UK UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson - A loco recordarentur operum verborumque eius

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perhaps UK will claim to not recognise EU as EU but only as individual countries to apply different rules?

They can't under Most Favoured nation clause. (MFN). If they drop all tariffs for Ireland to zero, the same will apply to the rest of the EU (they are one trading bloc, individual countries cannot sign trade deals) and all the rest of the countries under WTO. However it simply doesn't mean..if they are dropping their tariffs to zero for lamb (for example) for Ireland, they must offer the same to all countries, under they seek a special concession, which is rare.

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Nb I am not a brexiteer I’m just trying to see how they move forward with the mechanics of the exit
I suspect they're hoping they can rewrite the rules completely and nobody will notice. It's that absurd.
Well maybe they go for special concession; that seems easier that the current clusterfu**.
Or they reinterpret MFN clauses.
You can only get an exemption under special circumstances, like national disaster, danger to the local economy/jobs/services, environmental policy etc and that is also temporary in nature (specified duration). The MFN clause make sure every country is treated equally and 3rd world nations like African countries are not treated unfairly. Concessions are rare in nature, look up on EU-South Korea special exception case.

GATT Article XX lists them, if you wish to read.
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No, they can it away from the border and comply. Who is peddling lies?

The World Trade Organisation (WTO) has said that there is nothing in its rules that would force either the EU or UK to erect a hard Irish border after Brexit.

In circumstances where duties or customs are not enforced, a major beef producer such as the US or Argentina could lodge a complaint if the UK decided to import Irish beef duty free to avoid a customs border.
Further down that article :

Edgar Morgenroth, professor of economics at Dublin City University, said the WTO’s position on the Irish Border was “utterly irrelevant” as, in the absence of a deal, the onus would be on the EU and UK to protect their own respective markets against smuggling or divergent rules on the opposite side of a border.
“The WTO rules are neither here nor there. They don’t require you to protect your border,” said Prof Morgenroth.
Yep as mentioned, anti immigration was the driver for the CF, makes no sense not to have tough borders

Seems crazy the rhetoric is the opposite of trump the running mate

Mind you the US is duplicitous on the irish question
I suspect they're hoping they can rewrite the rules completely and nobody will notice. It's that absurd.

They dont need to rewrite the rules. All the other remainer arguments have been demolished, they are desperately clinging on to the Irish border like a drowning man, most with a treble digit iq see it for the bs that it is.

The issue is the EU enforcing borders not the WTO. But hey lets just pretend its the Brits fault.

In the first clear sign that EU solidarity with Ireland is starting to come under strain, a gang of six states: France, Germany, Belgium, Poland, Denmark and the Netherlands; are insisting that Ireland must set out in operational detail how it will protect EU borders.

The EU has put further pressure on the Brexit talks by confirming it will enforce a hard border
on the island of Ireland in the event of a no-deal outcome, despite the risk this would pose to peace.
You can't or you don't read, i swear..i just explained this to you in dummies terms, i can't do it any longer. UK DOES need to have a border (not by WTO rules) UNLESS they are dropping all their tariffs to do zero due to MFN clause). READ WHAT I WROTE ABOVE, I explained why and provided links why it will be devastating for the domestic producers and manufacturers by allowing other countries to flood the UK market with cheap produce.

There is no requirement to have checks at the border. Further if it was a real issue then its easily sorted as goods still have to cross the Irish sea.

As for devastating, what a load of nonsense. A very low % of containers entering the UK actually get checked. If your argument had any validity then that wouldnt be the case.

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The EU under MFN have stuff all tariffs on Aussie meat and fish, unlike what Brexiters whinge about all the time. Check it out yourself.

Dear oh dear. Whats the tariff on beef and lamb?

Agro for example...employs half a million people and is a 10 billion pound industry. Food and drinks combined adds 25 billion. Car industry will be deeply affected with their supply chain deeply integrated in the EU. Aerospace will be affected, N.I is huge in airline engineering etc etc. Only is Brexiters fantasy land lowering tariffs to zero is the solution to everything. It's a solution to everything if the partner reciprocates, then there is no need for any FTA as there are no barriers to trade...again in their fantasy world.

lol, now arguing in favour of protectionism over free trade.

Australia gained by unilaterally dropping tariffs. Its a myth that you need reciprocation to provide benefits.

There is no requirement to have checks at the border. Further if it was a real issue then its easily sorted as goods still have to cross the Irish sea.

As for devastating, what a load of nonsense. A very low % of containers entering the UK actually get checked. If your argument had any validity then that wouldnt be the case.

Did i say there is a WT0 requirement to have checks in the border? you do not read.
Dear oh dear. Whats the tariff on beef and lamb?
You really have no idea, have you? Most sheep meat imports to the EU fall within a quota, allowing tariff-free access to the EU market for certain volumes of sheep meat. New Zealand has the largest quota, accounting for approximately 80 per cent of the total but it has not come close to filling its quota to the EU since 2011.

imilar to Australia, in 2018 and so far in 2019, Australia is not going to fulfill it's quota, so why don't you learn a thing or two before making uneducated comments?
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You really have no idea, have you? Most sheep meat imports to the EU fall within a quota, allowing tariff-free access to the EU market for certain volumes of sheep meat. New Zealand has the largest quota, accounting for approximately 80 per cent of the total but it has not come close to filling its quota to the EU since 2011.

How to destroy your own argument. You claim cutting tariffs will devastate ag, then claim those tariffs dont really matter.

Australia just got boned by the EU over beef and its quota.

How to destroy your own argument. You claim cutting tariffs will devastate ag, then claim those tariffs dont really matter.

Australia just got boned by the EU over beef and its quota.

You asked me, "what's the tariff on Aus/Nz beef and lamb imports". It's been zero since 2011 ZERO..cause they haven't fulfilled the Quota. Yes Australia lost out to US this year, so what? trying to shift the goalposts now and change the discussion, as usual? really clueless, really.

You been arguing about massive tariffs on Aus/NZ meat for a year now, you really have no idea...seriously.

Australia lost out on the quota cause they weren't able to fulfill the quota, like NZ. What's wrong with that?
You asked me, "what's the tariff on Aus/Nz beef and lamb imports". It's been zero since 2011 ZERO..cause they haven't fulfilled the Quota.

The tariff isnt zero. Nor can Australia export hormone treated beef.

Yes Australia lost out to US this year, so what?

Er quota likely to be filled now?

trying to shift the goalposts now and change the discussion, as usual? really clueless, really.

Just butchering your argument.

Australia lost out on the quota cause they weren't able to fulfill the quota, like NZ. What's wrong with that?

Australia exports more now than the incoming quota for all non US beef.

Another one of your "arguments" sunk.
The tariff isnt zero. Nor can Australia export hormone treated beef.

**** me, you are really clueless. THE ONLY TARIFF THAT APPLIES TO IN QUOTA LAMB TARIFFS ARE HILTON QUOTA. REST (and majority of Aussie lamb and beef exports) ARE TARIFF FREE.


Be man enough to admit you are wrong, you are coming across as a sore loser who can't admit when they are wrong. Plus, they haven't fulflled their quota, so tariff's is effectively zero for 21 out of 23 meat product categories. You are arguing against hormone fed beef now which is banned in EU which applies to all countries.According to you, a country cannot have their own set standards and policies regarding health cause it will offend someone else? well don't worry, the American products are coming soon, so you can enjoy chewing on those blue chicken legs.

Er quota likely to be filled now?
I don't know, but Trump reckons he can. Ask him.

Just butchering your argument. are doing a fine in owning yourself.
Australia exports more now than the incoming quota for all non US beef.

Another one of your "arguments" sunk.

LOL! i admire you, i really do, claiming victory after owning yourself time and time again. So there are zero tariffs for most in quota Australian beef/lamb exported to EU for the past decade...and here you are claiming victory in an argument.

And on top of that reducing such quotas is an absolutely masterstroke for the EU-Australia FTA to be signed within the next 6 months. Brilliant stuff by EU and you embarrass yourself again. LOL
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lol meds owning himself time and time again. LOL stop with the nonsense about lamb and beef tariffs, you are wrong, you know it.

Secondly, Australian beef will maintain access to the remaining balance of the quota. In the first year this will be 26,500 tonnes which, fortunately, is greater than the levels we’re exporting today (11,153 tonnes 2018). Australia’s future performance will largely depend on our competitiveness against the other two large eligible suppliers (Argentina and Uruguay) which will compete in the 26,500 tonne pool.

It should also be noted that Australia is able to export grainfed beef to the EU under Australia’s country specific Hilton beef quota (7,150 tonnes) which provides another avenue for access. Last year Australia did not fully utilise our Hilton quota, sending only 4,484t.
As an Aussie why is Brexit so important to you?

Rustlin' jimmies dude. Who needs affordable healthcare, comprehensive education, world peace when there are dem jimmies just demanding to be rustled!!!

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UK UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson - A loco recordarentur operum verborumque eius

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