Toast Warren Tredrea - Elected to the Port Board (Football discussion only)

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So Chris Davies can come out and throw our players under the bus by saying their not good enough but Warren is the bad guy for defending them?

What an inept, backwards way of analysing the situation and yet here we are.

No wonder the players served up that dross when they had just heard our GM of football say they aren’t good enough publicly before the game.
And our CEO Mr Vanilla Richardson chooses now to show some leadership by…attacking Tredrea for his response to a phone call? Instead of placing an ounce of accountability on the 12 year coach?

What a weak little man
You know what, Caro was right.

This is a club divided.

On one side are the scum bleeding every dollar they can out of it.
Via various gambling companies and via various other "media" and the advertising it generates.

And on the other side are the people who have been paying their hard earned to support this club every year for generations. The 60,000+ who buy a membership, buy Kayo, put on a bet, watch the media and sit through the adverts, buy the kids some overpriced food to give them a day out.

It's true, we are divided.

There is an entire lake of Port Adelaide support.
And there is scum floating on top of that lake blocking the sun, actively preventing growth while they feed off the lake.

But for a moment, someone threw a rock onto the water and some of the scum cleared, the lake got some sun, and damn it felt good.

It's time for more rocks, before the scum again blocks out the sun.

Are you a rock, or are you part of the scum, that is all that matters in the end.

Ok, so how do we trigger a vote of no confidence in the current board and get the constitution changed?

It has never been more clear that we need a member elected board.
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Please tell me this is going to end well. Tredders is up against it & I believe they will try anything to silence him. I hope he has enough support to get the result the majority of members want. It's so predictable the club has resorted to using its media sycophants to fight for it. Such small minded protectionist behaviour.
Yep you just need to follow this forum and see the top two threds since Saturday to get a feel for the head to head battle being put up.

Throwing Warren under the bus isn't in the club's best interest long term. He has every right to ask the questions and building internal divisions isn't going to help going forward.

Admittedly from the club perspective he has to play the diplomatic.

However! He also has the expectations of club members who appointed him. It doesn't appear anyone in the media seem to worry about the club membership element and how they only get 2 reps on the board so want to ensure that they count for something. As much as the club want to defend Ken, they should also be defending Warren who's in a tough position as member elected board member.

It still feels like the club and majority of the media would prefer to throw the membership under the bus, just like the players. Rather than ask if after 12 seasons of much the same whether we should be asking if we could be doing anything better in the coaches box.

My biggest fear is rather than setting ourselves up as a club striving for continual improvement the club is letting the media spook the industry into thinking we eat our own and warn off any potential future options.

Looking for a public beheading of Ken isn't going to be in our best long term interests, regardless if Warrented.
I don’t think Tredrea did much wrong there, certainly not as much as the pearl clutching Caro or Kornes make it out to be.

If he just said “good call” and didn’t engage any further then he’s just acknowledging the caller, he could’ve quite easily said more but chose to say basically nothing while acknowledging the guy. If he’d literally said nothing and left dead air after the caller the Hinkley mafia would no doubt have still made the story that Warren said nothing to defend Ken.

Such a blatant agenda from Caro and Kornes

I took his "good call" as meaning "you make your points well" (unlike half the other neurons that rang in), rather than he fully agreed with all of them.

He might as well give up radio now if they're going to deliberately twist everything he says.
So Tredders can say 'Good Call' and cop a hiding from dipshits in the media who have conflicts of interest for years and nobody ever calls them out?

The fact that 'Caro' sits next to Kane weekly backing Ken in and says nothing about his obvious bias just shows what a bunch of campaigners they are.
I took his "good call" as meaning "you make your points well" (unlike half the other neurons that rang in), rather than he fully agreed with all of them.

He might as well give up radio now if they're going to deliberately twist everything he says.
Yeah I took it to mean "you spoke well" "you're passionate and honest" "thought provoking", not "I endorse every single thing you said".

The CEO and Vic media just wanting to send a clear message: you are on thin ice when it comes to the Ken protection racket.
I actually don't know what the club realistically expects Tredrea to do with some of these callers?
If someone calls in and says " We haven't won a flag under Hinkley, we have only won 2 finals in 9 years, we have lost our last 3 finals by an average of 8 goals, we have a poor record against top four/top eight teams, we have traded away first round picks, I am unhappy we lost on the weekend by 13 goals" etc

How would they like Tredrea to respond? Lie? " Well you are bit harsh on your call there John, don't forget Port have won two flags under Ken and we are currently sitting second on the ladder despite going down to Brisbane on the weekend by three points in a tight encounter"

I listened to the show last night and Tredrea was very diplomatic and supportive of the whole football club. Not emotional at all and really just did what happens in a lot of talk back radio, let the callers have their say.

Footy Classified was obviously scraping the bottom of the barrel to come up with all they could from a three hour radio show.
One of the major issues is people calling in and putting it on Warren to make public comments regarding the situation after he's already made numerous statements. You're basically putting him in a position where he makes a comment that can be twisted and used against him, or he has to completely ignore them and come across like he's turned his back on people. People spouting crap like "We voted you in mate! You need to do what you gotta do!" And having a shot may as well write the bloody script for people working against our interests in the media. Anyone with half a brain can think things through and realize that Warren coming out swinging in the media while he occupies a board position doesn't help anything. WGT actually has the footy clubs best interests at heart. He'd be stupid to go in with a set agenda, and even stupider to compromise any influence or control he now has by giving them ammunition to use against him.

The best thing you can do to support your club at the moment is to leave Warren out of the tirade and let him keep his head down publicly when it comes to commenting on Ken's tenure. He's said about as much as he can say.

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And our CEO Mr Vanilla Richardson chooses now to show some leadership by…attacking Tredrea for his response to a phone call? Instead of placing an ounce of accountability on the 12 year coach?

What a weak little man
Didn't Richmond go through something very similar to this, a huge board split, before they emerged as an absolute powerhouse? A board split is absolutely necessary. The strong will emerge victorious. Who'd you back in a battle to the death between Richardson and Tredrea? I know exactly who my money would be on...
So Tredders can say 'Good Call' and cop a hiding from dipshits in the media who have conflicts of interest for years and nobody ever calls them out?

The fact that 'Caro' sits next to Kane weekly backing Ken in and says nothing about his obvious bias just shows what a bunch of campaigners they are.
And Caro has previously accused Matthew Lloyd of bias for wherever his brother is working at the time
So Tredders can say 'Good Call' and cop a hiding from dipshits in the media who have conflicts of interest for years and nobody ever calls them out?

The fact that 'Caro' sits next to Kane weekly backing Ken in and says nothing about his obvious bias just shows what a bunch of campaigners they are.
She's a ****ing mutt. These sorts of journos are scum of the earth.
How would they like Tredrea to respond? Lie? " Well you are bit harsh on your call there John, don't forget Port have won two flags under Ken and we are currently sitting second on the ladder despite going down to Brisbane on the weekend by three points in a tight encounter"
Well it seems that what they apparently want him to do is blame the list. Because failing to rebuke criticism of the Port Adelaide coach makes you bitter, a divider, a traitor etc, but calling the Port Adelaide players a bunch of spuds is totally fine and even encouraged.
One of the major issues is people calling in and putting it on Warren to make public comments regarding the situation after he's already made numerous statements. You're basically putting him in a position where he makes a comment that can be twisted and used against him, or he has to completely ignore them and come across like he's turned his back on people. People spouting crap like "We voted you in mate! You need to do what you gotta do!" And having a shot may as well write the bloody script for people working against our interests in the media. Anyone with half a brain can think things through and realize that Warren coming out swinging in the media while he occupies a board position doesn't help anything. WGT actually has the footy clubs best interests at heart. He'd be stupid to go in with a set agenda, and even stupider to compromise any influence or control he now has by giving them ammunition to use against him.

The best thing you can do to support your club at the moment is to leave Warren out of the tirade and let him keep his head down publicly when it comes to commenting on Ken's tenure. He's said about as much as he can say.

Yes, no doubt the regime is going to ramp up the smearing of Warren from now on. It's a pity that he's sitting in for Timmy on 5aark this week and not just doing his usual segment, because there's more of a chance of him saying stuff that the regime can use against him. Even yesterday there was one moment while Gornes was on that made me wince.
Can someone explain why coaches are a no go zone when it comes to criticism from the media in AFL? It only seems to be open season on players.

Not coaches, just ken Hinkley.

Some of them they absolutely love piling on. Rutten was treated like a piece of dirt.
I actually don't know what the club realistically expects Tredrea to do with some of these callers?
If someone calls in and says " We haven't won a flag under Hinkley, we have only won 2 finals in 9 years, we have lost our last 3 finals by an average of 8 goals, we have a poor record against top four/top eight teams, we have traded away first round picks, I am unhappy we lost on the weekend by 13 goals" etc

How would they like Tredrea to respond? Lie? " Well you are bit harsh on your call there John, don't forget Port have won two flags under Ken and we are currently sitting second on the ladder despite going down to Brisbane on the weekend by three points in a tight encounter"

I listened to the show last night and Tredrea was very diplomatic and supportive of the whole football club. Not emotional at all and really just did what happens in a lot of talk back radio, let the callers have their say.

Footy Classified was obviously scraping the bottom of the barrel to come up with all they could from a three hour radio show.

They actually used to have tredders on footy classified regularly when they'd cross for an update on SA football. Must be some bad blood between them
They actually used to have tredders on footy classified regularly when they'd cross for an update on SA football. Must be some bad blood between them
Nah I think they just ditched the segment. Apparently WA got a WA one in it's place and that's gone too.

But there would be bad blood between Warren and channel 9.

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