Tonights umpiring thread !

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Guys, hard luck on last night.
Probably no consolation, in fact in some ways makes it even worse, but have spoken to a lot of neutral fans and more reckon you guys copped a raw deal last night and have a fair right to be upset.
There were some stinkers went against you.
Reminds me of when North lost to the Cats in 1995 in the prelim in a thriller, on the back of an incredibly lopsided free kick count.
Hang tough and you'll be rewarded.
Good luck for 2010.
Has there ever been a game that has been so umpire influenced which has caused a change of momentum of a team?

These umpires would be getting reviewed correct?

Sanctions and suspensions should be in place if an umpire has made not one but a few bad calls in a match. And it is clear from the video evidence that they where leaning towards a team.

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Reminds me of when North lost to the Cats in 1995 in the prelim in a thriller, on the back of an incredibly lopsided free kick count.
Hang tough and you'll be rewarded.
Good luck for 2010.

I was there for that game and until last night it was the second worst umpired game of all time (Anton McKernan's efforts in the last 15 minutes of Fitzroy vs Adelaide 1993? will never be topped).

What hurts the most is not the missed goals, the defensive mistakes or the lack of a key forward but the fact that the thorough arse raping from the umpires has probably cost us a spot in the Grand Final. I can cope with almost anything but not that it is just so totally infuriating.

The only thing that gets me through is that good clubs like North or even the Cats have hung tough after shocking finals losses and come out tougher and better. I think we will too.

But FFS get Barry Hall!!!!!
Poor umpiring display.

You guys have every right to feel aggrieved.

Cannot believe the decisions that were paid, in particular against Lake.
AFL and/or the bookies!

Did you see how low the St Kilda odds were all night (and high the Doggies odds were) given we were leading most of the night!

Corruption is definitely at play here, not sure who is pulling the strings though.

Sports betting has ruined this game.

The betfair odds they show are simply the odds offered by some random bloke/blokette on the internet. Conspiracy theory in the instance is unwarranted.
I was there for that game and until last night it was the second worst umpired game of all time (Anton McKernan's efforts in the last 15 minutes of Fitzroy vs Adelaide 1993? will never be topped).

What hurts the most is not the missed goals, the defensive mistakes or the lack of a key forward but the fact that the thorough arse raping from the umpires has probably cost us a spot in the Grand Final. I can cope with almost anything but not that it is just so totally infuriating.

The only thing that gets me through is that good clubs like North or even the Cats have hung tough after shocking finals losses and come out tougher and better. I think we will too.

But FFS get Barry Hall!!!!!

Will never forget that Fitzroy game against Adelaide. Atrocious umpiring in the dying minutes.
Now that I have slept and am a little more calm, here are my thoughts.

These are the incidents I have serious gripes with:

- The Hargrave holding the ball decision. How the hell can this be paid when he actually got a kick away? Dal Santo got their first goal from that one.

- Morris's non-mark, terrible decision.

- The disgraceful, consistent refusal to pay holding the ball to us virtually right throughout. There were numerous incidents of them dropping the ball after superb tackles by us and they just refused to pay them.

- The Riewoldt decision at the start of the 2nd half. It's going to be hard not to harp on about this for a long time. But how can you not? It was the key turning point of the game. How the hell can you, in a tight, tense Preliminary Final where goals are scarce, gift wrap a goal like that to them? An absolutely disgraceful decision. I cant remember which thread I posted it in, but it was a classic example of an umpire wanting the limelight. Jesus Christ, I am absolutely filthy about this decision.

- I'm not so much against the Aker deliberate decision, as I thought it was there, but given the inconsistency they showed throughout, especially in the dying minutes when St Kilda ran the ball out quite deliberately and they didnt pay it against them.

I cannot bring myself to watch the replay and may not ever be able to, but those are the moments that I remember.

In conclusion, the free kick count may have been even, but all of the key decisions went against us.

Aside from the key decisions that were horrendous, McInerney and Chamberlain were simply appalling throughout.

Virtually everyone I've spoken to since last night and every neutral post on this site seems to agree that we were very harshly treated.

Its just the same old story with self-important, preening arseh*le umpires like McInerney and Chamberlain. They would of just loved last night, knowing how much influence they had on the outcome, and knowing that right now and for months to come that moments in which they got wrong, completely and quite appallingly, will be talked about and debated.

It may sound biased or emotional or whatever, but if I was head of umpiring or whoever manages these incompetent arseholes, I would not think twice about firing them on the spot for last night's disgrace.

In the second biggest round of games of the year, they completely ****ed it up, and should be shown the door.
Not an umpire basher but that was a disgrace last night.That decision a gainst lake at the start of the third was just a classic case of egotistical umpires wanting to get themselves involved in the game.Last nights umpires should hang there heads in bloody shame. And for the record i do know we missed oppurtunities ourselves.
I watched the game last night, I didn't care who won or loss but enjoyed the game. Really thought you guys got some very rough and costly decisions. I'd be really annoyed if I was you. A good season though.

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I watched the Lake/Riewoldt decison when I got home last night (glutton for punishment I know). Matthews commented something along the lines of..."why would you even touch the forward when there is a risk of a free being paid?" This from a bloke who king-hit blokes. Buckley agreed with him.

The reality is there were numerous occasions when players vigourously bump their opponent. They do it before the game, before each quarter starts, in the middle, after goals are scored....dozens of occasions. What made Lake's action so severe that it warranted an umpire imposing himself on a game? Is it because Riewoldt fell over? Is it because an umpire enjoys the spotlight a little too much?

If the AFL rub our noses in it by appointing McInerney for the GF I'll be outraged.

I really need to move on. It's been a tough day. I've been as flat as a tack.
Whoever that Stupid Arse wipe of an umpire that gave Riewvolt A free kick at the start of the 3rd quarter should be shot !

Disgraceful ! Cost us the game !

Shame !​

Firstly I would like to say sorry about the loss guys! I know how hard it can be being a long time Saints supporter and getting knocked out in a prelim.

However, lets be fair here. Lake was warned several times in the first half that if he continued knocking Riewoldt off the ball, he would have a free kick paid against him. Don't we all remember the infamous memo that went out about a month ago? The free kick was there. However, the issue is whether or not the rule is correct which has been under some heated debate for the last few weeks.

We usually cop the rough end of the stick in regards to umpiring so I do feel for you. We got a slightly better rub of the green last night (surprising seeing Chamberlain was umpiring). Having watched the replay twice since leaving the ground last night, there were a lot of frees that should have been paid for both sides that weren't. To be honest, the umpiring was pretty good (and you don't often hear me say that even after a win!).

Bottom line is, you have to take your opportunities and had the dogs put us away in the first half, the umpiring would not have even entered the equation. Once again, our defense stood up brilliantly.

Once again, my condolences as the only other team I would wish to see win the flag apart from St Kilda would be the Bulldogs.​
Re: ARSE wipe umpire !

Come on guys, you can't blame the umpires for your loss - ultimately both sides got their share of the calls. You just didn't take your chances even though you controlled the majority of the game.

Your team cant play and obviously supporters dont know the rules...I follow Carlton and reckon the Dogs were given it doggy style from the umps, absolutely disgraceful last night cost them a place in the Granny..... :thumbsdown:
I can agree the umpiring was against the dogs as well. But think about this. How does the AFL fix this problem? Umpiring is consistently bad for at least a few teams every week. In the USA Grid Iron match umpires apparently use video replay before calling lineball decisions. Would the same sort of process work here I wonder. Could it be feasible to have a separate umpire watching the game through the TV camera who could electronically give his decision to the field umpire via a simple team1, ballup/boundry/goal, team2 indicator? I also feel that umpires should be the highest paid participants on the field - BUT they should be held accountable for bad decisions. That way we might end up with better quality umpires. Unfortunately this does not change your result. I hear people say that umpires dont influence the game that much - I personally believe that they do, but at present there is not much that the AFL is prepared to do about it.

The ONLY way to fix this is to make the AFL and the umpires accountable.

Players are doorstopped leaving / arriving at training, have mic and camera thrust upon them only minutes after a game has finished, coaches have to by AFL rule, hold a press conference after each game, it seems everyone involved in the game at AFL level is made to be accountable by the AFL as well as the media.

As soon as the same scrutiny is given to the umpires, say at a press conference after a game where they are asked to follow-up their decisions on the field with explainations to the footy public, then we'll soon find that they have to be more accountable through public pressure for their decisions.

As it stands right now, those umpires will not have to answer to us (the footy going public) so there is no pressure for them to get any decision correct or for them to be consistant.
Firstly I would like to say sorry about the loss guys! I know how hard it can be being a long time Saints supporter and getting knocked out in a prelim.

However, lets be fair here. Lake was warned several times in the first half that if he continued knocking Riewoldt off the ball, he would have a free kick paid against him. Don't we all remember the infamous memo that went out about a month ago? The free kick was there. However, the issue is whether or not the rule is correct which has been under some heated debate for the last few weeks.

We usually cop the rough end of the stick in regards to umpiring so I do feel for you. We got a slightly better rub of the green last night (surprising seeing Chamberlain was umpiring). Having watched the replay twice since leaving the ground last night, there were a lot of frees that should have been paid for both sides that weren't. To be honest, the umpiring was pretty good (and you don't often hear me say that even after a win!).

Bottom line is, you have to take your opportunities and had the dogs put us away in the first half, the umpiring would not have even entered the equation. Once again, our defense stood up brilliantly.

Once again, my condolences as the only other team I would wish to see win the flag apart from St Kilda would be the Bulldogs.

Mate - no offense, but do not try and justify that Riewoldt decision here.

An absolutely appalling, disgraceful ****ing joke of a decision which was the turning point of the game.

How can they justify paying that? Tight game where goals are scarce, its a Preliminary Final for christ's sake, game hasn't even re-started, and a goal is gift wrapped to you like that to bring you within a point.

I'm sorry, I like St Kilda and want you to win next week, but that decision is just a flat out disgrace.

Fire McInerney on the ****ing spot and tell him to go find Centrelink.

Self-important, attention seeking, bald headed maggot. :mad:
that holding the ball decission were your player kicked the ball away and than they got their first goal was terrible.

the saints took 10 years all game to give the ball back to the dogs when they had a free kick and they constantly kept on tapping the ball out of bounds all night so the aker free was terrible.

how often do players give each other a little nudge ? soft free to riewoldt
Re: Tonights umpiring thread ! Sam Newman vindicated!

Long time reader, first time threader! Like everyone else I'm totally gutted today, but reading this thread is just a little bit therapeutic. This is worse than the first Adelaide prelim loss as I guess we were outplayed - and outCOACHED in the last quarter that day , although -was Libba's point a goal??? Don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet but Sam has often said something along the lines of "the current style of umpiring will decide a Grand Final one day and then, mark my words, all hell will break loose". Well voila! Not a GF but the next thing to it.
My heart bleeds for our guys who followed their brilliant plan to win the game to the letter and should have got the reward. OK we had our opportunities but shouldn't have to contend with such blatantly incompetent and CRITICAL umpiring decisions. I'd decided previously that I'd barrack for the Saints next week if they beat us, but not sure now........
Anyway, if any of last night's umps get a GF gig I won't watch it anyway.
No offense taken. Footy is a passionate game, one of the aspects that makes it so great.

However, I never said the decision was justified, just that the free was there. Not the umpires fault (word's I never thought I would hear myself say.....), they were just following the directives from higher up. Remember the game a few weeks back where the umpire was clearly heard in the mike saying to a player that 'your coach got the memo, ask him about it?'. There was an uproar over that decision as well.

Saints fans know umpiring pain all too well. Anyone remember 'whispers in the sky'. Also, the admission after a game against port a few years ago where the umpiring department came out and admitted there were numerous decisions (at least 6-10 from memory) that were incorrect against the Saints? These are but 2 that immediately spring to mind. Trust me, we know umpiring pain all too well!

You guys had your chances. Once again, the tall forward issue comes to the fore. To a couple of the Roo bashers in here, you should hang your heads in shame. There isn't a team in the AFL who would not move heaven and hell to get him to there club if he indicated he wanted a change of scenery. He would have put you in front by 10 goals last night in the first half alone. He is a champion, even if a couple of you are too bitter and twisted to admit it.

Had we lost last night, I would have been the first to congratulate the classy Bulldogs supporters around us last night. I have never sat around so many wonderful people, even after their team suffered a devastating loss. We even hugged a few who were in tears and I know they would have done the same for us had the outcome been different. The Collingwood fans around us a fortnight ago could do with taking a leaf out of their book.
that holding the ball decission were your player kicked the ball away and than they got their first goal was terrible.

the saints took 10 years all game to give the ball back to the dogs when they had a free kick and they constantly kept on tapping the ball out of bounds all night so the aker free was terrible.

how often do players give each other a little nudge ? soft free to riewoldt

That's the pot calling the kettle black now isn't it?
1. Any person trying to justify the Riewoldt free kick has lost complete touch with the game.

Now 2 questions.

1. Was that the first deliberate out of bounds this year? I haven't seen one in any game on television or remember one at the games and i watch A LOT of footy.

2. When Tim Callan got a free kick off the ball, why did the umpires take the ball back 50m into our defensive zone? Would have preferred a ball up on the wing than have the ball in Callan's hands 30 out from their goal with plenty of time for the Saints to set up.
1. Any person trying to justify the Riewoldt free kick has lost complete touch with the game.

Seems some have lost complete understanding of the rules. As I have said until I am blue in the face, it may not be right, but the free was there. Take it up with the Geesh.

Please also note that Lake was warned after the first half that if he continued with the treatment, he would have a free paid against him. Maybe you might also like to take that up with him.

Have a quick read of this article from the beginning of August:,23739,25883372-10389,00.html

Now 2 questions.

1. Was that the first deliberate out of bounds this year? I haven't seen one in any game on television or remember one at the games and i watch A LOT of footy.

No, not the first. I watch a lot of footy as well but as I watch or I am present at all of St Kilda's games I can tell you that we have had it paid against us on several occasions. Max Hudgton is a prime example earlier in the season.

2. When Tim Callan got a free kick off the ball, why did the umpires take the ball back 50m into our defensive zone? Would have preferred a ball up on the wing than have the ball in Callan's hands 30 out from their goal with plenty of time for the Saints to set up.

Would have to go back and watch that one more closely before I can comment.
Absolute garbage decision against Lake at start of second half. Why do umpires ignore this sort of thing week in-week out, and then pluck this one out to reward a bloke who takes a dive after minimal contact?

Would also be most interesting to hear explanation of why the kick wasn't reversed when Kosi then came in to deliver similar hit on Lake, although Lake's dive seemed more an afterthought when compared to Riewoldt's pantomime spectacular.

Thought the umpiring was bad enough while at the ground but having since watched the replay, it was even worse that I first thought.

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Tonights umpiring thread !

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