Roast The Chronicles of Alan Richardson - Part II - Richo Resigns (16/07)

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You share exactly the same problem as myself. My company sponsors gws and they’ve looked after the little guy ( more for a back handed gibe at me ). But he gets more in his membership pack, all gws games in Melb, and additional 7 games of his choice.

They have players he loves.. Davis cos of his glasses and long hair - but this is where I’m going. I don’t care about Davis. But he’s obviously connected with a 6yo kid. Who doesn’t really know what the wide world is about.

He knows one Saints person off the top of his head. Steven. That’s it. And now all honestly doesn’t care about Saints cos Giants are still ‘playing’...
My 5yo son loves Jack Newnes bizarrely, cos he likes his footy boots on the poster he got in his membership pack. Whenever we watch together, his only question is where's Jack Newnes. Always takes me a while to find him! Not sure he's really that fussed actually, just what he remembers. My wife would have a fit if I actually tried to indoctrinate him with any sporting team, she reckons it's brainwashing.
Just to be clear here.

There's a lot of supporters, me included, who would like to see Richo replaced.

But none of us, and particularly not me, are suggesting he be executed
The thing is about Richardson , he is very well liked by just about everyone at the club and he doesn't rock the boat - so no one wants to kill Bambi , so they have just culled the rest of the herd.

Well we have Ratten to lead Bambi around now
Nick is a smart guy. He knows that Richo needs to be sacked by people further up the food chain than himself. I mean, that's their job. To hire and fire people. Nick himself though was only a contracted player under Richo.
It's like the CEO of a company going onto the work floor, finding the person he is charged to sack and then turning to the person sitting next to him and saying "You sit next to Alan don't you and know him well. Well I want you to fire him" then sneaking back to their office.

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Just to be clear here.

There's a lot of supporters, me included, who would like to see Richo replaced.

But none of us, and particularly not me, are suggesting he be executed
Probably the wrong choice of words but to put it short and sweet he is gonski but it may take a little while.
Pm me and i can give a bit more info.
I'm talking about the reports from this thread. You were asking why the players in question haven't asked for trades yet. I suggested a reason.

To quote George here "a 4 win season, complete cleanout of assistants, players not signing contracts and the president stepping down". Those are facts. You can't deny them. That series of events would suggest a new coach is a very real possibility.

Don't know if maybe you are just reading different things to me but from what I have seen, the mainstream media has been putting out a fair amount of stories about "under fire" Richo to the point he is having to deny it personally. Now Roo is having to "vehemently" deny media speculation that he is pivotal to whether Richo keeps his job.

Rooey's response by the way,
"I'm a St Kilda person, so I will support all of the incumbents, all the people in the positions (at the club)," Riewoldt told Fox Footy.
"So in that sense, yeah, 'Richo' has my support."

Interesting way to answer in my opinion.
Roo should consider politics, that’s absolute diplomacy. Masterly avoidance of revealing what he really thought.
My 5yo son loves Jack Newnes bizarrely, cos he likes his footy boots on the poster he got in his membership pack. Whenever we watch together, his only question is where's Jack Newnes. Always takes me a while to find him! Not sure he's really that fussed actually, just what he remembers. My wife would have a fit if I actually tried to indoctrinate him with any sporting team, she reckons it's brainwashing.
Isn’t that what makes footy? I’d give your boy a high five as everyone on this forum would. We need to keep that love of the club going.

Go see him. Remind him how much you love him. Then come back to Saints reality.
For me the last straw for the current coach was round 2 this year on Good Friday. North, who were worse than average, thrashed us after half time. IMO it was the club’s worst performance since the 1980s. We were on the big stage that day and had a lot to prove.

What was totally disheartening was the poor coaching. No moves, no change in tactics, no urgency, no imagination as North piled on the goals after half time. We played the game without a forward when North had the ball. Every time we won possession of the ball we were kicking backwards and sideways because there was no structure beyond the centre.

Our players were crucified from the coaches box. They looked confused, hesitant and stymied. I left that game angry, disillusioned and in despair. My son was crying. He loves the Saints and understands the game. He lost hope that day. Sadly the ineptness continued week after week.

Richardson has had five long years as senior coach. In years one and five we have only won 4 games and looked uncompetitive. He has failed and there is no prospect he can turn it around. He is a poor senior coach. You can’t polish a turd.

It’s time for the President to put his bloody authority on the line now. He is the leader of our club. If he won’t then I don’t care how successful he’s been in the corporate world. Get someone in who will initiate change. Urgently. I’m hoping there will be a powerful group that emerges that will force this change. I suspect it won’t happen.

Hope has evaporated amongst so many supporters. Blind Freddie the miner can see Richardson is a lemon, yet we have people who are custodians for the welfare of this club who continue to prop him up. They are stuffing up our football club. It’s so sad.

I wish I had money, power and influence to change the course of events. Sadly I’m a nobody, but all of us nobodies are the people who keep our great club going. Those who are perpetuating this debacle would do well to remember this.
The players turning on Richo was debunked on Monday. They even joked about it on Monday night with Richo on 360. But if its not what people want to hear because they want Richo out then they just keep kicking the same tin can down the street.

You’re right, Richo would never lie.
For me the last straw for the current coach was round 2 this year on Good Friday. North, who were worse than average, thrashed us after half time. IMO it was the club’s worst performance since the 1980s. We were on the big stage that day and had a lot to prove.

What was totally disheartening was the poor coaching. No moves, no change in tactics, no urgency, no imagination as North piled on the goals after half time. We played the game without a forward when North had the ball. Every time we won possession of the ball we were kicking backwards and sideways because there was no structure beyond the centre.

Our players were crucified from the coaches box. They looked confused, hesitant and stymied. I left that game angry, disillusioned and in despair. My son was crying. He loves the Saints and understands the game. He lost hope that day. Sadly the ineptness continued week after week.

Richardson has had five long years as senior coach. In years one and five we have only won 4 games and looked uncompetitive. He has failed and there is no prospect he can turn it around. He is a poor senior coach. You can’t polish a turd.

It’s time for the President to put his bloody authority on the line now. He is the leader of our club. If he won’t then I don’t care how successful he’s been in the corporate world. Get someone in who will initiate change. Urgently. I’m hoping there will be a powerful group that emerges that will force this change. I suspect it won’t happen.

Hope has evaporated amongst so many supporters. Blind Freddie the miner can see Richardson is a lemon, yet we have people who are custodians for the welfare of this club who continue to prop him up. They are stuffing up our football club. It’s so sad.

I wish I had money, power and influence to change the course of events. Sadly I’m a nobody, but all of us nobodies are the people who keep our great club going. Those who are perpetuating this debacle would do well to remember this.
this that team
St Kilda
Geary Brown Roberton
Webster Carlisle Savage
Sinclair Stevens Newnes
Acres Membery Billings
Long Bruce Gresham

Longer / Ross / Steven

Steele / Hunter / McCartin / Armitage

i expect 6 or 8 of these players might not be in our best 22 next year
It’s 2018 not 1948 or 1988. Does anyone rely on newspapers or TV for news anymore? They are the last to know now, you always hear things more quickly- especially when we are talking sport - on forums like this.

Definition of undercurrent
1 : a current below the upper currents or surface
2 : a hidden opinion, feeling, or tendency often contrary to the one publicly shown

It's 2018 with 24hr surveillance and mobile camera hot spots, if a story breaks it breaks across several media within the space of about an hour, that it hasn't either means that people are confirming the history and getting their position on lock, or, the undercurrent is speculative and there's no confidence that it will result in anything.

It does not; only break in 1 location by 3 blokes and memes.

No one is saying everything is rosy.
No one is saying everyone is good.
What is being said is that some people are projecting a bit much.

Last domino? I am not sure how you play dominos, but when I do there are a number of pieces. So it is a bit much to say Roo was the last domino, when there have been none falling as yet. Who are the others for Roo to have been the last domino?

So far no one has fallen either for the positive or the negative. Summers and Thommo are both going because there time is up.

So far Bassat is replacing Bassat as the President. But Bassat was from the current board. There are no dominos falling onto the board to drive change either.

So there have been no dominos falling. There has been no coup d'état

Well that may be your gossip that you believe and that you wish to assert. Personally I cannot understand the logic that you are expressing.

My view is that a board is made up of a group of people and that as such that it is the group dynamic that is important. While in any group dynamic all people are not equal, rarely would one person be able to sway a whole board, and moreso when he is the new kid on the block.

To have hadd significant change we would have needed new group come in. ie Say Watts and others.

We don't have that and so the status quo remains. Richo remains.

Was stated previously by others in the thread that should Nick join the board, he was against Richo staying there, and as such would tip the balance, ergo being the last domino. Since that does not look likely, it's back to circular logic of losing players and doom and gloom.

Some of us are waiting for closer to the AGM.
Isn’t that what makes footy? I’d give your boy a high five as everyone on this forum would. We need to keep that love of the club going.

Go see him. Remind him how much you love him. Then come back to Saints reality.
Lol takes me a while to find Newnes during a broadcast, not takes me a while to find my son, he lives with me.
Strike rate on here isn't very high or the strike rate in the media isn't very high?

What makes you believe everything is rosy after a 4 win season, complete cleanout of assistants, players not signing contracts and the president stepping down?
Long post coming up here George - I hope you read it - feel free to comment.

As I said, the strike rate on HERE is not very high. According the ITK's Richo was getting sacked on Monday - it didn't happen. Just like when Kelly, Sloane, Fyffe etc etc were definitely coming to us last year.

Now its "Richo might get sacked this week" because there are a couple of recalcitrant's hanging out and they just need to change their mind so that they can get the "unanimous" decision that is apparently required to sack a coach.

Now lets say that, unlike every other Club in the league (and I've checked a few!!!), we do have this weird rule that says you've got have a unanimous decision to sack a coach. (Unfortunately the Saints are one of the few clubs that don't have their Constitution posted on line - have you got a copy?)

So what people are saying is that the vote is supposedly 8 to 2 against Richo - Summers and Finnis being his supporters.

Summers is the retiring President and therefore no board in their right mind would allow a retiring President to determine the future direction of the Board. Finnis whilst a Director is an EMPLOYEE of the board!!!. Wouldn't be accepted on any Board I've served on!!!

But it needs to be Unanimous you say - so what can we do?????

So if the vast majority of the board did want to get rid of Richo and a couple of recalcitrants were holding out (especially if they were an outgoing President and an employee of the board), here's what most boards would do - they'd call an extraordinary meeting and vote for a spill of the Board which they would win a on a simple majority. So since that hasn't happened it that makes me think that the numbers backing Richo are probably a few more than two.

Still with me George

Now lets say the "Unanimous" decision requirement is the arrant nonsense that it actually is and all that's needed is a simple majority. I gather they had a board meeting on Monday (or was that not true?) in which case we can assume they've had their vote and voted to keep Richo.

So what you and other posters (MG) are now saying is that there are Board members who won't abide by the majority decision of the board and are trying to get people to change their votes.

If that's the case - those Board members aren't prepared to accept the majority vote, they should take their little bats and balls and p*** off.

There is perhaps a third option.

Perhaps there wasn't a board meeting on Monday and they haven't had the vote yet and board members are still actively campaigning one way or another. You seem fairly connected to the club - did they have a board meeting on Monday and if not when's the next one scheduled?

If there's not one scheduled for another month you'll know that Richo is our coach next year!!!

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Nick is a smart guy. He knows that Richo needs to be sacked by people further up the food chain than himself. I mean, that's their job. To hire and fire people. Nick himself though was only a contracted player under Richo.
It's like the CEO of a company going onto the work floor, finding the person he is charged to sack and then turning to the person sitting next to him and saying "You sit next to Alan don't you and know him well. Well I want you to fire him" then sneaking back to their office.

This is my read too.

Roo doesn’t want to be seen as the man who sacked Richo... that doesn’t sit well with his public persona or media brand.

He can influence Bassett & co from outside the boardroom and keep the blood off his hands. I don’t think anyone outside of Gerry Ryan holds as much sway on the board as Roo.

When it does happen (and I still believe it will), Roo is on record as saying that he thought Richo would be retained. He can then slide into the Director of Footy role as Bassett wants.

Lots to play out over the next few weeks.

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If Richo does end up getting knifed, our players are going to come off looking gutless AF.

On the contrary, those players are going to look very strong in the contest
I'm talking about the reports from this thread. You were asking why the players in question haven't asked for trades yet. I suggested a reason.

To quote George here "a 4 win season, complete cleanout of assistants, players not signing contracts and the president stepping down". Those are facts. You can't deny them. That series of events would suggest a new coach is a very real possibility.

Don't know if maybe you are just reading different things to me but from what I have seen, the mainstream media has been putting out a fair amount of stories about "under fire" Richo to the point he is having to deny it personally. Now Roo is having to "vehemently" deny media speculation that he is pivotal to whether Richo keeps his job.

Rooey's response by the way,
"I'm a St Kilda person, so I will support all of the incumbents, all the people in the positions (at the club)," Riewoldt told Fox Footy.
"So in that sense, yeah, 'Richo' has my support."

Interesting way to answer in my opinion.

I think he's probably getting the idea that what he says carries weight. He said one comment on Savage and it was taken as him hating Savage for example. He's probably learning to bite his tongue. That's why the media is so boring. Honesty gets you burnt.
it'll derail 2019 from the get go
I honestly think our 2019 season is already derailed unless richo gets moved on.

Actual worst case scenario for me is some minor puff of a revival… easy draw and we sneak a few wins in early, we are 6 - 7 going into mid season so we still can't sack richo. The wheels will fall off once again and we end up 7 - 15.

We need to strike now while no other sides are looking for a coach. Richo is clearly finished.
Long post coming up here George - I hope you read it - feel free to comment.

As I said, the strike rate on HERE is not very high. According the ITK's Richo was getting sacked on Monday - it didn't happen. Just like when Kelly, Sloane, Fyffe etc etc were definitely coming to us last year.

Now its "Richo might get sacked this week" because there are a couple of recalcitrant's hanging out and they just need to change their mind so that they can get the "unanimous" decision that is apparently required to sack a coach.

Now lets say that, unlike every other Club in the league (and I've checked a few!!!), we do have this weird rule that says you've got have a unanimous decision to sack a coach. (Unfortunately the Saints are one of the few clubs that don't have their Constitution posted on line - have you got a copy?)

So what people are saying is that the vote is supposedly 8 to 2 against Richo - Summers and Finnis being his supporters.

Summers is the retiring President and therefore no board in their right mind would allow a retiring President to determine the future direction of the Board. Finnis whilst a Director is an EMPLOYEE of the board!!!. Wouldn't be accepted on any Board I've served on!!!

But it needs to be Unanimous you say - so what can we do?????

So if the vast majority of the board did want to get rid of Richo and a couple of recalcitrants were holding out (especially if they were an outgoing President and an employee of the board), here's what most boards would do - they'd call an extraordinary meeting and vote for a spill of the Board which they would win a on a simple majority. So since that hasn't happened it that makes me think that the numbers backing Richo are probably a few more than two.

Still with me George

Now lets say the "Unanimous" decision requirement is the arrant nonsense that it actually is and all that's needed is a simple majority. I gather they had a board meeting on Monday (or was that not true?) in which case we can assume they've had their vote and voted to keep Richo.

So what you and other posters (MG) are now saying is that there are Board members who won't abide by the majority decision of the board and are trying to get people to change their votes.

If that's the case - those Board members aren't prepared to accept the majority vote, they should take their little bats and balls and p*** off.

There is perhaps a third option.

Perhaps there wasn't a board meeting on Monday and they haven't had the vote yet and board members are still actively campaigning one way or another. You seem fairly connected to the club - did they have a board meeting on Monday and if not when's the next one scheduled?

If there's not one scheduled for another month you'll know that Richo is our coach next year!!!

Solid post. The only difference is that any alternative board would have to petition that extraordinary meeting to cause the spill.

So who are these people? why aren't they moving out of the shadows?

It appears that their primary complaint was that the coach has to go, and it hasn't been achieved yet.
You’re right, Richo would never lie.
My slightly informed opinion is that roo will likely be in a board room at some point in the near future, but I don’t think it will be the saints board room.

Just my opinion from an informed conversation I had about 4 months ago.i just don’t see him on the board at this point and it’s got nothing to do with Richo.
Long post coming up here George - I hope you read it - feel free to comment.

As I said, the strike rate on HERE is not very high. According the ITK's Richo was getting sacked on Monday - it didn't happen. Just like when Kelly, Sloane, Fyffe etc etc were definitely coming to us last year.

Now its "Richo might get sacked this week" because there are a couple of recalcitrant's hanging out and they just need to change their mind so that they can get the "unanimous" decision that is apparently required to sack a coach.

Now lets say that, unlike every other Club in the league (and I've checked a few!!!), we do have this weird rule that says you've got have a unanimous decision to sack a coach. (Unfortunately the Saints are one of the few clubs that don't have their Constitution posted on line - have you got a copy?)

So what people are saying is that the vote is supposedly 8 to 2 against Richo - Summers and Finnis being his supporters.

Summers is the retiring President and therefore no board in their right mind would allow a retiring President to determine the future direction of the Board. Finnis whilst a Director is an EMPLOYEE of the board!!!. Wouldn't be accepted on any Board I've served on!!!

But it needs to be Unanimous you say - so what can we do?????

So if the vast majority of the board did want to get rid of Richo and a couple of recalcitrants were holding out (especially if they were an outgoing President and an employee of the board), here's what most boards would do - they'd call an extraordinary meeting and vote for a spill of the Board which they would win a on a simple majority. So since that hasn't happened it that makes me think that the numbers backing Richo are probably a few more than two.

Still with me George

Now lets say the "Unanimous" decision requirement is the arrant nonsense that it actually is and all that's needed is a simple majority. I gather they had a board meeting on Monday (or was that not true?) in which case we can assume they've had their vote and voted to keep Richo.

So what you and other posters (MG) are now saying is that there are Board members who won't abide by the majority decision of the board and are trying to get people to change their votes.

If that's the case - those Board members aren't prepared to accept the majority vote, they should take their little bats and balls and p*** off.

There is perhaps a third option.

Perhaps there wasn't a board meeting on Monday and they haven't had the vote yet and board members are still actively campaigning one way or another. You seem fairly connected to the club - did they have a board meeting on Monday and if not when's the next one scheduled?

If there's not one scheduled for another month you'll know that Richo is our coach next year!!!
Ok read your post.

Don't know how many times I need to repeat myself but here it goes.

Yes board meeting happened.

I haven't said anywhere that Richo would be sacked. In fact my thoughts were the complete opposite.

If they hold a vote now then of course Summers would take part, regardless of if he is departing or not. Otherwise we wait until December, which would then be too late to get rid of him as trade/draft are over. Need to act now.

MF's vote holds more weight than others, I would suggest because he is more involved with day to day operations than the others.

I don't think anyone with info on here said he would be sacked on Monday or this week. If anyone has please show me otherwise don't make it up. You are right, the vote hasnt taken place yet obviously. Nobody said they went to a vote eitber.

All we had said was they discussed his future on Monday and then held follow up talks this week. If you think we are wrong and the media are right then that's up to you mate.

The fact that the entire football dept has had the broom go through the place would be evidence enough to suggest Richo, as part of that football department, would also be getting looked at.

Club know that if we go into 2019 with him in charge we are going to take a considerable financial hit, not to mention the players that want out. It's likely we go even further backwards before we go forwards.

Dominos need to fall, it is a process the club isn't taking lightly.
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