Autopsy The surprisingly mature post loss discussion.

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That coaching was a disgrace.... Bev and Gia insipid as the players were...

Melbourne's half back setup at center bounces was noticeable about half way into the first quarter. 4 of them lined up with no opponents. Our 2 half forwards started between the wing and half forward by themselves also. When the bounce went up 2 of those Melbourne players sprinted to the contest while our 2 half forward strolled in and waited outside the pack. So at EVERY center bounce melbourne have 2 extra players for about 4-5 seconds. Enough to cause damage. On a few occasions 3 or 4 of those melbourne half backs when in the middle.
Oh and one of those players was Jordan Lewis who went into the middle EVERY time. Suprise suprise he was just about BOG.

How can some shmuck like me notice this all game and nothing is done to combat it.

My second reason, at a throw in or a ball up in the wing, our KPF stands 20m from the contest with 2 smaller forwards 50m from the contest. WTF is Boyd or Roughead going to do there, they should be 50m from the contest. No wonder we have no one to kick to. It happened all game.

Absolute craphouse. Bev used to make timely changes, now nothing.

Now regarding Honeychurch, if his game directly contributes to the result then we have already lost. It's up to our senior AFL level players to have the impact. Honeychurch's missed goals and clangers were bad, very bad and inexcusable. BUT why wasn't Dickson, Stringer, McLean, Picken or anyone else in the situation? Because they were even worse than Honeychurch. Not getting the ball is worse than getting it and making a mistake.
Stringer, JJ, Picken, McLean, Dickson, Biggs, Boyd, Hunter. I'll happily debate anyone that thinks those had better games than Honey.

I also thought that was one of Sucklings better games of the year. And while Roughead got a fair bit of ball. He is an average ruckman who is overrated on here. He has made zero difference since he came back. Oppositions team would put no time into Rougheads game.

On a positive note. Caleb Daniel hold your head high son. Libba, Cordy, Wallis can too
Top post. Agree with nearly everything there apart from the Roughead comment but not going to quibble over that.
Nice to get some analysis of the tactical side - I think it really warrants some examination.
Mitch Hannan, more than a high flyer who clunked a few; his skills and pace would have fitted into our forward line :mad:

He has certainly improved his game from the VFL last year.
Hannan was always going to thrive when he went into the AFL system. Long is going to be an even bigger loss we let slip from right under our grasp.

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Wish we got a little more from bevo in the press conferences.
Calmed down a bit now. I think we need to reset this side over the off season, get decent picks in and build from there again.
He was amusing while we were winning but like most coaches he clams up when his side is in the horrors.

Understandable though. No need to air all the problems for the media and opposition analysts to lap up.
How did the players become so disconnected after being so unified? The team used to behave like it was one beating, pulsing life form, working in concert to create a whole. This season we've gradually moved further apart until today's horror show. Now it's as if they've just been introduced to each other in the rooms before the game.

We need to pull together. Us supporters need to play our part too. Stop waiting to be entertained or scratching our heads. It's time to draw up the barriers to the outside world, reset and reload. Slack nang energy time.
Bring on 2018. No use getting shitty because it's been like this all year and nothing has corrected.
Really keen for Bevo to blood some youngsters... Lip, Young, NMM, Lynch, Collins (Even as a Forward Option) just play them and give them experience while we get others back from injury.
I know we have problems absolutely everywhere but f*ck me if Tom Boyd doesn't give 10 x more hitouts directly to the opposition then to our advantage it might.

There is no point winning the ruck Tom if you are just going to whack it forward when you know there are 3 oppo players streaming towards it.

It's just dumb.

I would say there are many examples of this issue in the team. Teams have worked us out now and they anticipate our moves before we make them. But we don't adjust effectively. For example I have lost count of the number of times in recent weeks teams have gone to tackle the next player in the handball chain BEFORE the handball, and yet our players go through with the handball anyway, and the player gets nailed.

Today it was chronic - almost every single handball chain led to players being under successively more pressure. Furthermore opposition teams are setting up where the kick is going to go at the end of the handball chain too.

The worst part of today was our players noticed this was happening (as you'd have to be blind not to) and they did TRY to adjust, by going for the 2nd or 3rd option. But this led to them just being more hesitant. All of a sudden they're holding onto the ball too long and there are smothers everywhere. It is quite frustrating.
We just look slow and tentative around the ground with many of our players reactive and playing on the edges instead of taking the game on and charging through.

Jong will be a big loss. He provides straight line running or straight line chains to occur. He gets in to get the hard ball.

We will seriously miss a player of his ilk who has pace and strength even if he does fluff some of his chances and frustrate us all.
Interestingly enough, Prudden said pre-game in the social club that the Dees have copied a lot of our style (thanks Jennings you tossa) but the funny thing was the Dees apparently also use the same terminology as us. I guess imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, especially when they imitate better than the originals.
Most disappointing thing today is we were fighting until the end in games.

This hasn't been the case in last two weeks.

This is so true. In between the Bugg incident and halftime we went into overdrive, and it was great to see. There was genuine 100% frenetic effort, and i thought to myself "This is the first time I have seen this since last year. Great! We might be back!"

And then we come out after halftime all sedate, the sting had gone and it was a procession.

I was proud of the team up to halftime. Our disposal going into the 50 was diabolical, but the effort was right up there. But that 2nd half was just embarrassing. It was un-Bulldogs-like - in this or any other era.

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Top post. Agree with nearly everything there apart from the Roughead comment but not going to quibble over that.
Nice to get some analysis of the tactical side - I think it really warrants some examination.

yeah i probably went a bit over the top on that one
Bevs members video was pretty Honest

Although unfortunately he doesn't sound like he has any answers
That't what i took from it too. He was flat as a tack and looked like he had no answers.

That was tough watching at the game. First half i can't recall a half like that where not a single thing went right. I was all for recalling the honeybadger, have to reward 2's form, but today proved why Bevo hasn't promoted him, that miss in the goal square i feel will be the final nail in his career, game was over when it went up the other end and tin ass Watts goaled after the siren. How anyone didn't touch that is beyond me, another example of poor decision making for 5 guys not to be standing on the goal line. 2nd half heads dropped, turnovers were chronic and they got their tails up and buried us as good teams should.

Bugg posting that pre-game shows no one fears us, would anyone do that to Hodge, Mitchell, Lewis etc at Hawthorn? No chance. If they did the whole hawks team would have buried Bugg all day, Wood at least went at him pre-game, but why wasn't the whole team into him all game to make a statement. He would have walked off the ground laughing today.

Have so much to fix, will take the whole clubs and all the leaders to make a stand and turn it around (not just Bevo). Look forward to us breathing absolute fire v Norf and showing what this club is about.
Anyone notice Mcrae/Bontempelli/Liberatore/JJ just give up on chasing guys today or was it just me?
And Stringer. His body language today was absolutely deplorable today, especially in the second half.
To be honest though i think it was a combination of frustration with the umpires and realizing it was one of those days that nothing was going right.
Watching at the ground and then on the replay you could see their frustration with the way the game was going.
I don't like putting the boot in but we're currently playing the worst in the league by a long way. I think we know Honeychurch and Dale won't make it.
We now either commit to last years team or pull the pin and get games into Webb,Williams, Collins, Lipniski.
Libba was one of our better players, got better as the game wore on. It was good to see.

Massively frustrated with Boyd and Roughhead today. The occasional contested grab would have allowed us another option. Very weak by our 200cm players to constantly get out marked even if they were double teamed. Gotta take a run & jump and crash a pack.

Was watching Tom Boyd closely today during stoppages in play. He looks positively dopey with the way he casually wanders around. What's he saving his energy for? He doesn't really display negative body language but neither is he positive. Laid back, like a heap of dung a' drying as my farmer grandparents would have said
And Stringer. His body language today was absolutely deplorable today, especially in the second half.
To be honest though i think it was a combination of frustration with the umpires and realizing it was one of those days that nothing was going right.
Watching at the ground and then on the replay you could see their frustration with the way the game was going.
Happy to trade if he still has value. Love the guy but he's massively overrated. His reputation is so over what he is.
Few issues just wanted to throw up to get some dogs fans opinions to see if it's not just me noticing it.

-Easton Wood - I have watched him closely a lot live - is it just me or does he seem very unaccountable down back and always seems to want to match up on a lower type of player? There was one stage today where he was pointing at Hunter to go match up on Watts when he was standing loose in defence. I know Easton is great when peeling off his man to help others but I would have thought him to watts would have made more sense. But have noticed it a lot this season.

-Is it just me or did Bev seem a lot more concerned and stressed In today's press conference?

And finally - JJ. I mentioned in another thread about him playing up the ground. If he's getting tagged at half back - wouldn't it make sense to move him to a wing or HF like he did against the pies in round 1?
Few issues just wanted to throw up to get some dogs fans opinions to see if it's not just me noticing it.

-Easton Wood - I have watched him closely a lot live - is it just me or does he seem very unaccountable down back and always seems to want to match up on a lower type of player? There was one stage today where he was pointing at Hunter to go match up on Watts when he was standing loose in defence. I know Easton is great when peeling off his man to help others but I would have thought him to watts would have made more sense. But have noticed it a lot this season.

-Is it just me or did Bev seem a lot more concerned and stressed In today's press conference?

And finally - JJ. I mentioned in another thread about him playing up the ground. If he's getting tagged at half back - wouldn't it make sense to move him to a wing or HF like he did against the pies in round 1?
Point 2 is he should be.
JJ should snap up our offer after the last weeks.

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Autopsy The surprisingly mature post loss discussion.

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