Banter TRTT Part 14: 2022 Goodbye (To 2023)

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Also my old gardener is a campaigner. He ******* went and mowed all these weed infested shitholes and then bought his mower to our place and ******* cross contaminated out couch grass with weeds, kikuyu and all sorts of garbage.

Getting a new lawn now...and this time, no i will not mow my own lawn, ill just provide the mower to the gardener so it isn't getting mixed with pleb garden.
Have the butler give him a right bollocking
WTF? You might as well ask your footman or valet to clean the scullery.
These people don't get it man

When there is a rat in the larder you send the footman.
Roundball crossover!

We are all in a good mood after yesterday so I’m reluctant to post this, but we’ve had discussions here about which premier league club Port currently reflect.
My argument was Tottenham. Today their manager made some statements that really hit home for Port fans.


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Friend was so pissed off at the local council infesting her carefully manicured nature strip with weeds everytime they did their council mowing runs she rang them up and asked them not to do her place. She now has bright yellow markings on the curbing outside her house so the mowing gang know to avoid it.

That'll teach her!
Really more a job for the Land Steward
It's really a good cop/bad cop situation. If you want the softly softly approach, sure the land steward is your man. If the scoundral needs to be thrashed within an inch of his life (which surely, introducing weeds to a previously pristine lawn, is warrented) then this is obviously the purview of the butler

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I cop crap all the time when people find out I have a "gardener" and a cleaner

It's the best investment in a time=money world

Why should you cop crap for that?

Our grandparents ( and sometimes parents) had a full time stay at home parent whose job was to look after kids / house / chores

The idea we can suddenly add 20-40 hours to a families work commitments and they still have the time to raise kids / clean house / tend to all the other commitments is ludicrous.

My dad worked his ass off no doubt about it, but my partner and I will be working a combined 36 hrs a week more than my parents did but we have the exact same expectations of us in terms of commitments.

As soon as 2 people in a couple working became a thing two things should have happened

1. The workweek reduced

2. Cleaners gardeners and childcare all should be entirely 100% tax deductible

I think anyone who doesn’t have a cleaner / gardener nowadays is probably doing it pretty tough.

Also, hiring someone is putting money back into small business / persons hands, how can that possibly be a bad thing?
Why should you cop crap for that?

Our grandparents ( and sometimes parents) had a full time stay at home parent whose job was to look after kids / house / chores

The idea we can suddenly add 20-40 hours to a families work commitments and they still have the time to raise kids / clean house / tend to all the other commitments is ludicrous.

My dad worked his ass off no doubt about it, but my partner and I will be working a combined 36 hrs a week more than my parents did but we have the exact same expectations of us in terms of commitments.

As soon as 2 parents working became a thing two things should have happened

1. The workweek reduced

2. Cleaners gardeners and childcare all should be entirely 100% tax deductible

I think anyone who doesn’t have a cleaner / gardener nowadays is probably doing it pretty tough.

Also, hiring someone is putting money back into small business / persons hands, how can that possibly be a bad thing?
Something about "manliness" associated with doing ones own lawns 🤷‍♂️

Agree on all points. Spending 50-60 hours at work Mon-Fri then go spend hours tending to your garden rather than time with the kids. Crazy stuff. Should've figured it out sooner
Something about "manliness" associated with doing ones own lawns 🤷‍♂️

Agree on all points. Spending 50-60 hours at work Mon-Fri then go spend hours tending to your garden rather than time with the kids. Crazy stuff. Should've figured it out sooner

If you went back in time and said to our parents / grandparents as an experiment that the homemaker (probably the wife) had to take a timeout of 20-40 hours a week, but were still expected to fulfill all the same commitments as a household every single one would say you’re ****ing mad and they would say that it couldn’t be done in a million years.

Skip forward to the present, and we’re expected to do just that.

**** toxic masculinity, and **** the bootlickers.

People are just trying to get by, cleaners and gardeners for everyone I say.

Mental health in our society would probably get way better insanely quickly
If you working a 40 hour week you still have a 128 hours left over. Take out 42 for sleep that gives you around 86 hours a week to do other shit. A couple of hours every fortnight to do your garden ain't going to kill you.
We've had the blow by blow from Old Whingy McGee and his rental property trials and tribulations, and we know he's found his 2 bedroom flat. What you can't clean a 2 bedroom flat? Seriously? You want to pay somebody else to do that whilst continually complaining how expensive everything is? Jesus Christ.

No problems paying people to do your menial jobs if you want and can afford to do so, but please, complaining how expensive everything is and blaming it on the government, the banks, climate change or whatfukingever, whilst paying somebody to the stuff you are too lazy to do yourself is as mellenial as it comes. Grow up.
Many older Aussies of my grand parents generation weren't that keen on processed food, and as a young bloke of about 11 when we first moved to Adelaide from the bush we used to regularly drive past a chinese cafe on Anzac highway and I can recall my nan making comments about chinese food because ( in her words ) the chinese ate cats, which was apparently correct for some parts of China.

She was suspicious of most restaurant or cafe food, but was a regular at the old Balfours cafe in Rundle street where even in the 1960's the waiting staff were dressed like extras from a 1930's Agatha Christie movie, and a very good cook herself particularly casseroles, pastries and puddings ( her pasties made with top side steak were to die for), but as far as I'm aware she never deviated far from her mother's recipes, or the green and gold cook book.

Re your comment about `Ignorance is bliss' I visited the Rosella factory at Kent Town in 1969 not long after the company I worked for at the time bought the site, and if any one saw how their tomato sauce was manufactured back then I suspect many of them would have removed it from their personal menu.
You might not want to know what makes its way into the grape crushers as you sip your glass of wine either.
If you working a 40 hour week you still have a 128 hours left over. Take out 42 for sleep that gives you around 86 hours a week to do other s**t. A couple of hours every fortnight to do your garden ain't going to kill you.
We've had the blow by blow from Old Whingy McGee and his rental property trials and tribulations, and we know he's found his 2 bedroom flat. What you can't clean a 2 bedroom flat? Seriously? You want to pay somebody else to do that whilst continually complaining how expensive everything is? Jesus Christ.

No problems paying people to do your menial jobs if you want and can afford to do so, but please, complaining how expensive everything is and blaming it on the government, the banks, climate change or whatfukingever, whilst paying somebody to the stuff you are too lazy to do yourself is as mellenial as it comes. Grow up.

I don’t pay anyone to clean my apartment, and never said I did, I simply said it’s ridiculous to mock anyone for getting cleaners or gardeners in a day and age we are clearly more time poor than previous generations.

Also my stories about being stuck in a horrific rental crisis getting your goat is no surprise.

But you continue to go batshit at me old fella.

Clearly you’re part of an older generation who expects people to eat shit and grin, and are outraged that they don’t thank you for the privilege.
If you working a 40 hour week you still have a 128 hours left over. Take out 42 for sleep that gives you around 86 hours a week to do other s**t. A couple of hours every fortnight to do your garden ain't going to kill you.
We've had the blow by blow from Old Whingy McGee and his rental property trials and tribulations, and we know he's found his 2 bedroom flat. What you can't clean a 2 bedroom flat? Seriously? You want to pay somebody else to do that whilst continually complaining how expensive everything is? Jesus Christ.

No problems paying people to do your menial jobs if you want and can afford to do so, but please, complaining how expensive everything is and blaming it on the government, the banks, climate change or whatfukingever, whilst paying somebody to the stuff you are too lazy to do yourself is as mellenial as it comes. Grow up.

If you’re so cool, why you so upset at everything all the time?
Just whipper snipped and mowed the lawn in about 11 minutes

I don't know how it is for all the Richie Rich types in the big smoke with their estates featuring ornate landscaping and intricate horticulture, but 11 minutes a week is doable.

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If you’re so cool, why you so upset at everything all the time?
Lol. Pointing out the hypocrisy of the constant whinging of certain posters is kind of fun. The woe is me whinging is incessant.
I mean we have another one who constantly rages about the evils of capitalism whilst simultaneously knocking down single malt whisky pondering where in the backyard to build his Pizza Oven. Working for the man in 2023 is just so damn hard. It was so much easier 50 years ago when housing was cheap and you ate Lambs Fry twice a week.
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