Toast Warren Tredrea - Elected to the Port Board (Football discussion only)

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Can someone explain why coaches are a no go zone when it comes to criticism from the media in AFL? It only seems to be open season on players

Coaches get plenty of criticism, just not one.
Take poor old Ben Rutten for example. Kane Cornes was on his case before he even started the job. :D

Yes, no doubt the regime is going to ramp up the smearing of Warren from now on. It's a pity that he's sitting in for Timmy on 5aark this week and not just doing his usual segment, because there's more of a chance of him saying stuff that the regime can use against him. Even yesterday there was one moment while Gornes was on that made me wince.
Maybe Daryl Poole could sit in for Tredders for one episode, he scared the living crap out of Crowie a couple of times back in the 90's when Port v nord games actually meant something, and any attempt by him to continually bait Pooley (as he did to Warren last night) could result in a loud noise caused by Rowe bouncing off the floor. :think:

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For clarity, Warren's treasonous remarks follow the caller beginning at 43:01. He receives one or more phone calls off-air and subsequently clarifies his remarks at 2:07:44.
If you go back a minute or so, you can actually see Warren take the phone call from the Club...

And if you go back another minute or so before that, you can see him counting (using his fingers). Het gets up to 8. Hopefully he is doing the board numbers...
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Coaches get plenty of criticism, just not one.
Take poor old Ben Rutten for example. Kane Cornes was on his case before he even started the job. :D

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I saw something last night where scientists have been able to extract DNA from Neanderthal remains and apart from sub Saharan people who didn't migrate to the other continents something like 100,000 years ago the rest of the world's population today have approximately 2% of Neanderthal DNA in their system.

Ala his old man Studley, if Kornes brow ridges get any bigger I suspect his family may contain just a tad more than that 2%.
Well it seems that what they apparently want him to do is blame the list. Because failing to rebuke criticism of the Port Adelaide coach makes you bitter, a divider, a traitor etc, but calling the Port Adelaide players a bunch of spuds is totally fine and even encouraged.

They've been gaslighting us supporters for years - now it's the players' turn.
As. Another poster said, people just ringing or texting in tonight to vocalise their support for Waz, without getting him into a bind comments wise would be great.

I will, that way he gets to know he's loudly supported, the club and bottom feeders all out for him and us get to hear how united we are.

F&"@ em

On iPhone using mobile app
I'm going to go against the grain here and say that Warren's "good call" was not a good call. That remark needed to be qualified or expanded upon at the time: that it was a strong and clearly articulated view, that it was a "good call" to highlight the discrepancy between statements the club made about the playing list only a few months ago and those being made now, that it was a "good call" to point out that growing public discontent can have financial implications for the club. Warren has done an admirable job in respecting his obligations as a board member without betraying the passion and advocacy that led him to that role, and I include in that the vast majority of his remarks yesterday afternoon, but in this instance I do think that a clarification was appropriate. That's as far as it should go.
Can someone explain why coaches are a no go zone when it comes to criticism from the media in AFL? It only seems to be open season on players.
I think it's a mixture of the idea that from the outside we really don't have a great view on what's actually happening behind closed doors, and the very real notion that not a lot separates the great from the not so great. As many issues as I have with Whateley, he did acknowledge today on radio that no matter what the responsibilities are behind closed doors, the head coach will always bear the ultimate responsibility for the performance of the team. Therefore it's crucial that if a coach is going to die by that sword, that they need to ensure everything is done their way. In Kens situation, and other coaches for that matter, there really is no excuse. You either did things your way and failed or you failed to enter or negotiate a position where you CAN do things your way. End of story.
I'm going to go against the grain here and say that Warren's "good call" was not a good call. That remark needed to be qualified or expanded upon at the time: that it was a strong and clearly articulated view, that it was a "good call" to highlight the discrepancy between statements the club made about the playing list only a few months ago and those being made now, that it was a "good call" to point out that growing public discontent can have financial implications for the club. Warren has done an admirable job in respecting his obligations as a board member without betraying the passion and advocacy that led him to that role, and I include in that the vast majority of his remarks yesterday afternoon, but in this instance I do think that a clarification was appropriate. That's as far as it should go.
It wasn’t said for no reason. The caller called Ken a con man because we’re always promised that this year we’re gonna content. This year we have the tools. This year it’ll be different. And despite that we’ve never made a grand final under him. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Ken is coming up as a con man.
Out of all the Port officials, WGT is under the most pressure and by an order of magnitude. This is only because he is approachable to the members and he knew this week is going to be one of the toughest challenges in his life. Mistakes will be made but his intention is pure in the hearts of the members.

I know he is tough, stoic and I hope he sees this through because the fans & members deserve better.
You know what, Caro was right.

This is a club divided.

On one side are the scum bleeding every dollar they can out of it.
Via various gambling companies and via various other "media" and the advertising it generates.

And on the other side are the people who have been paying their hard earned to support this club every year for generations. The 60,000+ who buy a membership, buy Kayo, put on a bet, watch the media and sit through the adverts, buy the kids some overpriced food to give them a day out.

It's true, we are divided.

There is an entire lake of Port Adelaide support.
And there is scum floating on top of that lake blocking the sun, actively preventing growth while they feed off the lake.

But for a moment, someone threw a rock onto the water and some of the scum cleared, the lake got some sun, and damn it felt good.

It's time for more rocks, before the scum again blocks out the sun.

Are you a rock, or are you part of the scum, that is all that matters in the end.

Ok, so how do we trigger a vote of no confidence in the current board and get the constitution changed?

It has never been more clear that we need a member elected board.
Wow luv this. Beautifully summarised.

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Please tell me this is going to end well. Tredders is up against it & I believe they will try anything to silence him. I hope he has enough support to get the result the majority of members want. It's so predictable the club has resorted to using its media sycophants to fight for it. Such small minded protectionist behaviour.
Not saying this is necessarily true, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if some of the callers to radio are put up to it by Board members to discredit Wazza.
Agree with most of your points. But Ken & the clubs decision makers have created this division. I'm not keen on another weak minded coach being appointed. Given our long term lack of success & a playing list that is capable of playing good footy, I think coaching PA will be an attractive proposition to coaches that have far more to offer us than Hinkley ever has.
Good on him for fronting up and answering to the supporters.
I'm expecting Hinkley and co to be wearing jumpsuits from Fallout at their next public appearance live from the vault.
Shit, dont let them ruin something else I love.
Out of all the Port officials, WGT is under the most pressure and by an order of magnitude. This is only because he is approachable to the members and he knew this week is going to be one of the toughest challenges in his life. Mistakes will be made but his intention is pure in the hearts of the members.

I know he is tough, stoic and I hope he sees this through because the fans & members deserve better.
Yes, I really feel for him. He has become our lifeline & the clubs failure to act for so long has caused this. Members are disappointed & angry & rightly so. We all have to openly support Tredders in large numbers (everything is a numbers game). We are unlikely to get this chance again. If we don't do this now we have no right to winge down the track.
also lol at Kane Cornes comments that because Tredrea apparently has a close relationship with Cripps and Carr that this is "complicated"

sorry whose career was extended by the coach, with allowances made for play acting as a fireman so he could clog a list spot? oh the same player whose brother is on the books at the club

these guys, without a shred of self-awareness lol
also lol at Kane Cornes comments that because Tredrea apparently has a close relationship with Cripps and Carr that this is "complicated"

sorry whose career was extended by the coach, with allowances made for play acting as a fireman so he could clog a list spot? oh the same player whose brother is on the books at the club

these guys, without a shred of self-awareness lol
Just so he could be fireman Sam for 5 minutes.
30 mins until the 5AA Sports Show. Richo and club employees have now gathered at Alberton Mission Control.The 5AA live stream running on the main screen. Keep your eyes and ears open. We must find something we can pin on Tredrea. Otherwise we are forced to try and explain what we have done the last 12 years.


If you find anything at all,even a word we can take out of context, please call Kane immediately on the Ken phone.


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Toast Warren Tredrea - Elected to the Port Board (Football discussion only)

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