Banter TRTT Part 14: 2022 Goodbye (To 2023)

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Just whipper snipped and mowed the lawn in about 11 minutes

I don't know how it is for all the Richie Rich types in the big smoke with their estates featuring ornate landscaping and intricate horticulture, but 11 minutes a week is doable.

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We don't all live in a dust bowl 🤷‍♂️

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If you went back in time and said to our parents / grandparents as an experiment that the homemaker (probably the wife) had to take a timeout of 20-40 hours a week, but were still expected to fulfill all the same commitments as a household every single one would say you’re ******* mad and they would say that it couldn’t be done in a million years.

Skip forward to the present, and we’re expected to do just that.

* toxic masculinity, and * the bootlickers.

People are just trying to get by, cleaners and gardeners for everyone I say.

Mental health in our society would probably get way better insanely quickly
That ain’t toxic masculinity, it’s neo-liberalism!

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The Missus calls lawn mowing her "therapy".
Mine too. I do the whipper snippering and she does the mowing. Then I do the weed pulling, raking, leaf blowing, dog poo, hedge trimming... Actually she does the hedge trimming too, since I got an electric one. Electric tools are great for women. Man that sounds sexist, but they just make using tools more accessible.

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Mine too. I do the whipper snippering and she does the mowing. Then I do the weed pulling, raking, leaf blowing, dog poo, hedge trimming... Actually she does the hedge trimming too, since I got an electric one. Electric tools are great for women. Man that sounds sexist, but they just make using tools more accessible.

Wow your groundskeeper must have a cushy job.
Wow your groundskeeper must have a cushy job.
The tree man charged me like, 400 bucks to come and cut down like 80 metres of palm trees, a bottlebrush, and a bamboo that was about 3 metres tall and 2 metre diametre. Seemed a bit exy but I did some research and apparently that's good value for an arborist.

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The tree man charged me like, 400 bucks to come and cut down like 80 metres of palm trees, a bottlebrush, and a bamboo that was about 3 metres tall and 2 metre diametre. Seemed a bit exy but I did some research and apparently that's good value for an arborist.

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I spent a couple of hundred on a nifty extendo-chainsaw to cut down overhanging branches - which was fun as hell - and then ended up with a small deciduous forest quickly dying on the ground. Took $550 of professional green waste removal plus three neighbours’ green bins and a lot of back-breaking bullshit sawing to get rid of it all.
2023. Where if you don't pay someone to clean up after you, you're doing it tough.

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Surely people with the barest semblance of empathy can realise that while they may not have difficulties that their experience isn’t the same as others and some people are either time poor, or would simply rather allocate time spent doing things they don’t care for can be spent doing things that either need to be done or are more enjoyable.

My partner hasn’t returned to work, I only have one kid, and my apartment is small so i can manage, but my experience will not be everyone’s and there’s obviously people with other demands / priorities to me. If you can afford to pay a cleaner and go out to a pub / read a book / play golf / Xbox whatever instead tickles your fancy it’s both good for mental health and good for the economy

Like someone who had a child who slept easily can appreciate that not everyone has that experience and may have needed extra help.

I’m simply pointing out that in an era where both partners are increasingly needing / expected to work with the resulting increased demands on time to the old days of one person working in a home having a society that dismisses people paying for help as lazy / waste of money / not real men is outdated claptrap we would be better to do away with.
I spent a couple of hundred on a nifty extendo-chainsaw to cut down overhanging branches - which was fun as hell - and then ended up with a small deciduous forest quickly dying on the ground. Took $550 of professional green waste removal plus three neighbours’ green bins and a lot of back-breaking bullshit sawing to get rid of it all.
Should have also invested in a woodchipper for further fun, and loads of mulch. Also handy for dealing with annoying neighbours, Fargo style
I spent a couple of hundred on a nifty extendo-chainsaw to cut down overhanging branches - which was fun as hell - and then ended up with a small deciduous forest quickly dying on the ground. Took $550 of professional green waste removal plus three neighbours’ green bins and a lot of back-breaking bullshit sawing to get rid of it all.
Yeah my fella done that all inclusive. I may get him back soon.

Lol shit I've been converted haven't I? Before you know it I'll even be paying someone to wash the HQ.

Or I just wait til the old man has a week off.

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I've gone back to bare minimum gardening as the landlord has all his properties mowed every 3 weeks now.

Get the clippers out before routine inspections for a few annoying branches & bushes around the place that's about it.
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