Rumour Tigers accused of groping teammate

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You don't think that black men in AFL have their penis's touched or talked about a little more often than the white men...?
Are you projecting your own racist undertones and preconceived ideas onto the AFL players?

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I think it’s a modern day thing MB.
I’ve heard its regular like footy players shaving the legs.
Last time I played seniors in the country if you tried that you’d get knocked out.

Players shave legs for the increasing amounts of strapping tape used I thought. Save ripping all that hair out every week.
I didn’t say he clearly views it as a joke, I said it clearly was a joke. I can only assume he viewed it as a joke with the facts on the table. Continue to feign outrage over this though. Cancel culture is so in for 2020.
Maybe he doesn’t feel safe to complain don’t know all the facts
So fingering someone's anus publicly when he's trying to stop you would not be classified as sexual assault?
To be honest mate it would only be weird if Chol didn’t resist and just let him do it
Maybe he doesn’t feel safe to complain don’t know all the facts
Maybe if you feign enough outrage on behalf of players there’ll be enough suspensions across the league which would afford Geelong the opportunity to finally win a prelim final?

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Mate, the younger generation are weird!
My mates apprentices are around 19-21 yrs of age and they actively talk (and show) their junk to one another. They are very secure in their own skin and while sex has never been something my generation shy away from, we did have boundaries when it came to the same sex but it just seems like today's younger generation have no worries showing each other their junk, and openly talking about themselves to complete strangers at the pubs or at work.
I actually am in the younger generation you're talking about. Yes, most people are pretty open in what they discuss which is a good thing but I can't say I have any mates that go around touching eachother's dicks.

There is a huge difference in being comfortable with yourself and allowing others to touch you anywhere without consent.

Chol might be comfortable with it but you'd hope that Short and Vlastuin would have absolute certainty that he's fine with it.
You just accused me, are you seriously going to backtrack again?

What are my racist undertones? Why do you dodge every question?
The only person here backtracking is you. You projected your own racial undertones onto the AFL players, were questioned on it, and are now playing dumb.

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