The Robodebt Royal Commission

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Cronulla Sharks look like they accept the findings.
No loss. He, like a lot of pollies, have just used sports to look 'normal'. Most are arrogant tossers who couldn't give a shyte about it in reality.

We've got quite a few of them here who love the photo op, then piss on us when the see an opportunity to use it as a political wedge.

The ALP did it 20 years ago when they decide to have footy in the North & cricket in the South. It damaged both sports for petty parochial advantage.

They are doing it again over the AFL/Stadium issue. Federal Independent member Wilkie being prime for this, Greens, Hobart council & ALP are just as bad.
Robodebt was a symptom of a broad, and as yet uncured, disease.
Yes and although robodebt falls squarely on the shoulders of the disgusting Coalition, this article and the Guardian one I posted a couple of days back are a reminder that the power to abuse innocent, powerless citizens still resides in the current government, and there is nothing stopping them doing something equally egregious if we don’t hold them to account.

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The Nationals leader, David Littleproud, and Liberal MP Bridget Archer are among those who have suggested Morrison should resign as the member for Cook, although some of his colleagues fear adverse findings may make it more likely he will dig in.


What I liked most about Coorey's performance yesterday was that when asked for his final comments in a week where political discussion has been dominated by the damning findings of the RoboDebt Royal Commission, Coorey's focus was on attacking Labor for not moving on setting up a Royal Commission into the handling of covid.
I hope whatever criminal charge Scummo is facing - there are 530,000 counts of it.

Misconduct in public office ? IDK I'm no lawyer.

Also he'll no longer be able to get the Commonwealth to pick up his legal tab if the AFP charge him.
I hope whatever criminal charge Scummo is facing - there are 530,000 counts of it.

Misconduct in public office ? IDK I'm no lawyer.

Also he'll no longer be able to get the Commonwealth to pick up his legal tab if the AFP charge him.
The AFP have been running cover for the conservatives for a long time. Like other APS underlings, they know not to piss off who might be their next master.

At least with Phil Coorey he's taking his pay from Murdoch and co. If he were directly working for the PMO, we would have been paying his salary. Instead we were paying somebody cheaper to write the stories and send them to Phil for publishing.
What I liked most about Coorey's performance yesterday was that when asked for his final comments in a week where political discussion has been dominated by the damning findings of the RoboDebt Royal Commission, Coorey's focus was on attacking Labor for not moving on setting up a Royal Commission into the handling of covid.
Wow- what a goose.
Big fan of Michelle Grattan but, as posted previously, don't agree with her on this.

One of the main criticisms of Royal Commissions is the lack of follow through, especially with regards to prosecuting illegal actions.

RoboDebt Commissioner Catherine Holmes clearly had this in mind in taking the unique step of having the chapter dealing with recommended referrals of individuals for civil action or criminal prosecution 'sealed' “so as not to prejudice the conduct of any future civil action or criminal prosecution”.

During the Commission hearings Holmes was openly critical of the role played by the msm both as RoboDebt was rolled out and in their unwillingness to report accurately on the Commission's public hearings. She understands quite clearly what the partisan press would do if the referrals for prosecution were made public.

having seen her under examination during the robo debt r.c i'm at a loss to understand how she progressed so far in the public service. she must have hidden talents. any self-respecting person would walked ages ago.

having seen her under examination during the robo debt r.c i'm at a loss to understand how she progressed so far in the public service. she must have hidden talents. any self-respecting person would walked ages ago.

Oh, she has hidden talents alright ......


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having seen her under examination during the robo debt r.c i'm at a loss to understand how she progressed so far in the public service. she must have hidden talents. any self-respecting person would walked ages ago.

Demonstrated excellence in the fine art of fawning political sycophancy and to not see what is not wanted to be seen are the most desired qualities in the Senior Executive Service of the APS.

The departure of Kathryn Campbell will just see the promotion of another one of hundreds just like her to take her place.

IMHO casting Campbell as a rogue demon misses the point. And that is that there is a deep seated systemic cultural failings across the public sector at all levels of government.
Demonstrated excellence in the fine art of fawning political sycophancy and to not see what is not wanted to be seen are the most desired qualities in the Senior Executive Service of the APS.

The departure of Kathryn Campbell will just see the promotion of another one of hundreds just like her to take her place.

IMHO casting Campbell as a rogue demon misses the point. And that is that there is a deep seated systemic cultural failings across the public sector at all levels of government.
There is some truth in what you say but that's not to say there are not some, highly diligent, ethical and honourable people in the SES.

There are quite a few. Also there are lots of Kathryn Campbell's too.
having seen her under examination during the robo debt r.c i'm at a loss to understand how she progressed so far in the public service. she must have hidden talents. any self-respecting person would walked ages ago.

It’s The Joke and you’re either in on it like Campbell, or you’re a loser like most of Australia.
IMHO casting Campbell as a rogue demon misses the point. And that is that there is a deep seated systemic cultural failings across the public sector at all levels of government.
Yes, yes and yes.

Problem is, this sort of stuff, which is SO important to the proper functioning of a nation built on trust, just isn’t “sexy” to the average punter. I don’t know what the answer is.
Bill Shorten on, of all places, Sky News, giving it to Morrison and the coalition with both barrels.

He asks rhetorically “What is the Coalition defence? The Ministers were just too stupid to know what was going on?”

That the answer to that question is clearly YES, Peter Dutton and his current front bench were either too ignorant to know what was happening despite multiple warnings and briefings to Cabinet, or he and they just didn't give a flying feck. Most likely a combination of both.

LNP probably thinking/hoping that finally casting Morrison aside will save them further scrutiny. But FFS - the evidence is clear. They were all culpable, ignorant and heartless.

'My name's Shorten and your ass ain't talking your way out of this shit'

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Morrison was the Federal Government's Social Services Minister, and he claims he didn't even know that under Social Security Law and Centrelink actual practice, that Centrelink fortnightly payments like Austudy/Abstudy, Youth Allowance, Jobseeker, Disability Support Pension, Carers Payment and Parenting Payment (and whatever previous names these payments went under) have for decades NOT been based on Financial Year Income averaging (unlike Centrelink Family Tax Benefits).

And correspondingly, there is only an end of year reconciliation done for the likes of Centrelink Family Tax Benefits.
In terms of Morrison’s claims and that of the scheme was an extension of Labor’s existing scheme and that nothing had changed apart from scale - that has been found by the RC to be BS and Morrison knew that since 2015. Yet he stood up in QT in Parliament on multiple occasions spouting this tripe. I wonder if Labor goes him on misleading Parliament and ask he corr the record ?
In terms of Morrison’s claims and that of the scheme was an extension of Labor’s existing scheme and that nothing had changed apart from scale - that has been found by the RC to be BS and Morrison knew that since 2015. Yet he stood up in QT in Parliament on multiple occasions spouting this tripe. I wonder if Labor goes him on misleading Parliament and ask he corr the record ?

I think (hope) the government does the right thing and does nothing more than highlight Morrisons lies and hypocrisy as outlined in the RC and put the pressure on Dutton to deal with it.

IMHO there is no capital to be gained politically or for the nation by putting energy into beating the carcass of Morrison that is currently being tanned on a well supported deckchair in the Italian sun.

Reference that hypocritical pentecostal feck with nothing more than derision and disgust from here on. To be remembered as nothing more than a low water mark in Australia's political history.
I think (hope) the government does the right thing and does nothing more than highlight Morrisons lies and hypocrisy as outlined in the RC and put the pressure on Dutton to deal with it.

IMHO there is no capital to be gained politically or for the nation by putting energy into beating the carcass of Morrison that is currently being tanned on a well supported deckchair in the Italian sun.

Reference that hypocritical pentecostal feck with nothing more than derision and disgust from here on. To be remembered as nothing more than a low water mark in Australia's political history.
There is a lot of political mileage to be made from the media collusion.
I think (hope) the government does the right thing and does nothing more than highlight Morrisons lies and hypocrisy as outlined in the RC and put the pressure on Dutton to deal with it.

IMHO there is no capital to be gained politically or for the nation by putting energy into beating the carcass of Morrison that is currently being tanned on a well supported deckchair in the Italian sun.

Reference that hypocritical pentecostal feck with nothing more than derision and disgust from here on. To be remembered as nothing more than a low water mark in Australia's political history.
Yes. He is politically dead.

Everyone knows that except 'Scott The Selfawareness'. Jen will tell him at the end of his holiday.
I mean, ruining a bloke's holiday!!!!. Compared to proofing a debt you don't have. Have some perspective.
He is politically dead.
No point in him hanging out in Cronulla.
He's probably about to get spat out by the Sharks.
Doesn't surf, or hold a lifesaver's whistle.
A likely risk of sinking, having a medical episode, or polluting Bates Bay at Cronulla's beaches.
Will likely only risk religious organisation reputational damage and drive away congregants, if he gets anywhere near leadership or preaching in any evangelical churches, unless he credibly and genuinely gets a repentance makeover and reinvents himself as a champion for the poor, and a lobbyist for more traditional and sane social justice policies.

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The Robodebt Royal Commission

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