Rumour Tigers accused of groping teammate

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This so much

some of the comment about players showering in their jocks or going home to have a shower somehow implies they are less than a man for doing so

I hope attitudes like these have change since my playing days
Sick to death of it.

Young men have one of the highest suicide rates of any demographic. This accusatory bullshit that if you're uncomfortable with something then you're somehow less of a man is pathetic and shameful. Look at the bloke in my DP. He ****ing killed himself, leaving behind two young kids. I've lost people close to me to suicide and it has rocked my community to its core, and people (men, 35-70 i mean) do not care one iota. It's a disgrace that people behave like this. You have no idea of the impact you cause.
Of course people are defending this as typical blokes in the locker room.

It’s not a locker room it’s a workplace. 99.9% of people that work in this country would expect to be fired if they did this to a colleague in a workplace.

Why are Richmond footballers any different?
Well it is a workplace so the legal standards have to be meet

you wouldn’t be groping your co worker in the office would you ?
So your club doesn’t engage in tomfoolery like this. Maybe we should troll through all club song videos and retrospectively charge players?

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Just a bit of light-hearted kancho.
aaahh you've reminded of an unprintable incident that occurred when I was on highschool exchange in Japan...goodness me

How does the recipient clearly view it as a joke? Can you explain that?

Can sexual assaults not occur in "footy team environments" ? Do people consent to their anus' being fingered publicly because they join a football team?
Can we establish a communal definition of 'anal fingering' please? You've typed these words repeatedly in this thread, but to me a pair of shorts and undies would make that act extremely difficult to execute, and it certainly wasn't happening during the Tiger team song. What do you think it means?
I actually am in the younger generation you're talking about. Yes, most people are pretty open in what they discuss which is a good thing but I can't say I have any mates that go around touching eachother's dicks.

There is a huge difference in being comfortable with yourself and allowing others to touch you anywhere without consent.

Chol might be comfortable with it but you'd hope that Short and Vlastuin would have absolute certainty that he's fine with it.

We need to remember a lot of these players are young blokes who are now forced into being cooped up in an isolated environment no different to what Victorians are experiencing. You are going to get stupid incidents like this on a weekly basis. I reckon Rance would have copped his fair share of butt slapping as well when he was a player.

I recall a few Geelong players were ridiculed many years ago in 2009-2010 for pulling faces at the camera while singing the team song. Was offensive to mentally challenged individuals. And it was. They stopped pulling the faces immediately but again, we live in a different world don't we. What some find to be immature pointless touching, others will see racial vilifying.
When I play sport with me mates we give each other reach-arounds in the showers like why is this even a big deal? PC gone mad.
that's you and your mates. good on you. other people think differently. and that's fine.

me and my mates love a bum or dick tap. we wouldn't do that if we didn't know that we were comfortable. this is the issue at hand. you have no clue if Mabior was comfortable and it seems he was not. doesn't make him PC, or less of a man. it means he knows himself, and what he's fine with, what he's not fine with.
Sick to death of it.

Young men have one of the highest suicide rates of any demographic. This accusatory bullshit that if you're uncomfortable with something then you're somehow less of a man is pathetic and shameful. Look at the bloke in my DP. He ******* killed himself, leaving behind two young kids. I've lost people close to me to suicide and it has rocked my community to its core, and people (men, 35-70 i mean) do not care one iota. It's a disgrace that people behave like this. You have no idea of the impact you cause.
I didn’t make the comments but I agree with you 100%
I use to shower in my jocks or wait till I got home due to not being comfortable showering with a bunch of blokes due to previous child abuse

and yet I was teased constantly about not being man enough or less of a teammate for not getting naked in front of the boys

it’s shit behaviour that needs to change

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