Time the Roos moved North - Age 12/3/06

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Zondor said:
Mate, if North Melbourne merged or relocated, for me it would be the death of the club as it is. I support North Melbourne, not North Gold Coast, North Kangaroos, Carlton Roos, Melbourne United, Canberra Kangaroos or any other rot imaginable that is not the North Melbourne Football Club. For you it's different. That's fine that you wouldn't sook about. For me it would be like a death in the family. I would be guttered and football would be for the tip.

Fisrtly Zondor I greatly respect your passion and love for NMFC, and please, don't take my post as a personal attack in any way.

I just wouldn't view it as the death of the club...I couldn't live with that!! To use your analogy of a death in the family, I view it as my daughter marrying into another family and taking on his name. I will still love my daughter just as much or though she goes by another name. She will always love her original family and always come back to them to share the highs and lows of her life. (I did think about using the anology of my Son coming out Gay...but decided that is better suited to Freo)

I have a couple of friends who love Brissy as much as they loved the Roys and IF the time comes I will follow their lead! Frick, if we the Canberra Kangas won 3 GF's in a row I'd bet my old Spud Firrito Jumper isn't the only Dirty Jumper coming out of moth balls!

I understand how you feel but IF it does happen I think it will be a last resort and I'm not prepared to throw away the joy of shouting KANGAAAAS!
NorthBhoy said:
First person to question my allegiance to the footy club for not supporting a re-located team gets a cyber punch in the face.

Dunno if it has happened yet, but I sense it's coming.

Northboy, I am would be very disapointed if you did'nt continue to support the Roo's no matter where they ended up.

Only joking, I just wanted to know what a cyber punch in the face felt like.:D
Logic tells us the 10 Vic teams will not survive in a increasingly competitive national market and that the Roos are one of the poorest 3 Vic clubs. A good result for Victorian supporters would be 7 clubs surviving the next 25 years. The deduction being that the Roos are more likely that most teams to face extinction or a takeover. I’d rather be a South supporter than a Fitzroy supporter.

Canberra gives us a lifeline should we face extinction or a takeover in the near future. After the Sydney failure it was a good choice at the time. But with a small population and competitive market (rugby codes and now soccer), we’ll stay one of the poorest clubs in Australia no matter how many games we play in Canberra & Melbourne.

Considering this dispassionate analysis, Carrara is worth investigating. Caro Wilson is right, if we don’t jump at it someone else will. If we sign for 5 more years in the ACT, we’ll never play at Carrara. It’s worth a look.

Carrara is a better option than Canberra, but will involve us losing more identity than most of us will be comfortable with. A big downside IMO.

I want the Roos to stay in Melbourne passionately, but don’t how this is viable for another generation. I want to take my kid (he’s 3 weeks old) to see games in Melbourne. But I’d rather we morph into something else and keep something of our history & identity than nothing at all. Carrara gives us a better chance at that, than any other options.

Long term, I don’t see why we can’t play 6 games in Carrara, 11 in Melbourne & 5 interstate. If the Roos can’t organise a 12 game membership for Melbourne supporters the deal is not worth it. If the AFL is keen for a club to go to the Gold Coast, then 11 Melbourne games where Vic supporters can purchase a reasonably priced membership to all 11 is our bargaining chip.

The Northern Kangaroos could be a possible name, although I hate myself for even thinking of one...

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To use your analogy of a death in the family, I view it as my daughter marrying into another family and taking on his name. I will still love my daughter just as much or though she goes by another name. She will always love her original family and always come back to them to share the highs and lows of her life.

It would only be simmilar if she was made to marry some fella by an evil empire who blamed your daughter for things that were actually beyond her control. The bloke who they have chosen is a crass, heartless jerk who had a previous and horrible marriage with a girl who has thrived since moving in with his much nicer neighbour.

Her home with her family has been established for 140 years and has touched hundreds of thousands of lives in her current form. She means alot to so many people, and will be stripped of almost all of what makes her special when forced to re-locate.

(I did think about using the anology of my Son coming out Gay...but decided that is better suited to Freo)

NorthBhoy said:
First person to question my allegiance to the footy club for not supporting a re-located team gets a cyber punch in the face.

Dunno if it has happened yet, but I sense it's coming.

It's hard to question something that doesn't exist.
NorthBhoy said:

Like Deano....just wanted to feel a virtual smack to the chops!

I'd never question your allegience but I will ask, why would what makes this club so great change if it relocated? Any club is about the people and that is it. Nothing more nothing less. If the people follow the club nothing will change. We can all still get on here and talk about the Roos and smack each other out with virtual back handers and clips over the ear.

Now, again, I'm not for relocation, but I do see that one Melbourne club will fold/relocate and unfortunatley our club is in the firing line. The leaders need to do all to make sure the club does not fold and if relocation is the last resort then I will continue to make this club great by supporting it.
Like Deano....just wanted to feel a virtual smack to the chops!

You weren't serious. Not punchable.

I'd never question your allegience but I will ask, why would what makes this club so great change if it relocated?

It will be a rushed and largely non-sensical reason, but anyway....

I only barrack for the footy club because of where it is. Through generations my family have lived in and around the area. Footy clubs aren't about hoping a bunch of blokes you have never met kick a footy well and kick a bigger score than another bunch of blokes.

It is about belonging to something. I couldn't feel apart of a club based in Queensland. It strips away what makes the club MY club.

It's too hard to explain. It just wouldn't be North. Close enough is not good enough.
mav said:
do you wonder how a West Aussie boy living in Adelaide can support a Melbourne team?

They give me joy and hope, frustration and anguish. I love the blue and white and always will, whether they play in Melbourne, Canberra, Gold Coast or LA. The team has ticker, the club has ticker, and so do I. If we have to move it will be the last resort and I for one will follow them to wherever they go. And before you have a go, the last thing I want to see is for North Melbourne to be anything but North Melbourne, but god forbid it does happen, I'm not going to be a sooky la la and give up something that I love so much.

Fair enough. The fact is the tribal allegiances that go with supporting local teams, in effect no longer exist. Conducting business based on memberships and loyalty alone is an anachronism. it no longer has a place. this is the 21st century after all

a business like the AFL is compelled to maximise the profitability of it's products and markets. If they don't do this kind of stuff and teams like footscray, the mighty shinboners, melbourne, st. kilda end up folowing fitzroy's example... then the whole deal implodes dunnit. That's why re-locating (or even f*cking worse, merging) is back on the agenda

I only barrack for the footy club because of where it is. Through generations my family have lived in and around the area. Footy clubs aren't about hoping a bunch of blokes you have never met kick a footy well and kick a bigger score than another bunch of blokes.

It is about belonging to something. I couldn't feel apart of a club based in Queensland. It strips away what makes the club MY club.

It's too hard to explain. It just wouldn't be North. Close enough is not good enough.

Those of us lucky enough to live near by may feel this way, but people don't necessarily "go" to the footy anymore. Mav might have pay tv, or he might duck into the nearest pub like me. People watch online. you can even get it on yer mobile phone FFS.

The landscape is changing in terms of the product, it's delivery and the customers (sickening eh?) at whom it is aimed

I love going to the footy as often and as victoriously as i can, or standing in a pub, or at a mate's place or whatever

I lived 2 blocks from Adren street for a little while. that was brilliant

But i'm with Mav on this one
god forbid it does happen, I'm not going to be a sooky la la and give up something that I love so much

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Shinboners said:

And if we did commit to the Gold Coast, the media will have a field day with the "North tried staying at home, then tried Sydney, and then tried Canberra, and now they're trying the Gold Coast" articles.

If Miller didn't get so greedy, we could have done a decent job in Sydney.

If we were a bit smarter with our marketing as the Dawks and Aints have been with Launceston, we can make Canberra work.

But as it is, people seem to switch strategies every year. No wonder people always think of us as the most likely candidate for re-location.

And I reckon that many of those who are happy to explore the possibility of playing at Carrara were against us sharing training facilities with Carlton. We'd rather our club go up the eastern seaboard for better facilities than to move a few kilometres to the east.

If we move out of Melbourne permanently, I'm giving up footy.

Me too.
There seems to be an 'oh well, it's going to happen at some point' theme on this thread, and that is shattering.

I really hope no-one at the club reads or hears of this thread.
NorthBhoy said:
'98 was a huge year for North. Our crowds were at their highest ever, we played exciting footy, we had the best footballer in the game and a great list. So what do we do? Move games to Sydney.


Because we give the impression that our home, that our supporters and our footy club aren't rooted anywhere and can be shipped off to another location with the least amount of carnage.

Our fault, but we can fix it.

I didn't want to share it with them because I didn't think it was the best option in any way and it was Carlton. Ugh. Dirty.

You'll have to get in line.

Melbourne Victory season tickets are way cheaper.[/quote]

The tickets could be free and I still wouldn't go.
Reading this thread is making me angrier than us giving away first round picks for Hay......what's wrong with some of you guys. The North Melbourne Football Club is like a child to me, a part of me, my own flesh and blood. It is easy for everyone to throw in the towel and say oh well its inevitable or what difference does it make etc. The minute you think, talk and act like that, we are gone as we know it today.

The AFL will see this board as a reflection of the North supporter base out there, and given the responses on here, alot of you guys should be totally ashamed of yourselves. You are feeding the parasites! l would be shattered if we had to relocate interstate and although l wouldn't be lost to football, it just wouldn't be the same any more. l can't fathom us being an interstate team, don't even want it discussed.

You are all entitled to your opinion and l respect your voice, but please think about what you are saying and the possible ramifications of your posts. If you think l am dramatising it a bit, think again!

What price do you put on the things you love?

Wrath said:
Reading this thread is making me angrier than us giving away first round picks for Hay......what's wrong with some of you guys. The North Melbourne Football Club is like a child to me, a part of me, my own flesh and blood. It is easy for everyone to throw in the towel and say oh well its inevitable or what difference does it make etc. The minute you think, talk and act like that, we are gone as we know it today.

The AFL will see this board as a reflection of the North supporter base out there, and given the responses on here, alot of you guys should be totally ashamed of yourselves. You are feeding the parasites! l would be shattered if we had to relocate interstate and although l wouldn't be lost to football, it just wouldn't be the same any more. l can't fathom us being an interstate team, don't even want it discussed.

You are all entitled to your opinion and l respect your voice, but please think about what you are saying and the possible ramifications of your posts. If you think l am dramatising it a bit, think again!

What price do you put on the things you love?


What he said.

The most disturbing thread in Bigfooty history. If this is the likely reponse, the likely resistance, this is all a waste of ********ing time.
Wrath said:
Reading this thread is making me angrier than us giving away first round picks for Hay......what's wrong with some of you guys. The North Melbourne Football Club is like a child to me, a part of me, my own flesh and blood. It is easy for everyone to throw in the towel and say oh well its inevitable or what difference does it make etc. The minute you think, talk and act like that, we are gone as we know it today.

The AFL will see this board as a reflection of the North supporter base out there, and given the responses on here, alot of you guys should be totally ashamed of yourselves. You are feeding the parasites! l would be shattered if we had to relocate interstate and although l wouldn't be lost to football, it just wouldn't be the same any more. l can't fathom us being an interstate team, don't even want it discussed.

You are all entitled to your opinion and l respect your voice, but please think about what you are saying and the possible ramifications of your posts. If you think l am dramatising it a bit, think again!

What price do you put on the things you love?


Sums it beautifully mate!

some psoters on here should track down a few of the old Fitzroy supporters and ask how they felt when their club up and left!!

If North leaves Melbourne the AFL can kiss my hard earned, respect and support of their "product" goodbye!!


Wrath said:
Reading this thread is making me angrier than us giving away first round picks for Hay......what's wrong with some of you guys. The North Melbourne Football Club is like a child to me, a part of me, my own flesh and blood. It is easy for everyone to throw in the towel and say oh well its inevitable or what difference does it make etc. The minute you think, talk and act like that, we are gone as we know it today.

The AFL will see this board as a reflection of the North supporter base out there, and given the responses on here, alot of you guys should be totally ashamed of yourselves. You are feeding the parasites! l would be shattered if we had to relocate interstate and although l wouldn't be lost to football, it just wouldn't be the same any more. l can't fathom us being an interstate team, don't even want it discussed.

You are all entitled to your opinion and l respect your voice, but please think about what you are saying and the possible ramifications of your posts. If you think l am dramatising it a bit, think again!

What price do you put on the things you love?


I tend not to post too much despite reading this forum every day. However, today I could not help it. I am 100% with NorthBhoy, Wrath and Vlad. Some years ago Melbourne and Hawthorn supporters also accepted that they could survive on their own. But only due to passionate supporters who had the vision and true love for their clubs these two teams are still separate entities. North Melbourne people seem to be too nice, too placid, too accepting of ********** that has been served up by media, other clubs and AFL. It really concerns me that we are even talking about survival. If we all continue buy memberships, come to games (Foxtel is not good enough people, unless you want to watch your team live in Melbourne 5 times a year like South Melbourne supporters do) and show passion for the club there would be no talk of relocation.

As it has already been said I hope the club officials do not read this thread because if I was them I would be just about to be ready to give up the fight after reading this cr@p.
don't know if these last few post from Wrath, Gonzo etc are directed at me or not BUT I would like to clarify my view.

All I tried to say was that IF North relocated I would not be "lost to footy", nor wold I be lost to The ....... Kangaroos. BUT I am in a different boat to you Arden St locals. I have followed from a far for 25 years...and yes Foxtel is a god send. I get to see the boys live 3-5 times a year. I can't wait to see Roos V Pies on Easter Monday. Last time I saw us play the Pies we ended their 6 game winning streak at the start of the year. That game I flew from Perth and back in the same day. 4 hour flight each way for a game of footy! Plus this year I get to be at the first game of the year....GREAT. I digress...

But for guys to ignore the fact that one day soon a team from Melbourne will no longer exist in it's current format then you need to make your way to Brazil with a funnel stuck up each nostril. If you do not know the enemy how can you fight them? Don't ignore it, don't pretend that it might not happen, just make sure it doesn't happen.
mav said:
But for guys to ignore the fact that one day soon a team from Melbourne will no longer exist in it's current format then you need to make your way to Brazil with a funnel stuck up each nostril.

The scary thing about this thread is what seems to be a total lack of outrage at the thought of moving our footy club to the Gold Coast. I can count on one hand the people fundamentally opposed to the mere thought of it. I always thought that the club would be fine and could dicate it's own future if my opinions on the type of people that love North Melbourne were true.

Downright sh1tscared now.
NorthBhoy said:
The scary thing about this thread is what seems to be a total lack of outrage at the thought of moving our footy club to the Gold Coast. I can count on one hand the people fundamentally opposed to the mere thought of it. I always thought that the club would be fine and could dicate it's own future if my opinions on the type of people that love North Melbourne were true.

Downright sh1tscared now.

I'm hearing ya NorthBhoy. We've got hopefully 25,000 members this year, how many are melbourne based, lets say for instance radius 70 km. I think the reason we're not hearing the outrage is while we all share the passion (hopefully), it's getting to the stage that the membership base may be moving away from Melbourne, the club is chasing members all over the country (as do all clubs), but the opposition clubs have a better local base, I'm 300km away but have supported North for 33 years with a passion, while it would be shattering to Melbourne based members (and rightly so), a lot of interstate members probably don't share the same feelings, and unfortunately I get the impression that at our club, non-Vic members account for a lot of the final membership tally.
This club has been fighting above it’s weight for nearly 140 years, it’s what attracted me to it when I first chose a club as a kid.

If we dare just roll over and accept a re-location/merger/whatever then all that the club has stood for is gone (IMO) and I for one won’t bother anymore!!


NorthBhoy said:
The scary thing about this thread is what seems to be a total lack of outrage at the thought of moving our footy club to the Gold Coast. I can count on one hand the people fundamentally opposed to the mere thought of it. I always thought that the club would be fine and could dicate it's own future if my opinions on the type of people that love North Melbourne were true.

Downright sh1tscared now.

to be honest I think people have heard it all before. I hate the amount of times my mates ribbed me about becoming the West Sydney Kangaroos. Then it became the Canberra Kangaroos and now it might become the Gold Coast Kangaroos. We've heard it all before and don't believe it will happen.

Some people are jumping to the conclusion that because Caro Wilson said we deserved to have more off field success than we have had, North are doomed to move to Q'land. The fact is, we will remain in Melbourne as long as we are financial viable and in a better position that at least on other Melbourne club. If to become financial viable the Duff Man needs to play Canberra off against the GC then good on. I have faith in the Duff man!

All we need to do is keep Carton at the bottom of the ladder and then membership will slow right down! And we just need to keep our Membership and profit above the Dogs! (although one would think the AFL will always want a team for the bogans)

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Time the Roos moved North - Age 12/3/06

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