The Liberal Party - How long?

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If the Liberals had their way this is what would prevail here too. They are already killing Medicare by a thousand cuts. And attempting to de-unionise the place along Yanky lines.


The bill for delivering our son was $15k.
Stick a fork in them, they're cooked.

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Man, **** my high school guidance counsellor for not pointing me toward joining the LNP. I mean, you can **** up constantly and STILL keep your job !!!!!

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Man, fu** my high school guidance counsellor for not pointing me toward joining the LNP. I mean, you can fu** up constantly and STILL keep your job !!!!!

They dismiss Brett Sutton as not a doctor, and then proceed to listen to that bottom feeder Tom Elliott tell them how to do something other than trade off the achievements of his father which is his own area of specialisation.
They dismiss Brett Sutton as not a doctor, and then proceed to listen to that bottom feeder Tom Elliott tell them how to do something other than trade off the achievements of his father which is his own area of specialisation.
Elliot is his just like his devious old man but dumber. Apparently that privileged walking publicity stunt Alberti spread the same lie. I don't watch Q@A but apparently Speers did nothing to stop the lie. Needs to get back to Sky where he fits.
How is it feasible that a serial adulterer who has shown himself to be corrupt & incompetent in every role he’s taken & posts videos of himself drunk & rambling about whatever goes on in his head can be looking likely to be made leader again?
Is this really the best they can do? Granted McCormack is a complete moron but is there no one even remotely competent they can turn to?

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How is it feasible that a serial adulterer who has shown himself to be corrupt & incompetent in every role he’s taken & posts videos of himself drunk & rambling about whatever goes on in his head can be looking likely to be made leader again?
Is this really the best they can do? Granted McCormack is a complete moron but is there no one even remotely competent they can turn to?

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Political parties are not designed for the cream to rise to the top.
nats spill tomorrow

CHAOS AND DISORDER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BRB, just checking the murdoch scum papers, channel and 2gb scum to see the outrage levels...

As a lefty, seeing how pissed the women ( born after 1980 ) of Australia are with the libs atm, by all means, bring back the pisshead who ****ed around on his wife with some mutton :D:thumbsu:

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8 years of culture-war dick-length sh*t and counting

Some morale-meat for the bootlicking neckbeards

Why do sections of this nation care about Seppo style culture wars.

We are Australia not America
Why do sections of this nation care about Seppo style culture wars.

We are Australia not America
Cucked mate.

No ambition other than watchin' tha' footy, payin' for ya kids education and driving a better car than that w***er across the street.

Only 200 years old, still so immature as a nation
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