UK UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson - A loco recordarentur operum verborumque eius

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If the Queen is following the advice of her PM as is convention and proroguing the Parliament, how the hell was it Whitlam got dismissed? I'd love those Palace letters on the subject to be released.

Yes, well.

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If there is to be a conflict with Parliament, well, Boris does seem to me to be far more Charles I and his Cavaliers than Cromwell and the Roundheads.
Of course, after he sorted out Charles and his boys, Cromwell decided that parliament was also an unnecessary irritant, and did a bit of his own "proroguing" on a grand scale.

Yawn.. nonsense is nonsense even if you swear and make puerile insults.

The world wars were fought to create open borders and the EU!! That's arse-about history if I've ever heard it.

BoJo is just trying to negotiate a better deal with EU... and May showed you can't do that with No Deal off the table.

Everyone knows that's the game. The Remainers want No Deal off the table because that's the best chance of getting another referendum..

There's still time to extending article 50 after their parliament comes back in October. BoJo just needs the EU to think no deal is possible in the meantime or they'll give up nothing.

Perhaps if the Remainers had focussed on the Irish border issue at the time of the referendum, instead of running around accusing everyone of being RACIST!!.. we wouldn't have this mess.
Why should the Remainers have worried about the Irish backstop, they were happy with the status quo. Johnson the one inviting the IRA back to England by tearing up the Good Friday Agreement.
They should have focussed on how messy it would be to manage the border if Brexit got up in the referendum..

But calling people RACIST is more satisfying so you know..
They should have focussed on how messy it would be to managed if Brexit got up in the referendum..

They did. And they were laughed at with brexiteers promising the best of both worlds to the punters.

Brexit is all on the brexiteers, don't try and shift blame just because it's not the nirvana you thought it would be
They did. And they were laughed at with brexiteers promising the best of both worlds to the punters.

Brexit is all on the brexiteers, don't try and shift blame just because it's not the nirvana you thought it would be
Brexit has been where the nasty meets the gullible.

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Yet you posted it more than once
You guys are almost totally ignoring it, by leaving the EU they are effectively tearing up the Good Friday Agreement, they're saying that their little English nationalist project is more important than ongoing peace in the 6 counties or Eire. Then something will happen and you'll all throw your hands in the air and wonder how this has happened, before turning on the dastardly Fenians again.
You guys are almost totally ignoring it, by leaving the EU they are effectively tearing up the Good Friday Agreement, they're saying that their little English nationalist project is more important than ongoing peace in the 6 counties or Eire. Then something will happen and you'll all throw your hands in the air and wonder how this has happened, before turning on the dastardly Fenians again.
That didn't take long
The Provos going back to their old ways is something you want
All because you didn't like the result of a referendum
Yawn.. nonsense is nonsense even if you swear and make puerile insults.

The world wars were fought to create open borders and the EU!! That's arse-about history if I've ever heard it.

BoJo is just trying to negotiate a better deal with EU... and May showed you can't do that with No Deal off the table.

Everyone knows that's the game. The Remainers want No Deal off the table because that's the best chance of getting another referendum..

There's still time to extending article 50 after their parliament comes back in October. BoJo just needs the EU to think no deal is possible in the meantime or they'll give up nothing.

Perhaps if the Remainers had focussed on the Irish border issue at the time of the referendum, instead of running around accusing everyone of being RACIST!!.. we wouldn't have this mess.
The remainers aren’t the faction who compared the Irish border to municipal borough boundaries in London. That was the Rt. Hon. PM Alexander Johnson. The morons he’s appointed to cabinet don’t understand the ways NI is already treated differently from the rest of the UK. Case in point is the verbal diarrhoea issued by Steve Barclay, minister for departing the EU, at a conference in France this week.

Mr Barclay said the backstop must be removed from the withdrawal agreement because “parliament will not allow the people of Northern Ireland to be subject to an indefinite period of continued alignment [with EU regulations]”.
He continued: “It would mean Northern Irish voters, UK citizens, being governed by laws in which they have no say.”

This passage seems to me a clear misunderstanding of the right of all individuals born in NI to claim Irish citizenship in preference to British citizenship. Further to this, the alignment of NI with Ireland for the purpose of food standards happened a decade ago, the checks on goods transiting between NI and Great Britain (which both the DUP and Tories describe as an ‘internal border’) are already in place for agricultural products.

Remainers pointed this out in the campaign and it was ignored, three former British prime ministers, four Irish taoisigh, a former US congressman and an incumbent US president pointed out the risks to the peace process from Brexit, their warnings were dismissed as ‘project fear’ scaremongering. Given the obvious and sustained ignorance of Irish affairs and complexities of the border on the part of the brexiteers it seems a bit much to blame the remain side for the issue.
That didn't take long
The Provos going back to their old ways is something you want
All because you didn't like the result of a referendum
Nobody said anything about the Provos, they’re long gone. The other factions aren’t though and if you knew anything about NI you’d know this situation offers those groups an opportunity to recruit and plenty of targets. How long do you think it’ll be before someone decides to take a shot at an English copper on the border of south Armagh?
What makes you think brexiteers will be suffering any deaths? They’re not likely to be manning the border and most of their supporters are happy to get rid of NI.
Will the IRA focus their terrorism just at the people in Ireland?
Like Gough you want terrorist attacks because you didn't like the result of a referendum
Will the IRA focus their terrorism just at the people in Ireland?
Like Gough you want terrorist attacks because you didn't like the result of a referendum
Have you just done a quick two minutes in wiki and tried to understand the complex nature of Ireland v the UK? Pretty piss poor effort just to troll.
Withdraw that comment immediately you piece of s**t.
It's easier to say that than explore the actual consequences of getting rid of the backstop, and Brexiteers have always had a non exclusive relationship with the truth.
Yawn.. nonsense is nonsense even if you swear and make puerile insults.

The world wars were fought to create open borders and the EU!! That's arse-about history if I've ever heard it.

BoJo is just trying to negotiate a better deal with EU... and May showed you can't do that with No Deal off the table.

Everyone knows that's the game. The Remainers want No Deal off the table because that's the best chance of getting another referendum..

There's still time to extending article 50 after their parliament comes back in October. BoJo just needs the EU to think no deal is possible in the meantime or they'll give up nothing.

Perhaps if the Remainers had focussed on the Irish border issue at the time of the referendum, instead of running around accusing everyone of being RACIST!!.. we wouldn't have this mess.
You really think the EU are going to give ground because of the threat of No Deal? I mean, really? If the UK want to pull the trigger of the gun they've pointed at their own head, all the EU are going to do is get the hose out ready to remove the mess from their doorstep

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UK UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson - A loco recordarentur operum verborumque eius

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