The thank god i kept Taylor Walker thread

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High chance for rising star nominee. Too bad I traded him, he's either hot or cold not that consistent. However I seriously wonder if Brown wasn't injured who would have selected Walker as their emergency? ;)

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I kept him.. after losing Ziebell adn Hill

Both I had as they got 40's and 30's then i dropped them and they are now getting 70-80's and even 130's.


I finally call it quites.. walker av's 30 and got 11 last week he can't possible go up in price.. WTF he is well over 100!!

AS soon as I trade this blooody fking ******* of a toool of a wank spud he does welll!!!

Not only have I missed the points, but I have miised the massive cash inject to folow AND also the the trade..!!!

I have 4 0's this round and more to come next round 6 next round with full benches + 6 playing 0's!

And so I could have used the trade to deal with houlihan or hodge or rance or beams or hartlett or someoe... AND THEN THIS HAP{ENS !!!! I HAT BLOOODY STUPID MUTHERFKING SUPERCOACH WHAT THE BLOODY HELL HOW COME THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS TO ME

BNetwenn these three idiots I have managed to loos about 1 million in cash, and 3 trades... and hundreds of points

I oculd be ranked alot higher, have alot more points, and have used those three trades elsewhere so as to haver a better tema who owuld score even more@!!!

WTF I hate walker, hill and ziebell NONE OF THEM SHOWED ANY PROMISE UNTIL I TOOK THEM OUT... its not that they aweren't consistant.. its that they were consistantly bad... always SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT....

EVYER SINGLE TIME... and so I trade walker out so I can get an actual cash cow.. and what happens.. the bloody FKING non existant.. ';ogh i peaked at 190k.. is that too low for you?? YES ITS TOO LOW YOU WANK PIECE OF SHIT.... you can'tn be a cash cow or a point scorer IDIOT>>. and now he goes and does miracles....

Oh and Higgins is out.. so I'll most probably loose my match now as one of teh 3 difference in our teams is out and I'm down 50 points.. so now its
2 guys + 50
3 guys

I thougght I had won it...
Goddard, Macaffer Higgins + 50
walker, some 60av playuer.. can't remember his name and Pendles..

According to my books that is a win for me...
100 + 50 + 80 + 50
30 + 60 + 120


Goddard, Macaffer + 50
100 point scorer + 60av + pendles 120/

WTF!!! Now I'll most probably loose bwecause of higgins and Wlaker..>!!!

P>S> I shouldn't be amazed.. I mean every player in my team does want to kill himself... maybe I should emply a human resources manager or something?

I kept him.. after losing Ziebell adn Hill

Both I had as they got 40's and 30's then i dropped them and they are now getting 70-80's and even 130's.


I finally call it quites.. walker av's 30 and got 11 last week he can't possible go up in price.. WTF he is well over 100!!

AS soon as I trade this blooody fking ******* of a toool of a wank spud he does welll!!!

Not only have I missed the points, but I have miised the massive cash inject to folow AND also the the trade..!!!

I have 4 0's this round and more to come next round 6 next round with full benches + 6 playing 0's!

And so I could have used the trade to deal with houlihan or hodge or rance or beams or hartlett or someoe... AND THEN THIS HAP{ENS !!!! I HAT BLOOODY STUPID MUTHERFKING SUPERCOACH WHAT THE BLOODY HELL HOW COME THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS TO ME

BNetwenn these three idiots I have managed to loos about 1 million in cash, and 3 trades... and hundreds of points

I oculd be ranked alot higher, have alot more points, and have used those three trades elsewhere so as to haver a better tema who owuld score even more@!!!

WTF I hate walker, hill and ziebell NONE OF THEM SHOWED ANY PROMISE UNTIL I TOOK THEM OUT... its not that they aweren't consistant.. its that they were consistantly bad... always SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT....

EVYER SINGLE TIME... and so I trade walker out so I can get an actual cash cow.. and what happens.. the bloody FKING non existant.. ';ogh i peaked at 190k.. is that too low for you?? YES ITS TOO LOW YOU WANK PIECE OF SHIT.... you can'tn be a cash cow or a point scorer IDIOT>>. and now he goes and does miracles....

Oh and Higgins is out.. so I'll most probably loose my match now as one of teh 3 difference in our teams is out and I'm down 50 points.. so now its
2 guys + 50
3 guys

I thougght I had won it...
Goddard, Macaffer Higgins + 50
walker, some 60av playuer.. can't remember his name and Pendles..

According to my books that is a win for me...
100 + 50 + 80 + 50
30 + 60 + 120


Goddard, Macaffer + 50
100 point scorer + 60av + pendles 120/

WTF!!! Now I'll most probably loose bwecause of higgins and Wlaker..>!!!

P>S> I shouldn't be amazed.. I mean every player in my team does want to kill himself... maybe I should emply a human resources manager or something?

HAHAHAH GOld man, Gold, I feel for you. SO funny... To go with your post the other day of a similar nature, you've copped it... :p
Pretty harsh, but you really never should be wasting trades on rookies that are actually playing. Stephen Hill showed that last week, and trading Walker was just a waste.

God, he was so impressive today. Great marks using the body. Against poor defences he's going to be a tough matchup for the rest of the season.

As long as Adelaide put the thing inside fifty, that is.
Pretty harsh, but you really never should be wasting trades on rookies that are actually playing. Stephen Hill showed that last week, and trading Walker was just a waste.

God, he was so impressive today. Great marks using the body. Against poor defences he's going to be a tough matchup for the rest of the season.

As long as Adelaide put the thing inside fifty, that is.

When my only playing rookies for next round are

Walker (now macaffer), Pyke, Suban..

When that is all the cashyour gonna get.. You need to fix up the cash cows.

I know one this aobut SC adn that is that if you don't haev cash then you either need to
) get cash cows to get cash
) downgraed a good player to a lower players whos going up in order to upgrade another..

All cash cows ahave died bar those three..

Garlet OUT
Walker 11.. I believe when I saw that he had hit is max I traded hi out to reak the rewards of all that cash hes earnt.. ou know.. the er... 80k!!
Jacobs OUT
Pyke... took a risk, thought hes played sport higher level before, so he should be more stable looks good
Robinson OUT
Beams OUT
Hartlett OUT
Cheney OUT
Rance OUT

Pyke are the only two still goin out of my original few...

And by the way, when I got rid of Ziebell I turned him into... Richo... who then got 22 x2 lost heaps of price and died...
I feel your pain Un OC.

If I had of traded out Hentshcel for Macaffer instead of Walker for Macaffer before lockout I could have gone -

Houlihan > Newman and got an extra 94 points on my score.

And as for starting Walker on the ground or picking him as an emergency -

The thing is though if you had a combo of Walker and Macaffer/Warren/Nayas on your bench then would you seriously have picked Walker as an emergency to start over them? :eek:
JM, I probabl would have started macaffer, and put walker as an emergency is I had both. Hence making up for higgins..

But anyway, I still would have got teh money tehn!!!!

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i cannot believe it, supercoach stuffed up when i put taylor walker as emergency, so it didnt work. that is a joke! and now i have 3 0's, with higgins..
I'm so glad Houlihan was out! It forced me to do a backline trade along with gazza to avoid a zero, prevented me from trading walker (124) for Fev (29), then Higgins is out today, so walker comes in for him :D
I LOVE YOU SUPER COACH GODS!!!! (this week anyway!)

I kept him.. after losing Ziebell adn Hill

Both I had as they got 40's and 30's then i dropped them and they are now getting 70-80's and even 130's.


I finally call it quites.. walker av's 30 and got 11 last week he can't possible go up in price.. WTF he is well over 100!!

AS soon as I trade this blooody fking ******* of a toool of a wank spud he does welll!!!

Not only have I missed the points, but I have miised the massive cash inject to folow AND also the the trade..!!!

I have 4 0's this round and more to come next round 6 next round with full benches + 6 playing 0's!

And so I could have used the trade to deal with houlihan or hodge or rance or beams or hartlett or someoe... AND THEN THIS HAP{ENS !!!! I HAT BLOOODY STUPID MUTHERFKING SUPERCOACH WHAT THE BLOODY HELL HOW COME THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS TO ME

BNetwenn these three idiots I have managed to loos about 1 million in cash, and 3 trades... and hundreds of points

I oculd be ranked alot higher, have alot more points, and have used those three trades elsewhere so as to haver a better tema who owuld score even more@!!!

WTF I hate walker, hill and ziebell NONE OF THEM SHOWED ANY PROMISE UNTIL I TOOK THEM OUT... its not that they aweren't consistant.. its that they were consistantly bad... always SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT....

EVYER SINGLE TIME... and so I trade walker out so I can get an actual cash cow.. and what happens.. the bloody FKING non existant.. ';ogh i peaked at 190k.. is that too low for you?? YES ITS TOO LOW YOU WANK PIECE OF SHIT.... you can'tn be a cash cow or a point scorer IDIOT>>. and now he goes and does miracles....

Oh and Higgins is out.. so I'll most probably loose my match now as one of teh 3 difference in our teams is out and I'm down 50 points.. so now its
2 guys + 50
3 guys

I thougght I had won it...
Goddard, Macaffer Higgins + 50
walker, some 60av playuer.. can't remember his name and Pendles..

According to my books that is a win for me...
100 + 50 + 80 + 50
30 + 60 + 120


Goddard, Macaffer + 50
100 point scorer + 60av + pendles 120/

WTF!!! Now I'll most probably loose bwecause of higgins and Wlaker..>!!!

P>S> I shouldn't be amazed.. I mean every player in my team does want to kill himself... maybe I should emply a human resources manager or something?

You wont get any sympathy from me. Your fault for trading them! I've had Zieball, Hill and Walker from the beginning and stuck with them. After all, they are cash cows, so why sell them if they haven't made u cash??

And what's with the massive post? Seriously, calm the fu@k down!
He got a spot on the ground for me because MBrown got injured. Happy to take this bit of luck, but not gonna get too carried away after 1 good game. he did look good tho :)
Very happy to have him. Never going to trade him just yet. Had made hardly any money and Adelaide really rate him so I kept the faith. Played him originally as last fwd due to Mitch Brown being out. Happy with Ben Warrens contribution too.

Now for the 'trading petrenko' thread.
Now for the 'trading petrenko' thread.

I actually predicted Walker would score over 75+ (but not sure where I made the post), but to my surprise he came through. I was being sarcatic when I made that post...

I trade Petrenko out, but I know this guy will do well. I am expecting to be punished by Petrenko in due course.

But hey I wasn't going to get rid of Hill or Dawson. LOL unfortunately, I traded Petrenko for Greenwood:thumbsdown:
Your unlucky on the Greenwood issue. Would be interesting to see if Petrenko did get dropped.. how long it would take for him to come back in.
I actually predicted Walker would score over 75+ (but not sure where I made the post), but to my surprise he came through. I was being sarcatic when I made that post...

I trade Petrenko out, but I know this guy will do well. I am expecting to be punished by Petrenko in due course.

But hey I wasn't going to get rid of Hill or Dawson. LOL unfortunately, I traded Petrenko for Greenwood:thumbsdown:

I remember you saying Prompts after I traded Walker out that he is the new Hill. Thought you were on the p1ss or talking the p1ss (maybe both) :p Looks like I should start calling you Nostradamus. Can you give me this weeks lotto numbers? :D

I wish I had Walker back but doubt I would have had the balls to start him on the ground over Macaffer anyways. :eek:

The thing that has killed me is accidentally trading Walker for Macaffer (drunken hangover) instead of Hentschel which stopped me from going Houlihan > Newman. :(

That 94 extra points that Newman got over Petrenko (screws me over everytime I start him on the field) who started on the ground is gonna cost me big time in my league match now. :mad:
Your unlucky on the Greenwood issue. Would be interesting to see if Petrenko did get dropped.. how long it would take for him to come back in.

He wont wont be coming back into my team ever in two week time once I trade his ar5e out.

If it wasn't for Rance getting injured then Spudrenko would be getting his marching orders and upgraded to Waite/Newman this week. :rolleyes:
The thing that has killed me is accidentally trading Walker for Macaffer (drunken hangover) instead of Hentschel which stopped me from going Houlihan > Newman. :(

JM, if you mention this 'stupid' and 'accidental' trade one more time in one more thread im going to smash my laptop over my head just so i dont have to read it anymore...
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