Rumour Tigers accused of groping teammate

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Im 38, we did all this kind of sh*t growing up. House parties, blokes would just end up nude by about 2am - why, no idea, but someone would start it and then most would. We got a laugh out of it.

Footy, we'd have guys singing the song naked, not every week but couple of times a year someone would be in the group naked. Piss on each other in the showers, pick on blokes with big dicks (because they were happy to be picked on). Anyone didnt like it we didnt do anything to them.

All clubs have their own cultures. As long as everyone's comfortable, I guess.
You can tell who thinks weird fascinations with touching other blokes sexually is a completely normal thing for supposedly hetero males to want to do and want done to them regularly.

I remember the first guy to attempt a bum tap in under 16s. It was a bit funny but generally greeted with a bit of 'really, do you just do that?'. It remained an infrequent occurrence.
Who said it was sexual? Who cares?

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I'm glad it's been brought up, (probably not the way Riminton is inferring though) seen it happen the past 2 weeks and enough is enough really.

It was annoying me let alone Chol, pretty sure Dimma would have left the presser today and gave Short & Floss a rightful serve.
Alleged sexual assault. According to Tigers fans they must be stood down immediately.
has chol gone to the police, who are charging them? Did you bother asking if chol considers it as assault, or are we running by the rule that random people on twitter are allowed to accuse others of crimes without asking the alleged victim first?
The only person here backtracking is you. You projected your own racial undertones onto the AFL players, were questioned on it, and are now playing dumb.

What are my preconceived ideas about black AFL players? What exactly are my "racial underdones" that i'm projecting?

Do you think Black players don't have their dicks touched or talked about more than white players?

What evidence is there that Chol consented to his anus being publicly fingered by Richmond teammates?

When will you answer a question?

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What a sad society we've become.
People love to be outraged.

When I was playing footy and cricket, if you didn't pinch your mate on the arse or flick his dick, people were wary of you.
Consent is the key word here ....hard to tell if Chol has given consent to be groped...this is far from a footy bun tap after a goal
Yep allegedly ... meanwhile your players are caught on camera and you still defend the actions

if it was a different team you wouldn’t be defending it

I probably wouldn't have commented.

If this is the club's biggest off-field sin since Broad's post-GF photo or Kane Johnson taking a piss on a police station, so be it.

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