Player Watch Tim Broomhead - (Delisted 2020)

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I've said before on the site ... I just don't get how he went Number 1 in the draft... Seen him play a few times and will be a dud top draft, mark my words...

I agree to an extent, Whitfield will be a quality player far from dud, but I think he is being over hyped and isn't as good as being purported.
Off the games that I have seen certainly didn't stand out any more then others in the champ games I watched, he is a classy player with ball in hand and I think he will become a very good player but he wont be the best in draft year (#1 picks rarely are).

Put Jaeger and Crouch into the draft Whitfield would of went at 3 more then likely.
FWIW, both games are still trial games and you get as much out of trial games as you do dancing with your sister - as has been said for many years. Don't think I'm saying Whitfield is a dud because I'm not.

Sorry that my opinion annoy's you. Just wondering how many of Tim's SANFL appearances in League and Reserves you have seen live over the last two years? And I'm not overly worried that others may see Whitfield as a "clear number 1 pick". I still stand by my statement that over the next 15 years I'll back Tim in. Apologies to anyone that I've offended by having unshakeable belief in Tim's abilities.

don't worry about the 'draft experts' who haven't seen much of the players. Straight after the 2009 draft, if anyone backed pick 20 - Nat Fyfe to have a better career than Tom Scully, they would've been ridiculed. It remains to be seen who will have the better career out of Fyfe and Scully - but if given the choice between the 2 today, most would take Fyfe in a heartbeat.
FWIW, both games are still trial games and you get as much out of trial games as you do dancing with your sister - as has been said for many years. Don't think I'm saying Whitfield is a dud because I'm not.

Sorry that my opinion annoy's you. Just wondering how many of Tim's SANFL appearances in League and Reserves you have seen live over the last two years? And I'm not overly worried that others may see Whitfield as a "clear number 1 pick". I still stand by my statement that over the next 15 years I'll back Tim in. Apologies to anyone that I've offended by having unshakeable belief in Tim's abilities.

Your opinion doesn't annoy me because if you'd actually read my posts you'd realise that I am a big fan as well (clearly not a patch on you though)! What does was your admission that you had never seen Whitfield against men, but are suddenly an expert on those performances and the standard of the opposition. As well as the fact that you are basing so much of your opinion on those comparative performances before they've been able to get any development into them at all....

For instance two years from now if all goes to plan injury wise Whitfield will most likely be pushing 50 games whereas Broomhead will have done well to get 10 to his name. Why don't we wait until they're both entrenched in each team's senior line up before making such grandiose statements? I liken it to an A Swallow v Thomas comparison, at the time of drafting everybody would have been all over Thomas, two years later Thomas wins in a canter. Since then though they would probably be neck and neck. It just seems silly IMO to make statements like the one you've made when at the time both blokes had 6 weeks of AFL training between them.....

In the past twelve months I've seen Tim play live three times at SANFL level, twice live in the U18 Champs and some archival footage (which I've attempted to chase down for all of our draftees). However what I don't understand is what that has to do with our discussion? I haven't provided an opinion one way or the other on Whitfield v Broomhead and I don't intend to because its pointless at this time.

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It just seems every collingwood kid gets built up to be the next star these days. I'm a broomhead fan but can't see how he is ahead of whitfield.. oh well.

You read any board of any team and you'd think they'd recruited 2 Chris Judds and 2 Gary Ablett Jnrs every year - it happens.
Well I'm not.

The game I'm referring to was this one.

Whitfield didn't just put up good "stats" he effing dominated a match at the age of 16 that included blokes that 5 months later played in an AFL premiership (Christenson, West and Duncan) and then went onto win a VFL premiership the next season with the core of that team!

FWIW the match you're referring to was against a Box Hill Hawks senior line up that included 9 AFL listed players (including our own Clinton Young) and was one that Whitfield was OK in not dominant.

Again I have no problems with you talking up Tim. What annoys me is that you seem to be basing your opinion that Tim will be better than the clear number 1 draft choice of 2012 over an extended length of time on the fact that he has had 10 OK appearances at SANFL level (when I say OK I'm comparing to blokes like Crouch and Gibbs who were brilliant at that level for their age). When Whitfield himself has a couple of solid performances against men on his resume` that you admit you haven't seen.....

Actually, I think he was the clear number 2 pick... the clear number 1 pick went to the Bumbers under the F/S...
Actually, I think he was the clear number 2 pick... the clear number 1 pick went to the Bumbers under the F/S...

Daniher was never in the draft pool so IMO Whitfield was the clear number 1 of those available to be drafted. Either way though they're just semantics.
The stick should be back to play vfl next game
First game back and looked ok, will be better for the run in the legs.

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don't worry about the 'draft experts' who haven't seen much of the players. Straight after the 2009 draft, if anyone backed pick 20 - Nat Fyfe to have a better career than Tom Scully, they would've been ridiculed. It remains to be seen who will have the better career out of Fyfe and Scully - but if given the choice between the 2 today, most would take Fyfe in a heartbeat.

Also it's a nonsense that you can't make any judgements from one month in, let a lone two or three months in or even into the youngsters second or third seasons. Whilst the order would shuffle around and in some cases/drafts a lot, you still get a sneaky idea very early on. I reckon many having a sighter of Pendles back in 06 playing in the reserves would have at the very least, pushed him ahead of say, Xavier Ellis. Another example is Beams at 29 in 08 and probably a better one. I think even before the season had even started clubs would have been very concerned of letting one slip, and after a month or so, if the draft was re-done, he would have gone considerably higher in the draft. Of course it hasn't always been honky dory at Collingwood, we all new Billy Morrison a first rounder was never going to make it from the get go.

Leigh Matthews rightfully pointed out to the reality that Watts didn't seem to have any 'elite' attributes after a few games in, it looks almost certain he would be right.

The journey of seeing the youngsters taken from the draft as a football follower is great fun, and as Collingwood supporters we have been very lucky. It's always great when you can get a steal, and whilst I myself haven't actually seen Broomhead I'm heartened by the reports.
You read any board of any team and you'd think they'd recruited 2 Chris Judds and 2 Gary Ablett Jnrs every year - it happens.

I love your Avatar Wooljay. Loved that don't argue. Reckon we might have gotten the second best player in the 01 draft speaking of which ^^^^^ maybe you could have used a better example. ;):p
Hahaha, you said swept in a broomhead thread.

Oh my god so did you :D

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What are peoples thoughts??

I want to be a fan of his but always seems injured......what has he really done??

Where does he fit in?

Will he make it?

Dont think he will be at pies post 2016
Gives us speed and good disposal. Showed he can find the footy last year. Just needs a good run at it. Was quiet friday but he's always quiet in the nab challenge.
He is a massive tease.

Show's hints of elite ability, nice clean skills and a good burst of speed.. but he has a habit of nearly always completely disappearing from games for a half at a time, his hunger and aggression seem to be lacking... strikes me as a shy kid and it may be impacting his footy.

It's time he stood up because he really has fallen behind other 4th year players
He is a concern. He just disappears from games altogether far too often.

He has ability though and he looks like he could become quality but I worry that he maybe becoming a Seedsman like tease. The thing is.......we need his type.

Pull your finger out Broomy before it's all too late!!!
He is a massive tease.

Show's hints of elite ability, nice clean skills and a good burst of speed.. but he has a habit of nearly always completely disappearing from games for a half at a time, his hunger and aggression seem to be lacking... strikes me as a shy kid and it may be impacting his footy.

It's time he stood up because he really has fallen behind other 4th year players

Agree with this. I've been a big fan, but mainly based on potential and the glimpses we have had. I'm starting to have doubts about Broomy. Is he made of the right stuff to succeed at senior level?

There's also that issue about bananas...
What silly sausage would make a player watch thread about a player who keeps getting injured over the years, I'm outraged close thread it's a joke like my crystal ball predicted ;). Na just joking as we all love the sweeper, hope he has a great year of solid footy.
Just needs to be healthy.

When he's had a consistent run of health, he has shown himself to deserve a regular spot in our 22.

Is one of our better under-22 players, and is somewhere in the 16-25/30 part of the rotation. Will be competing with a few others for one of the small forward/HFF/outside mid positions, but I would be pretty confident that he will get regular games this year and will be an important player for us over the next few years.

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Player Watch Tim Broomhead - (Delisted 2020)

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