Are you telling me you're a prick or just a dumb****?
Easy to tell people to calm down when it's their livelihood, and it's an argument that they have every single day of their working life.
OP's daughter has cheaper options available, just as my clients have AI options available to them.
Use them if you want.
Don't devalue my worth, and don't expect my price to be competitive with your shitty cheapo option that I guarantee won't be as good, and probably won't meet your brief.
And definitely don't expect me to give a rats arse when you end up having to pay me even more to do it last minute, cos you tried to cheap out on it, wasted all the time you had, and got a product that you couldn't use.
It probably became half my work in 2024; in December I literally only had to work 5 days...
Most of my job now is providing last minute, exorbitantly priced creative services from people in a bind, who need the job done yesterday, because they thought they could do it cheaper. (My favourite is when they come to me the day before they need it and want me to do for the price I quoted them 6 weeks ago.)
The point I'm making is that the OP has multiple options:
- pay the $780
- find a cheaper option
Disrespecting and devaluing the work of the hair stylist is neither of those options, it's extremely disrespectful, and I'm beyond stunned at how many of you are lining up to tell someone else what their work is worth.
You guys must be great in your loser office jobs when you're negotiating. "Yeah, I'll just take whatever you want to pay me, I'm sure it'll be fine!" Classic bootlicker behaviour.
This is the best