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Sep 18, 2008
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Collingwood has a wonderful football side, a brilliant leadership group, and a stellar leader of men in Maxy.
But how do bigfooty posters see the future of the club as far as the captaincy goes?

Is it a foregone conclusion that Maxy remains captain until he retires, and if and when he relinquishes the role, who is in best position to take over?

Pendles is seemingly being groomed for the role, and would be a great option. What are the qualities that people think make him such an obvious choice? I think he's a beautiful footballer, our best, but i'm not necessarily an advocate for the best footballer being captain.

Luke Ball just screams captain with every move he makes. Bottom of every pack, courageous, well spoken and a terrific media performer, and much experience, being captain at St.Kilda and vice president of the AFLPA. What would stop him being Collingwoods next captain, perhaps ahead of Pendles? Particularly as he's put his injury issues behind him, and many would argue is playing his best year of football.

Heath Shaw? Again he's courageous, very vocal on field, appears to have grown into a very responsible man, putting off field issues behind him. Hugely consistent, and is part of a family with extraordinary leadership credentials at our footy club.

Other potential candidates include Harry O, and from left field with a season or two more of footy behind him, potentially even Chris Dawes.

My own opinion is that Maxy will hold the role through this year and the next at the very least whilst his place in the side is safe. Eventually i do believe that in a side with so much talent, he might run into some issues there down the track, and therefore the club may deem it necessary that we find a new captain. Ball continues to thrust his name forward this year, and i'd have him ahead of Pendles just. Admittedly though this is all based on what little I know of the men wearing our jumpers. He just seems to scream out Collingwood captain. Where pendles, though brilliant, appears at times to have a much more laid back persona.

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Re: Captaincy


If only to keep him at the club.
I hate the idea of giving a player the captaincy just to keep him at the club.

If Pendles is the right choice, then appoint him the captain, but I can't see Bucks making a player captain without being 100% sure they are the right choice, for the right reasons.

Ben Reid might be an outsider, keep it in the "backline family".:)
Re: Captaincy

Maxwell is a premiership captain, hopefully a dual premiership captain.

It's his role until retirement which sadly is probably in two years at the end of this contract, such is the way he throws himself around.

Pendlebury, Thomas (who I'm not sure wants the role), Heath and Harry will all be mid 20s and in the prime of their career and ready to carry the load.

Taking the captaincy off a premiership captain, barring massive disgrace is a load of bollocks
Re: Captaincy

We are blessed with options now. I reckon each of these would do a very good job after Maxy.

Ball, Pendles, Tarrant, Dawes, Thomas, Heater, Harry O, Jolly

And there's others who you don't know, like Maxy, who could be amazingly suited to the job. Maybe Reid, Toooves, BJ, Sidey later on.

Very hard to know without knowing their character enough.

Thank Pendles will be favourite, though from afar, not sure if he'd be the best leader out on field...he never seems that vocal??

After the club chose Maxy, have every confidence they'll know the best person

From the little I know, I'd wonder if Luke Ball may be the best candidate ( for when Maxy pulls the pin)
Re: Captaincy

righto, so what do we think it is about pendles?
obviously popular amongst the group, and intelligent, Star footballer, just about first picked.
i think he's a great candidate, just that maybe he's a laconic personality as opposed to a killer like Bally, or even daisy i spose.

Opti i 100% agree with you, i'm not trying to rip it off maxy, but he's a smart bloke, and sure G. Brown wasn't a premiership captain, but he was a club champion, who stepped aside though he remained in the side, so Bucks could take over. I believe Vandenburg did the same at Hawthorn. Maxy is very proud, but also very honest. He admitted to his missus in a recent interview that he couldn't see himself getting to 200 games. Which just makes the debate interesting. because like you say, that doesn't leave much footy past the next two years. You want your skipper on the park too.
Re: Captaincy

I think Maxy should be captain for a couple of more years (end of contract?) I think Ball is the only one who comes close to having the gravitas needed for the role, but he's got too many other commitments at the moment.

It's hard to read beyond that. Kind of like being in 2006 and trying to imagine Maxy as Captain from 2009.

I'd dealy love to see Swan as Captain - it'd be the comedy hour any time he went in front of the media - but that ain't going to happen.

I don't think Pendles is quite ready yet. Sure he's talented and sensible and well respected - but I think he could mature a little more and be a bit more confident, but hey, that may just happen if he's thrown in the deep end. I wouldn't describe him as a natural leader, but I wouldn't have said that about Maxy either and he's become a great leader.

Heath has a great football brain, and the skills to be a leader on the ground (hey, did you see in the Hawks game he was even showing Mick what's what at one stage?) But I think others would make a better club captain. One example of many, to be captain you'd need to have a bit of patience and know when to bite your toungue and suffer fools, I don't think Heath has that.

I think Harry would be too polarizing - not everybody 'gets' Harry.

I reckon Beams is potential leadership material, but that's a long, long way off. He wouldn't be our next Captain, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's in the mix for the Captaincy after that.
Re: Captaincy

We are blessed with options now. I reckon each of these would do a very good job after Maxy.

From the little I know, I'd wonder if Luke Ball may be the best candidate ( for when Maxy pulls the pin)

Yeah i just reckon if he plays out the net two years like he has this one, he's a prime candidate. Just smashes himself week in week out, not unlike maxy, or scotty burns, our last two Club leaders.

Cloke is an interesting one, fantastic player, at the peak of his powers. just wonder whether he could handle the many media pressures that follow the captain of Collingwood. Certainly leads that forward line with aplomb on field. Correct me if i'm wrong but he's not currently in the leadership group? which may mean any captaincy aspirations may be taken less seriously. Has indicated in the past that he'd love the job.
Re: Captaincy

Neither brown or Vanderberg step aside voluntarily, well ganders retired so I suppose he did. Mitchell is one that step aside and still strikes me as odd, if they wanted hodge captain why didn't they make him captain originally!

With rowdy malthouse wanted to start with a fresh slate and have a mentor for captain bucks. Rowdy went along with it because he is a team man but it wasn't his choice by any means.

I also understand your question I just don't like taking the captaincy from a Premiership captain who should be regarded as a club hero
Re: Captaincy

Cloke is an interesting one, fantastic player, at the peak of his powers. just wonder whether he could handle the many media pressures that follow the captain of Collingwood. Certainly leads that forward line with aplomb on field. Correct me if i'm wrong but he's not currently in the leadership group? which may mean any captaincy aspirations may be taken less seriously. Has indicated in the past that he'd love the job.

I remember him saying recently (not sure 2010 / 2011) that he's in some kind of 'leaders of tomorrow' group taking some kind of lessons or mentoring on leadership in preparation for a potential leadership role in future. There were a handful of others also in the group but I don't remember who they were.

Edit: Video about this here:

The others were: Rusty, Wellingham, Toovs, Dawes

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Re: Captaincy

It's hard to read beyond that. Kind of like being in 2006 and trying to imagine Maxy as Captain from 2009.

Not sure about this. Maxy has never set the world on fire as a footballer early days but his courage, voice and aggression were captain like traits from day one. As soon as Bucks passed on his number it was clear he wanted the job, and was deserving in the eyes of those that mattered.

I don't think Pendles is quite ready yet. Sure he's talented and sensible and well respected - but I think he could mature a little more and be a bit more confident, but hey, that may just happen if he's thrown in the deep end. I wouldn't describe him as a natural leader, but I wouldn't have said that about Maxy either and he's become a great leader.

Again, not sure on Maxy, but i agree on Pendles, just seems a little less passionate and vocal. What do we know, but this is the impression i get. Again can't stress how good a footballer he is though, once in a generation.

Heath has a great football brain, and the skills to be a leader on the ground (hey, did you see in the Hawks game he was even showing Mick what's what at one stage?) But I think others would make a better club captain. One example of many, to be captain you'd need to have a bit of patience and know when to bite your toungue and suffer fools, I don't think Heath has that.

I think Harry would be too polarizing - not everybody 'gets' Harry.

100% agree on both

I reckon Beams is potential leadership material, but that's a long, long way off. He wouldn't be our next Captain, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's in the mix for the Captaincy after that.

interesting. not sure i see it. has to calm his party boy instincts i would have thought, great footballer though. Seems like a bit of a lad, happier to fit in
Re: Captaincy

Yeah i agree opti. I think either way there'll be massive shows to fill.
Mitchell is a premiership captain, in career best form who lost the captaincy. You're right it seems a bizarre decision. Having said that, Hodge to me from the outside looking in, is a captain, more so then Mitchell.
We don't have that conundrum, Maxy is in my opinion in the very top bracket of leaders in the league.
The debate for who looms as a replacement is interesting however, and it seemed Pendles was the man most likely, captaining the side in Maxy's absence. I'm just not sold it's quite so cut and dry.
Re: Captaincy

interesting. not sure i see it. has to calm his party boy instincts i would have thought, great footballer though. Seems like a bit of a lad, happier to fit in

Agree that he'd have to calm his party boy instincts. But he's young and it's a good thing to enjoy youth. Sometimes people who've reformed like that can be stronger because they've seen the dark side and they've got nothing to prove. He's probably taken a few steps back in the last 12 months, but he'll come good.

Regardless, I reckon he's got great leadership temperament. Whether on the ground or in front of the microphone, it's rare to see someone of that age who is so poised and comfortable in their own skin.
Re: Captaincy

If Pendles is still at the club it will almost certainly be him.

Smart footballer. Extreme professional, hard working, always improving, already a vocal on-field leader. Big game player and our most important midfield player.
Re: Captaincy

How about Reid as a future candidate though? He's not that vocal just yet but he grows in confidence and stature every week. He's rated enormously around the club and plays probably the best position in the team in terms of seeing the game unfold and being able to direct play. Always sets the example with his skills as well to set up play constantly, constantly takes the initiative in that respect. The trouble with having a midfielder as captain is that it's such a full on position while the defenders do much more work off the ball which suits the captaincy position to a tee.

We have an absolute embarassment of riches though, could easily see about half a dozen getting the captaincy after Maxwell.
Re: Captaincy

Luke Ball has really impressed me from this side of the country.

Everything he does is impressive.

One player who should never, ever be captain of your club is Heath Shaw.

He has average body language and lost me the day he tried to dress down his teammate and CAPTAIN, who does he think he is?

Seems a little too immature for me, might grow in time, but a long way from a leadership role IMO.
Re: Captaincy

Luke Ball has really impressed me from this side of the country.

Everything he does is impressive.

One player who should never, ever be captain of your club is Heath Shaw.

He has average body language and lost me the day he tried to dress down his teammate and CAPTAIN, who does he think he is?

Seems a little too immature for me, might grow in time, but a long way from a leadership role IMO.

Leave your fail for the MB please Pav.
Re: Captaincy

Luke Ball has really impressed me from this side of the country.

Everything he does is impressive.

One player who should never, ever be captain of your club is Heath Shaw.

He has average body language and lost me the day he tried to dress down his teammate and CAPTAIN, who does he think he is?

Seems a little too immature for me, might grow in time, but a long way from a leadership role IMO.
And who do you think you are coming on the Collingwood board and bashing Collingwood players over a one off incident? GTFO.
Re: Captaincy

I wouldnt be surprised if Buckley makes us have a new captain next year, to stamp his rein with a whole change of many aspects of the team.

Happy with Maxwell but I if his form does not lift he is one who could lose his place in the team not this year but next.
Re: Captaincy

It's not a one off though.

Regularly see him demonstratively castigate his own teammates.
You obviously don't know him as a player. The team loves him and always talk him up on and off the field. If a player continually "demonstratively castigates his own teammates" he not only wouldn't get along with the team, he would also be traded. A perfect example of the club wanting him around is when they traded Rhyce Shaw to Sydney.

Time to quit the trolling.

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