Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas Conflict

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Whats going on here ZEV? Did you vote for these people?

Honestly don't know Ghost Patrol šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

No I didn't.

If that allegation about the sticks is true, **** those guys. Let them rot in a cell. Despite it being unconscionable, there is no need for actions like that, most detainees are very forthright about their involvement.
Honestly don't know Ghost Patrol šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

No I didn't.

If that allegation about the sticks is true, **** those guys. Let them rot in a cell. Despite it being unconscionable, there is no need for actions like that, most detainees are very forthright about their involvement.
Must feel like a load of the shoulders finally coming to terms that Israel aren't the good guys but are in fact on level with Hamas.
Must feel like a load of the shoulders finally coming to terms that Israel aren't the good guys but are in fact on level with Hamas.

It's very disappointing to know that there are people like you who draw a false moral equivalency between Israel and Hamas.

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Firstly, my position on the West Bank settlements have been made clear on multiple occasions.

Secondly, there is no deliberate killing of civilians.

Thirdly, there is no genocide. It is a war. That Hamas is losing terribly.

I support the destruction of Hamas/Hezbollah. I support Palestinians. I support the existence and self determination of Israel.

I don't make up stories. You do.
There most certainly is deliberate killing of civilians, what else would you call carpet bombing civilian areas or "safe zones" or refugee camps or hospitals or schools etc along with denying them aid, food, medical supplies?

I believe the evidence points to genocide and that will remain to be seen. However even if it doesn't meet the threshold of genocide, it is at the least ethnic cleansing with the committing of war crimes as well as breaching international law as evidenced by the ICJ's recent ruling.

Your claims that "it is war" ring quite hollow when you are talking about one of the most technologically advanced militaries going up against a terrorist organisation/Guerilla fighters who are based out of an open air concentration camp. On one side it is war on the other it is the destruction of their entire society. You say "it is war" as if this excuses all manner of crimes or horror so do you then excuse any actions taken by Palestinians against Israelis? After all "it is war" so anything goes right? You can see how that logic doesn't lead anywhere good, right?

If your position on the West Bank settlers is that they are illegal and in breach of humanitarian/international law, how do you think the Palestinians in the West Bank should resist these settlers? Are you ok with them using violence to remove these people from their land?
There most certainly is deliberate killing of civilians, what else would you call carpet bombing civilian areas or "safe zones" or refugee camps or hospitals or schools etc along with denying them aid, food, medical supplies?

I believe the evidence points to genocide and that will remain to be seen. However even if it doesn't meet the threshold of genocide, it is at the least ethnic cleansing with the committing of war crimes as well as breaching international law as evidenced by the ICJ's recent ruling.

Your claims that "it is war" ring quite hollow when you are talking about one of the most technologically advanced militaries going up against a terrorist organisation/Guerilla fighters who are based out of an open air concentration camp. On one side it is war on the other it is the destruction of their entire society. You say "it is war" as if this excuses all manner of crimes or horror so do you then excuse any actions taken by Palestinians against Israelis? After all "it is war" so anything goes right? You can see how that logic doesn't lead anywhere good, right?

If your position on the West Bank settlers is that they are illegal and in breach of humanitarian/international law, how do you think the Palestinians in the West Bank should resist these settlers? Are you ok with them using violence to remove these people from their land?

You don't understand the concept of carpet bombing.

When those areas you describe are used for military purposes they lose their protected status.

Israel has committed ethnic cleansing in Gaza before. They removed all Israeli's and Jews from the area in 2005.

I'm not sure what you are rambling on about. The conditions in Gaza were brought about by Hamas, the method they chose to rule with and their intent to destroy and kill every Jew in Israel and replace it with an Islamic state.

You tell me. How has war and terrorism gone for them in the past 75 years. The state of Palestine will never exist until Palestinian leaders want their own state more than they want to destroy Israel.
You don't understand the concept of carpet bombing.

When those areas you describe are used for military purposes they lose their protected status.

Israel has committed ethnic cleansing in Gaza before. They removed all Israeli's and Jews from the area in 2005.

I'm not sure what you are rambling on about. The conditions in Gaza were brought about by Hamas, the method they chose to rule with and their intent to destroy and kill every Jew in Israel and replace it with an Islamic state.

You tell me. How has war and terrorism gone for them in the past 75 years. The state of Palestine will never exist until Palestinian leaders want their own state more than they want to destroy Israel.

Israeli terrorism and apartheid existed long before Hamas formed.
You don't understand the concept of carpet bombing.

When those areas you describe are used for military purposes they lose their protected status.
Holy crap youā€™re deluded.

The burden of proof is on Israel to prove this is the case. Summary executions and collective punishment are wholly illegal.

Israel has committed ethnic cleansing in Gaza before. They removed all Israeli's and Jews from the area in 2005.
Yeah, nah.

Your trivialising of ethnic cleansing with nonsense like this is shameful to be honest.

I'm not sure what you are rambling on about. The conditions in Gaza were brought about by Hamas, the method they chose to rule with and their intent to destroy and kill every Jew in Israel and replace it with an Islamic state.

The persecution in Gaza and the West Bank has been present for much longer than Hamas has existed.

In any case, nobody with their head screwed on is a Hamas supporter. And you know this.
Anyone have any idea what the rationale for destroying Rafah's water infrastructure is?

Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. Act of genocide and war crime.

Which is worse? The destruction of the water supply in Palestine or the limiting and poisoning of the water supply in the West. Much and much really.

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Big opportunity for Gazans' to take control of their destiny now.

Let's hope both sides put an end to this war. I also hope the far right can be removed from power in Israel. If Netanyahu stays there will be continuous conflict. He's gotta go.
You don't understand the concept of carpet bombing.

When those areas you describe are used for military purposes they lose their protected status.

Israel has committed ethnic cleansing in Gaza before. They removed all Israeli's and Jews from the area in 2005.

I'm not sure what you are rambling on about. The conditions in Gaza were brought about by Hamas, the method they chose to rule with and their intent to destroy and kill every Jew in Israel and replace it with an Islamic state.

You tell me. How has war and terrorism gone for them in the past 75 years. The state of Palestine will never exist until Palestinian leaders want their own state more than they want to destroy Israel.

How long do you think until Israel complies with the ICJ ruling? Their occupation has already been declared illegal, it's only a matter of time until they are held to account for their other war crimes and crimes against humanity.

It really is shocking, Israel of all states perpetrating this after what the Jewish people suffered, not just in WW2/Nazi occupied Europe, but in the pogroms and antisemitism across Europe and elsewhere more broadly.
Big opportunity for Gazans' to take control of their destiny now.
Perhaps if Israel ends their illegal occupation and pays reparations so Palestine can be rebuilt. Even then the untold trauma the Palestinians will have unknown/unpredictable consequences.
Huge news if confirmed:

Haniyeh allegedly taken out in Iran.

Hamas won't be around for much longer if this is true.

Surprised they didn't get him sooner than this. While not being one to rejoice in anybody's death, this should help towards seeing an end faster than if he was still living.
It's probably true, unless they're faking it for some reason. Nothing that I can find atm has Israel claiming.

The Palestinian militant group Hamas has released a statement saying its top political leader Ismail Haniyeh has been killed in Iran.

In the statement, the group mourned the death of Haniyeh, and pointed the finger of blame at Israel, saying he was killed in "a treacherous Zionist raid on his residence in Tehran".

Iran's paramilitary Revolutionary Guard also released a statement saying Haniyeh was "assassinated" but gave no details on how.
How long do you think until Israel complies with the ICJ ruling? Their occupation has already been declared illegal, it's only a matter of time until they are held to account for their other war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Not sure why Israel would commit suicide to comply to the nonbinding findings of that advisory opinion by a court they aren't signatories to. I think it's good in a way that there is international pressure for them to cease settler expansion in the West Bank, but the ICJ opinion might end up doing more harm than good.
Perhaps if Israel ends their illegal occupation and pays reparations so Palestine can be rebuilt. Even then the untold trauma the Palestinians will have unknown/unpredictable consequences.

Do you think the billions around the world who stand with Palestine are going to dig deep and help them?
Iā€™m explaining the rationale behind destroying a reservoir. You can call it an excuse if you like but it is war. The IDF are getting out of bed to kill humans so Iā€™m not surprised or baffled by the decision to disrupt the water supply. Are you ?

Pretty sure even the hardcore Zionists on here would not condone the destruction of vital civilian water infrastructure as a form of collective punishment, and here you are excusing it based on ignorance.

Stand by mate. Lebanon to be liberated soon.

I love the Israeli bravado - I think you might find this a slightly different proposition to Hamas. Entry to Lebanon did not go well last time, and that was before Hizbollah.

Or Hezbollah.

Tragically the world and many of the Pro Hamas/Hezbollah/anti democracy posters on this forum have forgotten the tens of thousands of children needlessly slaughtered in the Syrian Civil War.

The Syrian Civil war which Israel along with the US worked hard to forment, support and prolong? How did that work out for you? You're just sad they came out of that as the biggest loser.

Almost any other country doing what Israel is doing, and has done for decades, would have been a pariah state long ago.

They increasingly are, don't worry.

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Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas Conflict

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