"Winning" the free kick count is a bit disingenuous though, isn't it?
I would say 7 of those counts are even enough that they shouldn't have made any difference to the result.
So 6 could be considered lopsided enough that they MAY have impacted the results, but that does nothing to prove whether or not those free kicks were genuinely there, or how many were missed both ways.
Out of the 6 lopsided counts, the team who lost the free kick count won 3 and lost 3.
The whole argument is pretty inconclusive really.
86% of free kick counts going to the Victorian side feels pretty conclusive to me. Also the fact that there are any games where the lopsided free kick count can affect the result is a massive stain on the AFL, and whenever there is a lopsided free kick count it is always against the non-Victorian team.