US Election 2020: President Elect Biden and VP Elect Harris

The Next President and VP will be?

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May I ask you what do you want him to do? Is America to go in total lockdown? Is that what you are waiting for? Or is it just some kind words of encouragement and telling the country we love you and hope you stay safe you are looking for? Joe will do plenty of that so not long to wait.
You are now President, please outline what you would do to bring it under control in this small country.

Maybe the first thing is to stop focussing totally & tweeting mindlessly about bloody TV ratings.

Oh & lead by example, face mask, end his rallies & promote social distancing. Allow the experts to promote the message & support them.

Hahahaha, fat chance of that from the fat slug in chief. He'll just keep on shoveling Maccas in his fat face & tweeting shyte.
Yep but there’s 70 million brainwashed dumbf**ks who will continue to believe that the election was fraudulent because of Trump’s continued lies and rumour mongering.

He’s also prepared for people to continue to die (other than himself) for his own evil ends.
America is in a truly phuccked up place right now.

And it’s almost entirely due to the actions of a particular cohort of Americans.
May I ask you what do you want him to do? Is America to go in total lockdown? Is that what you are waiting for? Or is it just some kind words of encouragement and telling the country we love you and hope you stay safe you are looking for? Joe will do plenty of that so not long to wait.
You are now President, please outline what you would do to bring it under control in this small country.
Gimme a break.

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Stop spreading misinformation IE bleach

Start asking Governors what they need

Stop hosting super spreader rallies

Start wearing and encouraging the use of masks

Continue income Relief

Encourage Governors to implement lock downs


You just said it yourself, Governors are in control, why no vitriol to the shit job they have done?
4-5 months ago he mentioned bleach yes?
What did he not give the governors that they asked for?
Rallies not required I agree, I don’t reckon he will be doing anymore though.
Everywhere I look in America people are wearing masks, big country mate so always some idiots that won’t.
Income relief is continuing as far as I know.
Again the governors are in control, why have they not locked down their cities? how is that Trumps fault?
Was it Scomo’s fault no states other than WA locked down?
Stop spreading misinformation IE bleach

Start asking Governors what they need

Stop hosting super spreader rallies

Start wearing and encouraging the use of masks

Continue income Relief

Encourage Governors to implement lock downs


Also how about -

Stop playing golf, watching TV, tweeting all this dumb shit, sulking and get back to work!!
You just said it yourself, Governors are in control, why no vitriol to the sh*t job they have done?
4-5 months ago he mentioned bleach yes?
What did he not give the governors that they asked for?
Rallies not required I agree, I don’t reckon he will be doing anymore though.
Everywhere I look in America people are wearing masks, big country mate so always some idiots that won’t.
Income relief is continuing as far as I know.
Again the governors are in control, why have they not locked down their cities? how is that Trumps fault?
Was it Scomo’s fault no states other than WA locked down?
The Governors do need to do something about their states - they should really look at examples of Australia when considering what they have to do to make people safe. Whatever the solution is, its going to be incredibly uncomfortable and unpopular.

Biggest issue with the Donald is his itchy tweeting fingers - remember the Liberate tweets to those States that tried to do something that most in Australia and Asia considered pretty prudent strategies. He creates mischief and division in those states that don't fit with his ideals and attitudes - when the POTUS is doing that, what chance does any Governor have on enforcing any suppressive steps for the betterment of their constituents - he makes everything political.
Maybe the first thing is to stop focussing totally & tweeting mindlessly about bloody TV ratings.

Oh & lead by example, face mask, end his rallies & promote social distancing. Allow the experts to promote the message & support them.

Hahahaha, fat chance of that from the fat slug in chief. He'll just keep on shoveling Maccas in his fat face & tweeting sh*te.

Nice words then, none of that will control the spread now. It may of earlier I agree on that. The country needs to close now and go into lockdown to get on top of it.
But really there is nothing he can do now other than lock the country down. There is simply to much spread to try and manage it.

"Oh well, nothing can be done ... I'm off to play golf and rage on twitter then".

You'll simply have to pardon those who expect more than this from the office of president.

The leading epidemiologist in the US sure thinks there are measures that can be taken to mitigate the death toll and suffering of the people. Perhaps rather than threatening to sack him and spread messaging that contradicts him for the sake of PR, Trump might get on board with an expert-driven response.
The Governors do need to do something about their states - they should really look at examples of Australia when considering what they have to do to make people safe. Whatever the solution is, its going to be incredibly uncomfortable and unpopular.

Biggest issue with the Donald is his itchy tweeting fingers - remember the Liberate tweets to those States that tried to do something that most in Australia and Asia considered pretty prudent strategies. He creates mischief and division in those states that don't fit with his ideals and attitudes - when the POTUS is doing that, what chance does any Governor have on enforcing any suppressive steps for the betterment of their constituents - he makes everything political.
It's the new federalism, it's all the state's problem. Scummo has enthusiastically embraced this too.
He is certainly caught up in other things at the minute that makes the mind boggle a bit, and yes he should come across as caring more. But really there is nothing he can do now other than lock the country down. There is simply to much spread to try and manage it. How do you lock down the USA? They have more homeless than we have population.
The horse has pretty much bolted in terms of trying to contain the virus at this stage.
One advantage Biden has is that a vaccine is a little bit closer now.
I would definitely as President be getting the population ready to accept a massive nationwide vaccination program, but that in itself is a huge problem given the state of mind of some US citizens.
Science, medicine, education and leadership are qualities that Biden can deliver right now.

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You just said it yourself, Governors are in control, why no vitriol to the sh*t job they have done?

Was it Scomo’s fault no states other than WA locked down

Because the US is such a monarchical wannabee that the President's words carry more weight

Morrison made 2 blunders I can recall

"I'm going to the footy"

And demanding threatening states to open borders - and you could argue he was looking economically

Morrison never dismissed it as a Labor hoax, never denied it, listened to medical experts and at least projected an air of rational calm

As sherb said, that it has to be explained is sad
Also how about -

Stop playing golf, watching TV, tweeting all this dumb sh*t, sulking and get back to work!!

So you really just want someone saying nice friendly things and telling the people what they want to hear. And again how will that control the spread of the virus. America needs to lockdown. No president will do it.
$40 for a flipping mask? That's worse than paying $30 in NBA 2k my career for a water bottle......
Ned Guy thinks it's a good deal
Nice words then, none of that will control the spread now. It may of earlier I agree on that. The country needs to close now and go into lockdown to get on top of it.
Well you're 100% correct in that respect; the time for decisive presidential action was eight bloody months ago, and Trump failed dismally, as he does in everything that involves responsibility and concern for other people. No idea why you're so keen to let this recklessly dangerous phucckwit off the hook.
Because the US is such a monarchical wannabee that the President's words carry more weight

Morrison made 2 blunders I can recall

"I'm going to the footy"

And demanding threatening states to open borders - and you could argue he was looking economically

Morrison never dismissed it as a Labor hoax, never denied it, listened to medical experts and at least projected an air of rational calm

As sherb said, that it has to be explained is sad

I am not disagreeing with any of these things, it was needed 8 months ago but that is not who he is. I am talking right now that it’s out of control. How canit be reigned in.
Well you're 100% correct in that respect; the time for decisive presidential action was eight bloody months ago, and Trump failed dismally, as he does in everything that involves responsibility and concern for other people. No idea why you're so keen to let this recklessly dangerous phucckwit off the hook.

I am not letting him off the hook, you guys are certainly letting the Governors off the hook. Trump has handled the Pandemic terribly.
Trump ran for President to fix America financially, fix trade deals the USA lost on and so forth, unfortunately he never realised that caring and being presidential mattered. And without COVID he Woukd of got away with it. COVID needed him to become someone he isnt and he has fallen apart since it happened and failed miserably since it appeared.
Maybe nobody would be willing to lock things down. But simply listening to the health professionals and not threatening to sack them would help.

this will be tested now

Joe Biden’s coronavirus adviser has backed a nationwide six-week lockdown to tackle the spread of coronavirus as the daily infection rate in the US reached a harrowing new record of more than 145,000.

On Wednesday, as the number of new cases hit the devastating figure, Dr Michael Osterholm, an adviser to the president-elect, said the US was headed toward “COVID hell”, The Sun reports.
Dr Osterholm, director of the Centre of Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, said shutting down businesses and paying people for four to six weeks could help control the widespread deadly virus.
He told Yahoo Finance a total lockdown of the country would eventually help get the economy on track until a vaccine was ready.
“We could pay for a package right now to cover all of the wages, lost wages for individual workers for losses to small companies to medium-sized companies or city, state, county governments.
“We could do all of that,” he said. “If we did that, then we could lockdown for four to six weeks.”
Dr Osterhold said a lockdown would help get coronavirus under control, “like they did in New Zealand and Australia”.
“We could really watch ourselves cruising into the vaccine availability in the first and second quarter of next year while bringing back the economy long before that.”
Maybe nobody would be willing to lock things down. But simply listening to the health professionals and not threatening to sack them would help.
Almost a year into a pandemic, Trump has done heck all except tweet his utter callousness to suffering, and sack anyone who dares to give him impartial advice, and that poster is asking "what could poor widdle helpwess pwesident Donnie do?"

Personally, I'm more solicitous of the feelings of the loved ones of the quarter of a million Americans that Trump has hung out to dry and die.
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