The Official Aussie Rules vs Rugby League Mega Trollfest Thread

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Permanently banned from League United for Trolling :eek:! May make another account for tonight!

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League fans have to be the biggest deadshits going around, no wonder they are stereotyped as big fat beer sipping, uneducated and homophobic bogans. Seriously, one has to look at the rubbish posted constantly on LU, and how everything is 'AFL's fault' :eek:
OoOoOoH SweetleftFlog on the front page again, I am sure his homosexual ghost would have a boner right about now.
Why is this shit on at Ethihad and not at AAMI park???

You know the stadium we tax payers paid millions of dollars for to keep the soccer and bum sniffers happy?
You know, I kind of popped into this thread thinking this squabbling is all numbnuttery. But wow. That article was a corker.

My favourite bit was the comment from the Vic Sports Minister:

State of The Origins - ha ha

That reminds me of the FIFA World Cup 1994 played in the US when the tv broadcaster got famous people to announce which team from around the world they'd be supporting

My favourite was former acting star Rob Lowe who clearly had no idea (much like the Minister):

"I'm rooting for Team USA in the Worlds Cup of Soccer"

great stuff

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The Official Aussie Rules vs Rugby League Mega Trollfest Thread

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