OK little things bug me.
An "Old El Paso" ( mexican food ), pronounces it
" Old El Paarso" in a accent that sounds like Alf Stewart's daughter.
Now i've heard the song by Marty Robbins all my life and to me it was always "El Pa So".
Even this might have a bit of the "ar" but its really short.
Is it going to be like Nestle's who spent decades teaching us to say " Nessels", before turning around one day and saying " you unsophisa****ingcated yobb's , its obviousley "Nessslay "why are you so stupid and backward?
An "Old El Paso" ( mexican food ), pronounces it
" Old El Paarso" in a accent that sounds like Alf Stewart's daughter.
Now i've heard the song by Marty Robbins all my life and to me it was always "El Pa So".
Even this might have a bit of the "ar" but its really short.
Is it going to be like Nestle's who spent decades teaching us to say " Nessels", before turning around one day and saying " you unsophisa****ingcated yobb's , its obviousley "Nessslay "why are you so stupid and backward?