it's going to be "trust me" Albo...

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Ok... until I see some detail on the 1st nations voice, can't really comment.

Will be interesting to see how the SA one goes...
The lack of detail is a different point. Correct me if I am wrong Mutineer but I think your point is that if Albo is promoting an indigenous Voice to Parliament, he might consider interacting with indigenous people
Hahaha they are few and scant so you'll be waiting a long long time because that's not going to happen...it's going to be "trust me" Albo...
Yeah, not a fan of implementing something with scant detail.

With all their resources we should have an outline how they intend to make it work.

Otherwise it's just doing a Rudd!
The lack of detail is a different point. Correct me if I am wrong Mutineer but I think your point is that if Albo is promoting an indigenous Voice to Parliament, he might consider interacting with indigenous people
Can interact with them without going to Alice Springs as they do live in other locations too...
Nah I have you pretty well summed up. Someone that consumes the CNN narrative hook line and sinker. I don't believe in conspiracy theories but there are no coincidences. Get out of that mainstream media safe space and learn what's going on in the world. It may hurt initially but it's better than living in the matrix.
Lol I'm not joining you & your other nut jobs getting my news from conspiracists on Twitter.
Yes I‘m sure the wokesters will finally be happy if we just give up this one more thing, and then they’ll never bother us again.
I'm open to changing the date as I'm sick of hearing this shit every year. Can't we just be one country ffs. Same with that welcome to country bs that we all have to sit through before football matches. All it does is promote division and It's turning me off football. Keep politics out of sport.
That is certainly true. But there is the possibility that indigenous people in remote & regional areas have different life experiences, issues and opportunities to those in metropolitan areas.
No doubt... & there are far more remote communities than Alice Springs.
The lack of detail is a different point. Correct me if I am wrong Mutineer but I think your point is that if Albo is promoting an indigenous Voice to Parliament, he might consider interacting with indigenous people
Yeah exactly "real" indigenous folk from "real" aboriginal settlements not city elites like Pat Dodson and Linda Burney who wouldn't spend one night in these settlements.. They can rubbish Jacinta Price all they like but she lives the experience as do her family members.

Lol I'm not joining you & your other nut jobs getting my news from conspiracists on Twitter.
I'm not on twitter. I dared to question the mRNA gene experiment and mentioned some people were being harmed by them 2 years ago. Your commie mates who were not big fans of free speech didn't like that tweet. I would never go back even though it sounds like the left freaks have mostly left after sanity prevailed.
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I actually really like the guy and what he's done so far. I'm prepared to allow a mulligan on this. As long as he learns not to trust his moronic mid 20's senior advisors with the blank cheque book. On principle, spending money to make money is how business and investment works. Just don't leave it to the unelected swill, they'll bring you down and then remora your replacement.

lots of casual racists that are Aboriginal in those videos. Reckon any of the green leaf lefties will comment?
Not possible, or is it?

The Dems are cutting Biden loose. Probably Newson v Desantis. Trump still won't back away from the jabs. He's done unless he has a late reversal and distances himself from that disaster. He's still claiming they saved hundreds of millions of lives. Give it up Don.
The Age reporting the conclusion of the Actuaries Institute as to excess deaths in Australia from the pandemic reports, with "significantly elevated rates of deaths from diabetes, strokes and ischemic heart disease." (in addition to covid per se). My underlining

"However, Professor Tom Marwick said data he had seen on heart attack mortality suggested that may not be as big a factor as expected. “Surprisingly, it shows that the mortality is just the same as pre-COVID. In other words, for people that got to the hospital, the outcomes are the same. The issue is, of course, the people that didn’t get to the hospital and the people who missed care and are presenting with more progressive disease now.”

Some irony if the covid lockdown was a bigger risk to those vulnerable to heart attack than covid itself.
The Age reporting the conclusion of the Actuaries Institute as to excess deaths in Australia from the pandemic reports, with "significantly elevated rates of deaths from diabetes, strokes and ischemic heart disease." (in addition to covid per se). My underlining

"However, Professor Tom Marwick said data he had seen on heart attack mortality suggested that may not be as big a factor as expected. “Surprisingly, it shows that the mortality is just the same as pre-COVID. In other words, for people that got to the hospital, the outcomes are the same. The issue is, of course, the people that didn’t get to the hospital and the people who missed care and are presenting with more progressive disease now.”

Some irony if the covid lockdown was a bigger risk to those vulnerable to heart attack than covid itself.
Congratulations on completely misinterpreting the reasoning for why people were missing care during the lockdowns.
The Age reporting the conclusion of the Actuaries Institute as to excess deaths in Australia from the pandemic reports, with "significantly elevated rates of deaths from diabetes, strokes and ischemic heart disease." (in addition to covid per se). My underlining

"However, Professor Tom Marwick said data he had seen on heart attack mortality suggested that may not be as big a factor as expected. “Surprisingly, it shows that the mortality is just the same as pre-COVID. In other words, for people that got to the hospital, the outcomes are the same. The issue is, of course, the people that didn’t get to the hospital and the people who missed care and are presenting with more progressive disease now.”

Some irony if the covid lockdown was a bigger risk to those vulnerable to heart attack than covid itself.
What a surpise that the real cause of the excess deaths which is the mRNA gene therapy not being mentioned. They can't sweep the excess deaths under the carpet anymore so instead of telling the truth they get some big pharma incentivised research group to make up a load of bullshit about people missing appointments. These people are evil but also predictable. Fancy this bs coming out of the communist state of Victoria as well. Luckily we have the scientific facts from overseas as to the dangers of the gene therapy and how they are linked to excess deaths. Sadly Australia will be the last country on earth to have these products removed.
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So in fact we agree that Albo needs to interact with the non-metro indigenous population.
Clearly the government need to engage with the indigenous communities to put some details around how it will all work.
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