Autopsy v Dogs

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Again . Losing sucks.

But let’s get some perspective.
We are last and they’re in the 8 and we have been Footscrys bunnies for while now.

Like other people have said. It’s encouraging that we didn’t totally capitulate like we have previously.

And once we move on some of the ‘slow of the mind & slow of foot’ types we will be much better
Weird performance. We're not smart enough yet to deal with a side that has superior aerial presence. It was mind numbing watching us continually bomb it to contests. Our midfield was also completely smashed, especially on the spread. However, it was nice to see us continually grind and even work ourselves back into the contest late in the game. It was a scuffed performance, but we would've lost that game by quintuple the margin in recent seasons (and probably even earlier in the season).

Also, **** Corr and the stupid free kicks he gives away.

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Anyway, Veteren and Senior players with errors aplenty, as is always the tale of the tape. Corr with brainfarts, Mcdonald Mcdonalding, Tucker and Scott fluffing regulation kicks, Jy and LDU down. Larkey was pretty puss too, but given how ****ing awful the movement going forward was I really don't know how much to blame him. Oh, and Shiels mate, you're neither young nor a brute, never try a don't argue again.
Mcdonald Mcdonalding 🤣 🤣
Got absolutely smashed in the middle, gee if its no trac no dees, then it must be no warlord no roos.

Defence did an incredible job considering the number of i50’s conceded.

Umps had nothing to do with us losing today, comprehensively beat.

As the commentators alluded to, we don’t move the ball quick nor use the corridor. We switched the ball well vs dees, and sliced through the pies def with short kicks. Today didnt see any of that, we were unimaginative, always long down the line, safe footy, and we got smashed in the air. Pink and Teakle unfortunately wont be long term answers.

Our ability to miss easy targets in our fwd half never ceases to amaze me, bailey scott in particular, you need to be better.

They seemed to get alot of the 50/50 contests today, whether we were too worried about our man, or they’re just stronger than us, whatever it was, it was disappointing. How many times was the ball near the boundary, and instead of tackling the player out, they somehow got out with the ball. Happened about 10 times.
The sooner we replace McDonald, corr, pink with some talented youth, the better because you can see a lot of the pieces are there but the talents not deep enough yet

Chom colossal, X very good and Sheez was decent. Tucker ok and I thought arch did a decent job

LDU, Simpkin, Larks really poor when we needed leadership from them

In the wings is promising asf
The Dogs match up better against us than any other team in the comp IMO.

Effort was there, we didn't throw in the towel and only fell 3 goals short in the end.

3 quality players in Mckercher, Logue and Wardlaw didn't play and they'll come in over the next couple of weeks.
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I have quite a few beefs with the umpires, but one incident in particular needs a please explain, late in the last Q, lest than 5 minutes left, Ford takes a mark near the boundary line, but the umpire didn't stop the clock while he spent nearly 30 seconds or more getting Eddie to move a little left, a little right, no, back a little left.................
Midfield smashed
Forward line smashed
Back line smashed
Just got home, on my break, got to see the last 7 minutes and dogs playing to save the game with 2 minutes left lol, if our midfield got smashed, forward line got smashed and back line got smashed and we got beat by 17 points and coming again at them in the last bit, that tells me we have got so much improvement in us its not funny, now teams can't put us away, they got a what 38 point lead early on but couldn't bury us, while its disappointing to lose, we are not getting slaughtered, we are going to get better, a lot better and a few different players in next year and "wow" there are so many poitives I can see its crazy!
Agree the backline had some awful undisciplined acts but overall they held up well considering they were under siege for most of the game.

The midfield getting smashed and key forwards not showing up were the problem. As such Wardlaw is already our most important player and we badly need a legit 2nd tall forward option.

Overall pleased with the fightback. The Bulldogs are a very good team and we didn't let them run away with it.
The defence did well to keep them to just 11.11 from 56 entries and a lot of their midfield dominance. Under siege for long periods but stood up. Comben just keeps on intercepting. Dawson was good.

Got smashed at clearances 28-18 and in the midfield in general (except for Xerri) until the last quarter. Unable to hold tackles and defend the outside. Wardlaw is such a big loss. We looked slow in there.

Even though we defended well, we don't have the class to move it from defence. Tucker had 30 but with 6 turnovers and he just doesn't look dangerous with ball in hand. Also gets in trouble on his right side.

McDonald winding up and predictably skewing it in the last - how many times?

Uncompetitive at centre half forward in the air and on the ground for three quarters.

Poor games from most of our leaders but only lost by 17.
Full credit to the defence, dogs loaded up their forward line this week and we’ve held them to 77 points. Done well.

Smashed in the guts, that will be a dirty review for all of them. Lack of respect shown to Bont, not hard enough when needed. A really poor week in an area we’ve been strong. George’s attack on the ball and agility to get out of the stoppage is really important and missed a lot today.

Larkey, extremely disappointing last 11 quarters after the dominant first quarter vs the pies. Simply has to compete better than he does. Delivery could always be better but some of his efforts you just shake your head in frustration.

Winnable next week if we can fix the midfield issues, we go again.
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I have quite a few beefs with the umpires, but one incident in particular needs a please explain, late in the last Q, lest than 5 minutes left, Ford takes a mark near the boundary line, but the umpire didn't stop the clock while he spent nearly 30 seconds or more getting Eddie to move a little left, a little right, no, back a little left.................
Clock doesn't stop for that I thought? Also, I think it was more a case of Ford working out whether to do a snap, banana or drop punt.
Just got back from the game, it was a shit games it looked like our midfield were not interested LDU had a shocker, the good news is we did come back in the last.

What would not have happened last year.

I am sure it has been said already but McDonald is a liability to this team every time he goes near it I get a cold shivers down my spine.

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