UK UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson - A loco recordarentur operum verborumque eius

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LOL. Still banging this drum? You must have apoplectic when Rudd became our PM because he was elected by 57 people. Out of 25 million people.

I guess it's the loser's prerogative to have a whinge about the system after they lost.
I wasn't the loser, I didn't have a horse in either race.
There is considerable difference between election by popularly elected representatives who have that constitutional responsibility, and selection by a relatively insignificant number of unelected and unrepresentative citizens whose only claim is that they paid their party fees.

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I am obviously not an expert on British law and parliamentary procedure. But no matter what no deal legislation passed, if the date passes or the EU does not allow the UK to stay, what actually happens? The UK has a no deal exit regardless, no one as far as I know will be held to account other than I presume a no confidence vote and if that gets up an election.

I am not sure that's Winston's, sorry Boris plan

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As I understand it, it forces a hard Brexit and that will require a hard border between NI / RoI as there is no deal stipulating otherwise.

Not sure who pays for the wall but I'm guessing Mexico hasn't got this one covered either.
As I understand it, it forces a hard Brexit and that will require a hard border between NI / RoI as there is no deal stipulating otherwise.

Not sure who pays for the wall but I'm guessing Mexico hasn't got this one covered either.
The Ireland wall just don't build it, can't see the EU building against the wishes of the UK and EIRE
The referendum had a black and white question.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?​

The vote was comprehensively that the United Kingdom should leave the European Union. But as you would expect from the British political class that opposed Brexit they appointed a Remainer to oversee the exit of Britain from the EU. It's no surprise that over 3 years on nothing has been achieved.

It was obvious very early that the EU would make things as hard as possible for the UK to exit - because a successful Brexit opens the door for other nations to leave, and possibly the breakup of the whole EU. The only realistic option has always been a 'no deal' exit and should have been done 2 years ago. There would be a period of up to a year where new agreements are made then everyone moves to a new BAU.
Which other country? all countries are Pro-EU outside of Greece and Greece should never have joined the EU if it wasn't for the Goldman Sachs manipulation of the currency to fit the EU requirements.

How is that it's EU who is making hard for them to leave? Brexiters made it hard on themselves, Single Market got nothing to do with the EU. Norway is in the SM and it's not in the EU.

And the question was not black and white. Amongst the Brexiters there were mixed messages about SM. The biggest and most prominent Brexiters like Hannan, Bojo, Banks, Rees-Mogg, and even Farage said the best option is a Norway option. Rees-Mogg even said a 2nd referendum is essential to determine the SM issue. So how exactly is it black and white when the UKIP manifesto had no information about leaving the SM? You expect the EU to care about British interests? why exactly? and did the public have enough information to say "yes we want a hard brexit"? check yougov, most brexiters do not want a no-deal, which goes to show there is no mandate for a hard brexit so don't blame the EU for the circus at westminister. They now have a pro-Brexit majority at the parliament, watch them, make a meal out of it and then it will again be EU's fault.

The best and the most sensible option was the Rees-Mogg option, let the public decide on the SM issue. Rees-Mogg himself said it. On top of that there are other issues, like the backstop issue, business issues like customs, immigration, many "impact analysis" been done so far? NONE! so how will the public make an "informed" choice of a deal or no deal? it's simply not possible, the UK customs is in such dire condition that they are prpeared to waive the goods off without checks for years after leaving the EU. But no, according to you, leaving the EU is about pressing a button and it's done.

This is the problem with Britania, always blaming others for their own ****-up..there is no excuse now not to deliver a no-deal Brexit considering there is a majority of pro-Brexiters in the parliament, but i am sure somehow the Zionist cartel will influence the decision somehow right? :drunk:
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Another white supremacist islamophobe in parliament. We must take them out and replace them with voices of reason from minority groups and people of colour.
The vote was comprehensively that the United Kingdom should leave the European Union. But as you would expect from the British political class that opposed Brexit they appointed a Remainer to oversee the exit of Britain from the EU. It's no surprise that over 3 years on nothing has been achieved.

Where were the Brexiteers in the aftermath of the referendum? May was far from a sure bet, but Boris and Gove were more interested in slapping each other with wet lettuce leaves than taking any sort of responsibility for delivering a decent outcome for Britain.

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The Ireland wall just don't build it, can't see the EU building against the wishes of the UK and EIRE
I don't think it's Ireland's choice, I imagine border security is a condition of EU membership and there will be a border in one form or another between Europe and the UK in the event of a Brexit.

Given the miniscule chance of a deal ever being agreed upon all signs point to a hard Brexit. That puts the UK economy at jeopardy, the Irish peace process in peril and most likely leads to the dissolution of the UK itself.
Great first speech by Boris as PM.

For the first few minutes wasn't sure if this was real or someone had altered it for satire. Don't people (right wing trash media kraken) unsarcastically call him charismatic etc? But as it is real, what an arseh*le.
If Boris Johnson really was merely a jester - as so many commentators label him - then he would never have made it to Number 10 on his own. So it’s not just about him, it’s about the structures that enabled him to succeed and gifted him a platform he had no business having.

Those structures are many. They include the media and the publications that employed him. They also include wealth and privilege and England’s bizarre obsession with tribal private education. They include British white supremacy, and the racist political and media structures that allow white men to fail upwards again and again and never hold them to the same standards as people of colour. They include the literal boy’s clubs that helped ease his way into the upper echelons of society, with a support network always orbiting.

They include the Tory Party, whose main mode of transport these days is plane-flying-into-mountain. They include the Brexiteers, the foaming, bullish, empire-nostalgists, liars and xenophobes in the ludicrous pursuit of fantasy supremacy, a motley crew of jingoists. They also include London, and its voters - now aghast at this nonsense-merchant in power - because it’s London that elevated Johnson to Mayor, and allowed him control over a publicity narrative that have appeared to be a firehose on at full power with no one at the helm.

They include everyone who has ignored the urgent reporting - particularly by Carole Cadwalladr - about how the Brexit referendum was a complete swizz. They include the DUP. They include May, and Cameron, trotters up. They include the Labour Party’s ineffectual opposition. They include British exceptionalism, that this will never happen to “us”. Well it has. Britain needs to own this mess, not forsake it, or focus its entirety on one more shock of blond hair in a crumbled suit and long tie.

Just like Trump is a symptom of a wider malaise, so too is Johnson. This is about collective blame. Getting angry at some toff whose father isn’t even bothered seeing him through the door of Number 10 because he’s off to swim with whale sharks in Australia - you know, your average working Britton’s summer ‘oliday - may feel necessary, but collective anger needs to turn to collective action.

This is also a parable about how the media suffers and encourages dangerous fools for clicks and content. That includes the BBC. I spent the day before and of Johnson’s victory listening to various BBC radio stations. I’ve never heard the words “charisma” and “charismatic” repeated so often. The decision to frame Johnson as a “charismatic” “energetic” “leader”, is an intentional one. It is not a mistake, even if it’s done so thoughtlessly.

Britain is now a laughing stock. The European Union has by now collectively detached its retinas from eye-rolling at the dog-ate-my-homework and magic beans diplomacy of the British political stance, which is basically constant flailing, and insulting everyone’s intelligence in the process. The people of Ireland are downright furious. We are going to suffer so much, north and south, dragged into a mess made by a country we spent hundreds of years trying to disentangle ourselves from.

Johnson’s acceptance speech was a perfect illustration of his vacuousness. It was all empty rhetoric, built on foundations of nothingness. Of course Johnson believes that Brexit will work out. Why wouldn’t he? For the rich and privileged everything always does. Safety nets abound for the likes of him. When the bottom falls out of Britain - economically, socially, politically, emotionally, mentally - Johnson will be fine, and so will every single person he knows in his coiffing coterie.

The real world is “out there”, somewhere, ambiguous and unknown, floating, Hy-Brasil-like beyond the driveways of rural mansion retreats and locked out of wood-panelled clubs. Of course he thinks that sorting out Britain’s greatest political crisis since the second World War is just a matter of that great combo of a stiff upper lip and jolly Old Etonian spirit. One can completely ignore the realities when they never come knocking. An entire suite of potential is available to privileged people like Johnson, who are not only unencumbered by the restraints of poverty or class or race or gender, but actively facilitated and supported by the structures that circle and re-enforce their bluster. Of course he thinks it’s easy. Everything is easy for these guys. Johnson and co live by different rules. And they run the game. Unready, unsteady, go.

There is considerable difference between election by popularly elected representatives who have that constitutional responsibility, and selection by a relatively insignificant number of unelected and unrepresentative citizens whose only claim is that they paid their party fees.

I see your point but it's a well established convention in Westminster systems that the Prime Minister is the leader of the party that forms government. Parties are entitled to choose their preferred way of choosing their leader. The Tories have used this method since 1998.

Also, the result would have been the same if the leadership election was by the popularly elected representatives.

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UK UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson - A loco recordarentur operum verborumque eius

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