Twiggy sticks a great big log up Rudd

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Do you really need me to produce a graph of real commodity prices over the last 100 years?

Or are you simply going to admit you made a very stupid comment?

No, Do you need me to produce a graph showing the cost per tonne of mining said materials over the last 100 years ?

While the cost of a base mineral may have dropped, say, 2 fold, the amount you can get out of the ground for the same cost has increased 10 fold.

I take it you've read the Access Economics report? Perhaps you could give us your considered critique of it.

So let me get this right. You and Medusala are saying that Australia would have been much better off now if we'd dug ALL our minerals out of the ground during the 50's, 60's and 70's, with nothing left now ?

(Im just projection back you logic).

You know where we'd be now. We'd be part of the APIGS, thats PIGS plus Australia.

I can see why you guys are against any action on global warming. Its a real "screw the next generation" attitude.

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I can see why you guys are against any action on global warming. Its a real "screw the next generation" attitude.

There seems to be a genuine fear from Liberal fans, of leaving anything other than scorched earth to our children.

Not only do they want to ensure that the entire profits of the boom are spent immediately, they want to gut the health and education systems and donate the proceeds to foreign owned multinationals. Further more, after having pissed away the profits of the boom, they want to leave a massive retirement bill to their children.

On top of that, far from using the best terms of trade in our history to shore up our savings, they are into massive debt and incomprehensibly large current account deficits.

I used to think Liberals got a sado-erotic thrill only from the suffering of the children of genuine asylum seekers and the children of other racial minorities, but it seems they lack any concern about the future welfare of their own children as well.

There seems to be a genuine fear from Liberal fans, of leaving anything other than scorched earth to our children.

More mining equals more wealth to be left for our children.

Not only do they want to ensure that the entire profits of the boom are spent immediately, they want to gut the health and education systems and donate the proceeds to foreign owned multinationals.

Who wants to donate money to foreign owned multinationals? The only suggestion I have seen re that is from Kev and co via rebating losses on mining projects.

What about the billions the government has given to the foreign owned car companies? You seem to be rather quiet about that.

On top of that, far from using the best terms of trade in our history to shore up our savings, they are into massive debt and incomprehensibly large current account deficits.

If you cut investment into our biggest export earner what do you think that will do for the CAD?

You fanbois are really struggling on this topic.

There seems to be a genuine fear from Liberal fans, of leaving anything other than scorched earth to our children.

Not only do they want to ensure that the entire profits of the boom are spent immediately, they want to gut the health and education systems and donate the proceeds to foreign owned multinationals. Further more, after having pissed away the profits of the boom, they want to leave a massive retirement bill to their children.

On top of that, far from using the best terms of trade in our history to shore up our savings, they are into massive debt and incomprehensibly large current account deficits.

I used to think Liberals got a sado-erotic thrill only from the suffering of the children of genuine asylum seekers and the children of other racial minorities, but it seems they lack any concern about the future welfare of their own children as well.


Your valproate adjustment isn't working.
More mining equals more wealth to be left for our children.

Who wants to donate money to foreign owned multinationals? The only suggestion I have seen re that is from Kev and co via rebating losses on mining projects.

What about the billions the government has given to the foreign owned car companies? You seem to be rather quiet about that.

If you cut investment into our biggest export earner what do you think that will do for the CAD?

You fanbois are really struggling on this topic.

You never quite grasped the connection between an overvalued currency and the destruction of non-resources export industries and an increase in imports.

You never got that mining is limited far more by lack of skills and infrastructure than in investment in mining by foreign owned multinationals.

You never understood that if we don't collect this tax we have to either get the money from elsewhere or slash spending. Abbott has proposed gutting health, education, the public service and national savings so that Twiggy can have a few more private jets. But as if by magic, services wont be cut.

Abbott has you believing he can magically spend far more, tax far less and run a massive budget surplus. Presumably he is a miracle worker who will perform the economic equivalent of the turning water into wine miracle.

If I were a con artist, I would be getting a hold of the Liberal party membership list. You guys will believe absolutely anything your political masters tell you.

The economy is not run by magic. As the economic guru you make yourself out to be, I thought you might understand that.

I guess part of being a Liberal party fanboy is to suspend belief in reality.

I guess if you had a firm grip on reality there would be no way you would be an Abbott cheer leader.
You never quite grasped the connection between an overvalued currency and the destruction of non-resources export industries and an increase in imports.

I am aware of the Dutch disease argument.

Funny how this argument is never made re the Thatcher and Howard governments.

You never got that mining is limited far more by lack of skills and infrastructure than in investment in mining by foreign owned multinationals.

According to whom?

You never understood that if we don't collect this tax we have to either get the money from elsewhere or slash spending.

a) the tax may not actually generate additional revenue
b) cutting spending is a very sensible thing to do.

Abbott has proposed gutting health, education, the public service and national savings so that Twiggy can have a few more private jets. But as if by magic, services wont be cut.

Please show us references to "gutting" health and education. Ditto national savings (odd given he wants to scrap the NBN)

I guess part of being a Liberal party fanboy is to suspend belief in reality.

To think that investment decisions are not influenced by large tax increases is to suspend belief in reality

I guess if you had a firm grip on reality there would be no way you would be an Abbott cheer leader

There is barely an Abbott cheerleader on here. We are discussing the government.

NB are you in favour of billions of taxpayer $ going to foreing owned car companies?

Are you in favour of foreign owned oil and gas companies "stealing" our finite natural resources?
You never change meds.

Lose the argument, construct a straw man.

Please provide a link where I have supported massive subsidies of vehicle manufacturing.

I have suggested that we need to think post boom and look at providing support to non resources sectors.
To that end funding tax cuts for industry through additional tax on resources from super profits has merit.

But there I go again, not thinking about spending 100% of the profits of the boom on instant gratification and not expecting our children to fund our retirement.

If we destroy all non mining sector export industry through a very high dollar, we are in for a hell of a shock when the boom is over. Although I do understand that you have been led to believe that this boom is the first in history that will last forever.
I have suggested that we need to think post boom and look at providing support to non resources sectors.
To that end funding tax cuts for industry through additional tax on resources from super profits has merit.

So cutting taxes helps industry? Odd because raising taxes does nothing to hurt investment or so I am told.

But there I go again, not thinking about spending 100% of the profits of the boom on instant gratification and not expecting our children to fund our retirement.

Why not simply tax less and spend less?

If we destroy all non mining sector export industry through a very high dollar, we are in for a hell of a shock when the boom is over.

Do you not think when the boom ends that the $ will drop?

Do you not think that Australia lacks a competitive advantage in manufacturing?

Although I do understand that you have been led to believe that this boom is the first in history that will last forever.

This is incorrect. I have stated a number of times on here that in the long term real commodity prices will fall (which is why it makes no sense to leave minerals in the ground).

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There seems to be a genuine fear from Liberal fans, of leaving anything other than scorched earth to our children.


No that would be the Greens or the ALP, who if they were serious about reducing emissions would build 10 Nuclear reactors, 4th generation if possible. Build more hydro's and invest more in nuclear hot rocks. Airy Fairy stories about renewables is worst than anything the Liberals have proposed.

The economy is stuffed for the next 100 years.

Unemployment will be over 40%.

We will become a communist dictatorship.

All that and more unless we give away our children's inheritance to foreign interests.

Poor Clive and Twiggy and Gina need a 10 billion dollar donation every year otherwise it is just unfair.

I mean really. You'd reakon after having cried wolf several times in the past people would be a little cynical about predictions of doom by the resources sector.

I guess some people believe whatever adds in the commercial media tell them rather than using their own logic:rolleyes:
No that would be the Greens or the ALP, who if they were serious about reducing emissions would build 10 Nuclear reactors, 4th generation if possible. Build more hydro's and invest more in nuclear hot rocks. Airy Fairy stories about renewables is worst than anything the Liberals have proposed.

You not regurgitating ridiculous, extremely expensive and environmentally damaging ideas conceived by the less literate in the national party again are you?

You and independent thought really are bitter enemies.
You not regurgitating ridiculous, extremely expensive and environmentally damaging ideas conceived by the less literate in the national party again are you?

If you keep saying that it might come true................ might.

You and lefty lattee brewed thought really are bitter enemies.

Perhaps more apt.

What I would like is some Greeny to give me one structured solution to reducing green house gas which won't destroy industry or cost individuals and would actually work.

The economy is stuffed for the next 100 years.

Unemployment will be over 40%.

We will become a communist dictatorship.

All that and more unless we give away our children's inheritance to foreign interests.

Poor Clive and Twiggy and Gina need a 10 billion dollar donation every year otherwise it is just unfair.

I mean really. You'd reakon after having cried wolf several times in the past people would be a little cynical about predictions of doom by the resources sector.

I guess some people believe whatever adds in the commercial media tell them rather than using their own logic:rolleyes:

Is it just me or was this post only 1 post after you accused others of strawmen?

I mean seriously, strawmen, hysteria an untruths are your cornerstones .. together with rank idiocy - but we are all used to that from you ...

Grin, all your "arguments" have been debunked countless times. Repeating absurdity is working about as well for you as it is for Rudd.
Is it just me or was this post only 1 post after you accused others of strawmen?

I mean seriously, strawmen, hysteria an untruths are your cornerstones .. together with rank idiocy - but we are all used to that from you ...

Grin, all your "arguments" have been debunked countless times. Repeating absurdity is working about as well for you as it is for Rudd.

Grin is Rudd.
Is it just me or was this post only 1 post after you accused others of strawmen?

I mean seriously, strawmen, hysteria an untruths are your cornerstones .. together with rank idiocy - but we are all used to that from you ...

Grin, all your "arguments" have been debunked countless times. Repeating absurdity is working about as well for you as it is for Rudd.

Sorry mate, you haven't debunked any of my arguments.
Unless of course spitting the dummy, having a hissy fit and tossing humourless insults counts as debunking an argument.

What you have done is demonstrate your naivity by falling, hook line and sinker, for an advertising campaign on commercial TV telling you that it is in your own interest to donate the nations inheritance to foreign interests.

You're the type of person who falls for internet scams.
Sorry mate, you haven't debunked any of my arguments.
Unless of course spitting the dummy, having a hissy fit and tossing humourless insults counts as debunking an argument.

What you have done is demonstrate your naivity by falling, hook line and sinker, for an advertising campaign on commercial TV telling you that it is in your own interest to donate the nations inheritance to foreign interests.

You're the type of person who falls for internet scams.

So you fail to address anything and resort to a humorless insult .. Hmmm ...

I am more than happy to have a live debate with you on the RSPT. Chief (who is a lefty) can moderate.

I actually understand this tax, the headline aspects and the mechanics. I have explained this previously. You constantly re-iterate sound bites from the ALP.

You of course already know this ...
Sorry mate, you haven't debunked any of my arguments.
Unless of course spitting the dummy, having a hissy fit and tossing humourless insults counts as debunking an argument.

What you have done is demonstrate your naivity by falling, hook line and sinker, for an advertising campaign on commercial TV telling you that it is in your own interest to donate the nations inheritance to foreign interests.

You're the type of person who falls for internet scams.

Judging by your cliched responses, I don't think it is Eagle who has falled for the TV bites.

Will you be taking up his debate offer ?
It would be like debating evolution with a fundie.

Eagles will push Liberal Party propaganda with the zeal of religious fundamentalist. Trying to use reason with him is utterly pointless.

How about Eagles and I have a friendly bet that the mining industry will not collapse because of the super tax if it is introduced, just as it didn't collapse when work choices was binned.

We can bet say, 2 home and away tickets and use
1/unemployment of 20%
2/a loss of 50% of exports of resources
3/the dollar to drop to say, 40cents US and
4/the all ordinaries to fall under 2000.

This should all occur within 6 months of the introduction of the tax and should be directly attributable to the tax

I'm happy to change those variables though if you decide that that vested interests have been telling porkies through you, and that the mining industry will not collapse as severely as you have indicated so far.

Lets hear the predictions you're prepared to back and no more parroting the ridiculous rubbish being fed to you by a few self interested billionaires who think the rest of us owe them a living.

In other words I am asking you to think for yourself and not continue to let vested interests do it for you. If you are unable to do this (and I suspect you will find independent though extremely difficult as you probably haven't done it before) just copy someone else' predictions. The mining industry web site or the Liberals should be able to feed you some predictions you can use if you lack the independent thought to come up with your own.

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Twiggy sticks a great big log up Rudd

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